USSR 1941

Chapter 186: raid

  Chapter 186 Raid

  Seeing the retreat of the German tanks, cheers erupted in the Soviet defense line.

  Originally they thought it would be difficult to win this battle due to the huge disparity in strength between them and the enemy, but they didn't expect to repel an enemy attack so easily.

   "Those tanks looked majestic just now, but they immediately became bereaved dogs!"

   "I still want to see what they look like, but I ran away unexpectedly!"

   "Come on! Comrade Leonyev, I just noticed you were shaking!"

   Leonyev smiled embarrassedly, and replied: "If I know that they are retreating like this, I will not tremble!"

   The soldiers laughed together, and some even touched Leonyev's head.

  But the instructor has a serious face.

  If it is just a serious face, then there is no problem. If he is not serious, it will be strange. The problem is that his eyes are still a little dazed.

   "What happened?" Shulka asked.

   "Nothing, Comrade Shulka!" replied the instructor, but then lowered his voice and replied: "The Germans blew up the train coming to reinforce us from Moscow!"

  Shuerka couldn't help opening his mouth for a long time but couldn't close it.

  He should have thought of this a long time ago... If the Germans want to attack Tula, of course they will not allow Soviet troops from other directions to reinforce Tula, including Moscow.

   On the other hand, the rain may have made it difficult for German pilots to bomb the railways at low altitude, but it was much easier to bomb the trains.

   "Are they going to send another reinforcement?" Shulka asked.

  The instructor shook his head and replied, "Remember we came through a tunnel?"

   "Did they blow up the tunnel?"

  The instructor nodded.

   Shulka's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, which meant that not only the 50 anti-tank guns from Moscow reinforcements would not be in place, but also the reinforcements would not be able to arrive within five hours.

   But Shulka had no time to think about it, because someone shouted: "They are attacking!"

  Put your head out of the trench, and sure enough, you see the German army rushing up.

This time they didn't prepare artillery fire but went straight to the attack... this is a wise move, because in this case the shells will not solve the problem and may cause more trouble. On the other hand, they didn't even confirm the Soviet army The position of the line of defense.

  So firing a cannon is just a blind shot, so why waste the shells that are not easy to come by? !

  The tanks are still advancing in a row.

  The difference from before is that the tank stopped when it advanced a distance of about 300 meters, that is, outside the trap.

   Shulka knows why...they are used as cover fire units, which means they have to attack with infantry!

Shulka guessed right, a few flares went up into the sky (the sky was overcast at this time, flares can increase visibility to a certain extent), and then the tanks fired rows of shells in the direction of the Soviet army, and then the German infantry passed by. The tank moved forward.


  Did the Germans really just want to storm with infantry?

Shulka believed that this might not be the case. He raised his binoculars and looked in the direction of the railway. Sure enough, he saw a group of German infantrymen clearing obstacles along the railway... They were not so conspicuous mixed in with the attacking infantry formation, and they did not pay attention. It would be taken for granted that they were also part of the attacking force.

   "Anti-tank guns ready!" Shulka said.

   "Anti-tank guns are ready!" The communications soldier immediately conveyed the order over the phone.

   "They want to launch a surprise attack with tanks!" Shulka said: "The frontal use of infantry to attract our attention, the tanks suddenly inserted into our defense line along the railway..."

  The instructor nodded and said, "Well, let them come! See if your tank ambush works!"

   Just as he was talking, the frontal battle began.

   To be honest, even the German infantry attack without tanks covering the front is quite threatening.

  The reason is that the equipment of the German army can be closely and effectively coordinated.

  50MM mortars are responsible for suppressing enemy machine guns and mortars... This is very important, and it is also a manifestation of the high quality and high training of the German army.

   This aspect is a bit like the Japanese army against the national army in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War.

   There is a tried and tested artifact in Japanese combat: grenades.

  When attacking, the Japanese army always used grenade grenade to suppress the firepower of the machine guns of the national army, and once the machine guns of the national army were suppressed...there was nothing that could stop the Japanese army from charging like wolves and tigers.

  After that, the national army also seized grenadiers from the Japanese army and even imitated a large number of grenadiers. Although the performance was poor due to crude manufacturing, they were still beaten by the Japanese army on the battlefield without any power to fight back.

   It is said that even if the performance is not good enough, it will not be labeled as "powerless to fight back".

   The reason is that it is "people" rather than "weapons".

   There are also differences between grenades in the hands of different people, and the differences are very large:

The grenadier shooters of the Japanese army have been carefully selected and have undergone long-term professional training. It is almost unnecessary to look at them on the battlefield. The quasi-response is still slow, so it is quite normal to be completely suppressed by the enemy.

   At this time, the battlefield between the German army and the Soviet army was almost the same.

The German army has a farther firing range and higher accuracy, while the Soviet army’s shovel-shaped mortars are crudely shaped...a mortar, if its barrel is usually used as a shovel handle, it will be dug and fired in the trenches. It was poked, and sometimes it was smashed with the **** of the gun and stepped on a few times. What kind of accuracy can it hope for? It would be nice to be able to shoot the shells out!

  So shells hit the Soviet machine gun fire and mortar positions one after another, and the hit rate was quite high.

  Long Legs had an accident at this moment.

  He went up when the squad machine gunner was wounded...Long Legs is the squad leader, and one of the squad leader's main responsibilities is to keep the machine gun in combat mode during combat.

  Although it is only a machine gun, Shulka, who once served as the squad leader, knows that it is not easy, because it not only needs to ensure the supply of ammunition and direct the shooting, but also the squad leader can stand up in case of emergency.

  Long Legs did this, and then a mortar shell was precisely blasted onto the machine gun position, and the machine gun was blasted into the sky and became a spare part.

  When Shulka dug his long legs out of the mud, he found that he had lost his hands, and his face couldn't tell whether it was mud or blood. It was a mess and completely inhuman. Only his mouth was still open and he was breathing hard.

   "Comrade Company Commander!" Long-legged said with difficulty, "I don't have... how much time, do you understand? Do you understand... Go and find, my mother... Please..."

  Long Legs reached out to take something out of his pocket, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

   "I know!" said Shulka, "I know, I will do it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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