USSR 1941

Chapter 211: bluff

  Chapter 211 Bluff

  A dog rushed up with a strange saddle on its back.

   "What is that?" Second Lieutenant Kugel asked loudly while continuing to shoot in the direction of the enemy.

   "I don't know!" The subordinate replied: "Maybe it's a military dog, or a dog from the medical unit..."

   But before the words fell, the dog rushed towards the leading tank, and it got under the track of the tank.

   There was a loud noise, soil splashed in all directions like a fountain, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and a No. 2 tank turned into a ball of fire in an instant.

  Second Lieutenant Kugel was stunned on the ground, and then yelled: "Those dogs did it, be careful of those dogs!"

   The answer is obvious, although the German soldiers didn't figure out how the dogs blew up the tank, but the dogs charged and the tank exploded from the bottom up... nothing but the dogs.

   However, it was too late to realize this at this time, and several black shadows rushed out from the enemy's position.

   "Block them!" Ensign Kugel yelled.

  The German soldiers hurriedly turned their guns to point at the black shadows, that is, dogs, and opened fire violently.

   But on the one hand, it was dark at this time, and the dogs were very short, on the other hand, they were very agile, and it was not so easy to hit them.

  So I only heard a few explosions of "Boom" one after another, and the tanks of the reconnaissance team were bombed into the sky one after another.

   "Retreat!" Second Lieutenant Kugel yelled, and at the same time drew out his pistol and shot "bang bang" at a black shadow rushing in front of him.

   Sombra was hit and fell to the ground.

  Second Lieutenant Kugel leaned over to see that it was still alive, struggling on the ground to get up.

  At this time, Lieutenant Kugel realized that it was indeed the problem of these dogs: these dogs carried high explosives on their backs, and a short wooden pole acted as a mechanical detonation device.

  Kugel raised his pistol, put an end to the dog's suffering, and then quickly jumped on the three-wheeled side that his subordinates had adjusted their hair to start and galloped away.

  Behind him, the Soviet army has launched a charge amidst shouts.

   While still on the side three rounds, Second Lieutenant Kugel reported to his superiors via the radio: "Be careful with those dogs, sir!"

   "Dog?" Major Millier, the commander of the Armored Battalion of the follow-up unit, asked suspiciously, "What dog?"

   "They bombed tanks with dogs, sir!" Lieutenant Kugel said, "Strap explosives to the dogs, and the trained dogs will go under the tank chassis..."

   Major Millier burst out laughing.

   "This is the craziest story I've heard in a long time!" Major Millier replied: "The Russians have no other choice, have they? They have to rely on dogs to guard Moscow!"

   "Sir!" Lieutenant Kugel heard the disdain in Major Millier's tone, and hurriedly reminded: "They can indeed pose a threat, and they are difficult to defend. Several of our tanks have already..."

   "I see, Lieutenant!" Major Miller interrupted Kugel: "I will let the soldiers pay attention to those dogs!"

However, Lieutenant Kugel's warning obviously failed to attract Major Miller's attention, because not long after, Lieutenant Kugel saw tanks and armored vehicles rushing up the railway from his side, and launched an attack formation.

   "God!" Second Lieutenant Kugel couldn't help but wailed as he watched the tanks lined up, which was simply sent up to let the dogs play a role.

Sure enough, amidst bursts of intense gunfire and artillery sound, German tanks were blown up one after another... The Russians seemed to be smart. They didn't just let out dogs as simply as before, but used flares , machine guns, and mortars confuse each other, and they only released dogs when the battlefield was full of gunpowder smoke and the attention of German soldiers was attracted.

  Dogs have a very keen sense of smell and hearing, so even at night they can accurately pounce on the "rumbling" enemy tanks.

  As for humans, it is difficult to find these animals that are almost running fast against the ground in the dark night, and sometimes it is difficult for them to find it even right in front of them.

  The Soviet camp burst into cheers.

   "They work!" Tarasik said excitedly, "It's amazing!"

  After thinking for a while, Shulka ordered to his subordinates: "Go and catch all the dogs in the nearby villages and towns here, move quickly!"

   "But Major..." Tarasik was a little puzzled by Shulka's order: "Dogs without training cannot complete this task. They will only run around with explosives on their backs, and even wag their tails in front of us!"

   "You're right, Comrade Dashi!" Shulka said: "But the Germans don't know that!"

  Tarasik still didn't understand the meaning of Shulka's words.

   But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, as long as the Germans understand.

  The information was transmitted to Major General Schroeder's headquarters, and Major General Schroeder couldn't help being stunned when he heard the battle report.

   "They bombed tanks with dogs? And we lost dozens of tanks?"

"Yes, Your Excellency General!" the adjutant replied: "A total of thirty-two vehicles were blown up, and there were several other cars! It was difficult for us to prevent these animals from rushing towards our tanks in the dark. Dogs painted black or brown like mud!"

  Major General Schroeder was stunned for a while, and then asked: "Maybe they don't have many such dogs..."

"I don't think so, Your Excellency General!" The adjutant replied: "Soldiers on the front line reported that there were many dogs barking on the opposite side. Obviously, the Russians have made full preparations for this battle, otherwise they would not have connected barbed wire, Barricades are removed!"

   Adjutant General Schroeder’s words convinced Major General Schroeder, because it was indeed more in line with common sense... Choosing this open land suitable for tank operations as the battlefield is more important because the road is dry.

  The Russians don't need to do this unless they are certain of victory.

  This grasp is that they have many dogs in their hands, many dogs that will drill under the tank chassis.

  If the fight continues like this, I am afraid that the tanks of the 79th Armored Division will be almost blown up before dawn.

  Thinking of this, Major General Schroeder had no choice but to order: "Defend on the spot, and settle accounts with these Russians after dawn!"

  So the German 79th Armored Division stopped in front of the 333rd Infantry Regiment to build field fortifications and pull barbed wires in front of the fortifications... These barbed wires are not used to stop the enemy but to stop mine dogs.

   Also, they placed searchlights and riflemen behind barbed wire to shoot down mine dogs if they spotted them.

  What the Germans didn't know was that this was exactly what the 333rd regiment wanted, because they only had a dozen mine dogs left.

   "You have won again, Shulka!" Major Gavrilov said: "You are right, they stopped!"

  (end of this chapter)

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