USSR 1941

Chapter 214: T4

   Chapter 214 T34

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The 333rd regiment retreated layer by layer, firing a few smoke bombs and releasing a few dogs in the direction the Germans were chasing from time to time, which could scare the German tank troops to stop their defense... In fact, most of the dogs used by the Soviet army were already at this time. They are ordinary dogs that have not been trained, so Soviet soldiers dare not tie explosives to them.

The reason is that these dogs are even difficult to get them to rush towards the enemy, so the Soviet soldiers had to take some tempting food such as bread cubes into balls, and then throw them hard in the direction of the Germans... even this sometimes failed Yes, because a group of dogs rushed towards the food, and then when they realized that the food had been taken, they would turn around and run back to wag their tails at the Soviet soldiers.

  If these dogs were strapped with bombs, the first to suffer would probably be the Soviet army itself.

However, the German army still has to be careful, because there are occasionally a few trained dogs tied with explosives among them. When the German army relaxes their vigilance...they take advantage of the gap and rush under the tank chassis and "boom" "Sound.

  These are still secondary, and soon the mines also played a role, and several of the tanks moving forward in a neat formation were quickly paralyzed, so the German army had to send engineers to the front.

  This made the 333rd regiment retreat in an orderly manner, so that Shulka hoped to show a little "routine" but was not available.

   But this is not important. The important thing is that the German army followed up from behind, and advanced forward at a leisurely pace.

  Major General Rhodes already felt a little unusual in its implementation, and the enemy's retreat seemed to be planned.

  If the retreat is planned, it means that the Soviet army hopes that the German army will attack in this way, that is, there is likely to be an ambush ahead.

   But even so, Major General Schroeder didn't take it to heart: so what if there is an ambush ahead? Do those stupid Russians really think they can trap an Imperial armored division?

   More importantly, there is an even bigger temptation in front of Major General Schroeder...Moscow.

   In the face of this temptation, any German commander has no resistance, and they are willing to take risks for it.

  Therefore, Major General Schroeder just confessed to his subordinates through the walkie-talkie: "Pay attention to the two wings, the enemy may have an ambush!"

  The rain in the sky turned into snowflakes again, and soon the vision became wider.

   "Great!" Major General Schroeder said to the adjutant: "Soon our air force will be put into use!"

   What Major General Schroeder didn't expect was that they couldn't wait for that moment at all...

  The tank continued to "rumble" forward, and then strangely, the enemy disappeared in front of it.

   "We can't see them, Your Excellency General!" The forward reconnaissance unit reported to Major General Schroeder.

   "What does it mean you can't see them?"

   "I don't know, they just disappeared!"


   After thinking for a while, Major General Schroeder ordered: "All stop advancing!"

  The tanks stopped one by one and lined up in a neat row. The infantry poked their heads out from the gaps between the tanks to observe the front, holding their guns as if facing the enemy, hoping to find some clues of the enemy's ambush.

   But there was nothing, except for bursts of cold and snow mixed with rain, only the "rumble" of German tanks.

   Then, three red flares suddenly rose into the sky.

  Major General Schroeder immediately knew that something was wrong, and quickly ordered: "Get ready to fight!"

  The reason why he did not order: "There is an ambush, retreat!", but to prepare the soldiers for battle, is because he believes that his troops can defeat the enemy, any enemy.

In fact, it is not only Major General Schroeder who thinks this way, almost all German officers and soldiers have the same idea at this time: after a large number of equipment and troops have been surrounded by the German army, there is no Russian army that can stop the German attack. A city with its gates open to the Germans. If there were any troubles, it was muddy roads, mines, barricades and bombed out bridges.

  Hitler has declared internationally: Germany has captured 650,000 Soviet troops, 5,000 cannons and 1,200 tanks. Moscow was over, the entry ceremony had been arranged, Hitler was going to enter Moscow on a white horse from the direction of Mount Poklonn, and all the officials had even prepared their tuxedos and white gloves.

  Everything also confirms this point: the German army can take Moscow before the severe winter of the Soviet Union.

  Because the 79th Armored Division is already about 60 kilometers outside Moscow at this time, and is still advancing.

  The problem is that... the 79th Panzer Division fell into a trap, a terrible trap that the Germans had never imagined.

   "Boom" a burst of gunfire, several German tanks at the forefront were penetrated and black smoke rose.

   "Anti-tank gun!" A German soldier shouted, and then set up mortars in a hurry.

This is the standard procedure of the German army. In addition to being used by the German army to assist infantry attacks, the 50MM mortar is also a very good equipment for covering tanks, especially for dealing with enemy anti-tank guns... Anti-tank guns are generally equipped with anti-shields. It is difficult for bullets to pose a threat to it from the front.

  So, if it is found that the anti-tank gun is very difficult to use a machine gun to fire it, unless the bullet can pass through the observation hole by chance and hit the gunner hiding behind it.

   Mortars are different. Its ballistic trajectory is curved, and it can bypass the shield and blast the gunner behind it.

   More importantly, the 50MM mortar has a range of 500 meters, which is also the best shooting distance for enemy anti-tank guns.

   Too far away is hard to hit, too close will be suppressed or even crushed by tanks.

  The problem is...

  When the German infantry prepared their mortars and were ready to launch, there was the sound of a "rumbling" engine on the opposite side, like a rolling thunder, and it was accompanied by rising exhaust.

   "God!" A gunner couldn't help shouting: "That's not an anti-tank gun, it's an enemy tank!"

  Tanks cannot be dealt with by 50MM mortars.

  However, the German soldiers fired out rows of mortar shells.

   Turns out they had already guessed, the mortar shells just kicked up a cloud of dust and smoke.

  Then, one after another tanks came out of the bunkers, with black barrels and angled turrets, covered with camouflage made of vegetation.

   "T34!" The German soldiers shouted: "T34 is everywhere, we are surrounded!"

  The German army has faced this kind of tank on the battlefield, so it is troublesome enough to know that even one or two such tanks appear on the battlefield.

  But now, a group of people appeared around them...

  (end of this chapter)

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