USSR 1941

Chapter 219: Kling Line

  Chapter 219 Kling Line of Defense

  The Soviet army seized not only cars and supplies from the German army, but also armored vehicles, barrel cars and even a dozen tanks.

   Capture of tanks from the Germans is rare.

   This is partly because the Germans always blow up equipment before surrendering.

  On the other hand, it is because the German army is on the offensive most of the time... The advantage of the offensive is that in addition to the advantages mentioned by the Germans' "offensive advantage theory", there is actually an advantage in terms of spoils.

  The troops on the offensive don’t need to worry about their faulty equipment falling into the hands of the enemy, because the troops in front are always advancing and the enemy is always retreating. If the faulty equipment falls behind, it can be slowly repaired in the rear.

  The retreating troops were not so lucky, their front line was constantly retreating or it could be said to be fleeing.

  So, once the equipment breaks down and needs to be repaired...the first thing you need to calculate is whether you can fix it and escape before the enemy catches up.

   Otherwise, forget it, blow it up so you don't leave it to the enemy.

  A considerable part of the equipment of the Soviet army was blown up under such circumstances.

  But as the saying goes, "Feng Shui turns around", the German army never thought that they would suddenly become the retreating party.

  So, the German army, who was accustomed to not blowing up the faulty equipment and letting them slowly repair it in the rear or even on the roadside, suffered a disadvantage...

   Shulka and his men seized three tanks on the roadside, two "No. 3" and one "No. 2".

  German mechanics and tank crews are chatting while repairing tanks, or discussing tank malfunctions, but it doesn't matter.

  The important thing is that they still didn’t notice anything abnormal when the car in which Shulka and others were driving came to them... Maybe they were too focused on repairing tanks, or Shulka and others were taking German cars and armored vehicles.

   This was actually done by Major Gavrilov on purpose, because he believed that if the vanguard troops used all the German equipment, they might receive unexpected results.

   It turns out that Major Gavrilov was right.

The car stopped next to the tank, and then the German tank soldiers stared blankly at the Russian soldiers who jumped out of the car... At first they even thought that these Russian soldiers in Russian uniforms were evacuated prisoners, until they found that these "captives" "With a gun in his hand, his eyes were full of murderous looks before he realized that something was wrong.

  They wanted to get guns but it was too late, because the muzzles of black holes had been pressed to their heads and they were all disarmed.

   It's ridiculous that there is a mechanic under the tank. He doesn't know what's going on outside, and he is still complaining on the chassis while repairing the tank.

The thief stepped forward and kicked his exposed foot, and the mechanic cursed. Although the German Shulka couldn't understand, he could vaguely guess that it was: "Don't bother me, it will be fine soon!" Class words.

  The Soviet soldiers laughed together. Only then did the mechanic realize that something was wrong, and slowly drilled out of the chassis to take a look... The outside was full of Soviet soldiers at some point, and his own people were all under control.

   "Continue!" Shulka said to the group of Germans in English: "Until the tank is repaired, if something happens...I can't guarantee how my men will deal with you!"

   A group of disarmed German mechanics could only continue their work until the tank was activated.

   Then, the Soviet army even drove German tanks to explore the way ahead.

  This is even more subtle... The personnel are all hiding in the tank, and it is impossible to find out who is inside from the outside.

   As a result, more and more tanks were captured. When the fourth tank brigade arrived in Klin, it already had 18 German tanks, and the Soviet army swaggered into Klin with them.

  Kling's German army received the news and was ready for battle.

   After all, Kling is different from other German troops who are marching forward. The German army has a division-level headquarters here, and the SS special operations team has also taken over the security and search of the city.

  One telegram and they knew that a Soviet army was attacking Kling.

  The German army even sent reconnaissance planes and even an air force to bomb the fourth tank brigade that was marching on the railway... As the visibility increased, the German air force also became active.

But of course, the weather is not good enough to bomb the tanks without hindrance, especially the tanks on the ground have a set of camouflage methods: when they spot enemy aircraft from a distance, they stop immediately and cover the tanks with canvas...from the sky down It's hard to spot where the tank is by looking.

   However, these are not the point.

  The point is that the Soviet army drove German tanks and armored vehicles into the Klin defense line temporarily formed by the German army, and the German army did not intend to stop them at all... They thought these were the retreating troops of the German army.

   After all, there is an armored division ahead, and it is normal for a dozen tanks and a dozen armored vehicles to escape back.

   The sentry even stood up and saluted the tanks after removing the barricades for them.

  So the German army was in tragedy.

   After tanks and armored vehicles broke into the German defense line, they rushed around at full speed.

  Machine guns fired everywhere, knocking down the German soldiers with their backs facing them in the trenches to the ground in pieces.

  The artillery shells were fired one after another, blowing up the German artillery positions and anti-tank gun positions one by one, and the entire defense line fell into chaos.

   Then, when the Soviet T34 tank appeared at the other end of the railway... the German defense line had collapsed.

   Shulka did not participate in this battle, he was an infantryman, and driving tanks and armored vehicles into enemy positions should be the task of tank soldiers.

  Shuerka only saw piles of dead bodies lying on the German positions, as well as various discarded machine guns, anti-tank guns, and howitzers.

  These anti-tank guns and howitzers were either blown into parts, or they were knocked upside down or even twisted and deformed by the tanks.

  Of course, corpses and blood in various poses are indispensable next to them.

  The Germans had a chance to stop the 4th Soviet Tank Brigade.

Because the position they chose is very suitable for a defensive battle... Except for a railway, there are farmland and vegetable fields on both sides. The German army first opened the irrigation canal to make it a swamp, and they even planted anti-tank mines in it. .

   Then, there is a howitzer battalion on each side of the railway, and the muzzle has been aimed at the railway.

   Anti-tank guns may not be able to penetrate the T34, but large-caliber howitzers are not what it can withstand: if a 105MM caliber shell hits the tank directly, it can shock the tank crew to death even if it cannot penetrate the armor.

  The mistake of the German army is that they should not believe too much what they see with their own eyes: the tank is indeed a German tank, but the person driving the tank may not be a German.

  (end of this chapter)

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