USSR 1941

Chapter 223: Uncle Alek

  Chapter 223 Uncle Alek

  Moscow barracks... This barracks is no longer the barracks where the 333rd regiment was stationed before.

  The previous military camp was more than ten miles away from the train station, and it took about half an hour for the tanks to travel back and forth. This was undoubtedly a huge waste for the fourth tank brigade, which needed to attack frequently as a mobile force.

  So they opened up a temporary military camp near the train station.

  The reason for using "open up" is because this barracks was indeed opened up.

  This is the great Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, and also the largest city in the Soviet Union. Of course, the houses near the train station are expensive, and there are various shops, hotels, restaurants, etc. densely distributed here.

But all of this was before the war. With the outbreak of the war, the train station became a warehouse and transfer station for stockpiling materials and troops... A large number of soldiers and equipment were transported here to wait for orders, and many were even sent directly to the front.

  The 4th Tank Brigade got a barracks in such an underground warehouse with high confidentiality and security.

   This is why it goes without saying, it is close enough to the train station, and you can rush to the battlefield in the fastest time.

  In fact, not only the purpose of the railway station has changed, but other factories and even workers have all been mobilized and transformed their functions:

  The trolleybus repair factory began to produce grenades, the machinery factory switched to producing tanks and explosives, and even the small factory that originally produced residents' clothing and accessories also produced anti-tank grenades for the front line.

  Thousands of old people, women, and even students entered factories to help produce equipment.

  Mortars, rifles, bombs, and shells were produced in batches. The automobile factory produces a large number of off-road vehicles and artillery parts, castings and detonators used by the army.

Just like a picture Shulka saw in the newspaper: a teenager wearing a peaked cap, he looks only thirteen or fourteen years old, his face is still childish, but he is skillfully working with a screwdriver Repairing the Maxim heavy machine gun.

  The teenager probably didn't know that he would pass on this photo to future generations, because Shulka had seen it in a modern museum.

   But none of this matters.

  The important thing is what Shulka thinks in his head... After the Fourth Tank Brigade recaptured Klin, the 16th, the new 5th, 43rd, and 49th Army of the Susi Front formed a complete line of defense.

  Combined with the mobile defense of the Fourth Tank Brigade, it should not be a problem to hold this line of defense until the arrival of reinforcements from the Far Eastern Front in winter.

Especially after the First World War in Klin, Zhukov paid enough attention to the 4th Tank Brigade... To be precise, Zhukov has always attached great importance to the 4th Tank Brigade, but he did not expect the 4th Tank Brigade to be so important degree.

As a result, the equipment of the 4th Tank Brigade was quickly replenished, including cars, anti-aircraft guns from the air defense battalion, and anti-tank guns from the 333rd Regiment... The anti-tank guns were still in short supply. The 333rd Regiment only got ten, but they added 30. PTRD anti-tank rifle.

   To be honest, this PTRD anti-tank rifle is not an excellent rifle, it is a kind of equipment used by the Soviet Union for emergency:

  The armor protection of German tanks is generally not strong, especially the "No. 1", "No. 2" and the "38T" produced in the Czech Republic. They can even use 12.7MM anti-aircraft machine guns to penetrate at a relatively short distance.

  So, the Soviet army needed an effective individual weapon to deal with these light tanks.

  The PTRD anti-tank rifle was born in anticipation of this: after the outbreak of the war, the demand was discovered in July, and the prototype gun was produced more than a month later, and then it was put into mass production.

  However, the output is still not large so far, and the 333rd regiment can get 30 is also a priority distribution.

   While Shulka was thinking wildly at the newspaper, Kalashnikov sat next to Shulka and swung the vodka in his hand.

   Tankers like Kalashnikov were the envy of everyone in the 4th Brigade, not because they drove tanks and defeated the enemy on the battlefield, because the 333rd Infantry Regiment was also a part of it.

  The reason why they became the object of envy and jealousy is because the Supreme Command swiped a pen: "The vodka ration of the tank soldiers is doubled!", so their vodka increased to 200 grams per day.

  Uncle Alek was a little unhappy about this, and he even pestered Shulka for a while.

   "Comrade company commander!" Uncle Alek said, "Believe me, driving a tank is no different from driving a car. I hope you can recommend me to become a tank driver!"

   "That's physical work, Uncle Alek!" said Shulka, "and you're already in your fifties..."

"For the motherland and for the army!" Uncle Alek puffed up his chest and clenched his fists, showing a powerful look in front of Shulka: "No matter how hard or tired I am, I have no complaints, let alone I am no better than They are bad!"

   Shulka had no choice but to kick the ball: "Uncle Alek, this is not something I can decide..."

   "You must be able to, you are a 'breakout hero'!" Uncle Alek said: "They say you can even make Comrade Zhukov accept your proposal..."

   Shulka could only respond with a wry smile. If he really suggested to Katukov that an old driver in his fifties should drive the tank, then Katukov would think him crazy.

   "Otherwise, Uncle Alek!" Shulka said: "If you insist, of course I will recommend it to you..."

   "Thank you so much, Comrade Company Commander!" Uncle Alek danced with excitement, his face flushed as if he drank 200 grams of vodka.


   "But what?" Uncle Alek was a little nervous.

   "I was just thinking about asking for double the vodka for you!" Shulka said: "But if you become a tanker and you already have double rations..."

"Oh, Comrade Company Commander!" Uncle Alek slapped his head: "Look at me, I'm so stupid! I've been driving a car for more than ten years, how can I drive a tank? Won't leave the 3rd company, and the boys from the 3rd company, they are so cute, so heroic... oh, I forgot, I hurt my feet, and I heard that the gas and brake of the tank are much heavier than the car..."

   So the matter was finally settled.

   As for Uncle Alek, Shulka sometimes can't do anything about him.

  He's a veteran and brave, although he's more of a driver.

   So the fighters respected him, including Shulka. But good wine is like life, almost to the point where the relatives do not recognize it.

"They should have doubled your ration, Comrade Shulka!" Kalashnikov handed the poured wine to Shulka and said, "I know you gave Uncle Alek your share." !"

   "It's nothing!" Shulka replied: "I need to clear my head!"

  Kalashnikov nodded to express his understanding: "That's right, it's like you commanding a tank to crash the enemy's anti-aircraft guns!"

  (end of this chapter)

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