USSR 1941

Chapter 229: family

  Chapter 229 Family

   On the way back to the barracks, Major Gavrilov asked, "You don't like this counterattack either, do you?"

"Yes, Comrade Major!" Shulka replied: "It is very likely that it will destroy our preparations, all preparations... Even if this plan wins, it will disrupt the German deployment as the colonel said. or delay their attack on the second line of defense, but that may only be a few days. But our loss may be all mobile forces and reserves. At that time, not only will we not be able to implement mobile defense, but The weakness of the entire defense line is placed in front of the enemy, and the enemy is powerless to make plans to break through!"

   "So!" Major Gavrilov said: "Now that you know this, you should know what to do!"


   "Find a way, Shulka!" Major Gavrilov said: "I know you will always have a way!"

   "But this is an order from the superior..."

   "Anyway!" Major Gavrilov interrupted Shulka: "Let me know when you think of a way, it's up to you!"

   While saying that, Major Gavrilov patted Shulka on the shoulder and left, leaving Shulka alone in a daze.

  Back to the barracks... In fact, it was just a temporary shelter from the wind and rain. They were also painted white, and they looked like small snow mountains at first glance in the night.

   Of course, the instructors knew the news of the counterattack first, and the political workers always knew this earlier, because only in this way could they "guide" the frontline commanders to move in the right direction.

   "I want to know what you think?" the instructor asked Shulka bluntly.

   "A very good plan, instructor!" Shulka said in a half-joking tone: "We are going to start a counterattack!"

   "Don't tell me that!" said the instructor, "I want to know if we can win this battle!"

  Shuerka was silent for a while, and he could see that the instructor was serious... As long as he knew a little military common sense, he knew that this should not be done at this time. The counterattack plan was full of loopholes and he rushed into battle.

   But the instructor knows more about ideological work than military common sense.

"Victory?" said Shulka. "Maybe we'll win because the Germans didn't expect us to be so stupid as to launch a counterattack in this it will catch them off guard and we'll have the upper hand in our direction." !"

   "What does it mean to be so stupid?" the instructor asked again.

"Because the victories achieved are meaningless!" Shulka said: "Our victory will form a salient on the defense line. At the same time, the Germans react quickly, and they will quickly gather much more than ours. troops, and then divide and encircle our salient from the line of defense!"

  The instructor nodded silently, and then replied: "General Zhukov doesn't agree with this plan, but..."

   This was within Shulka's expectations, and it was impossible for Zhukov to formulate such a suicide-like combat plan.

   At the same time, it is not difficult for Shulka to guess that the only one who can make Zhukov helpless is Stalin.

   This is like the defense of Kiev. Everyone thinks that Kyiv should be abandoned, but the Supreme Command insists on not withdrawing. In the end, it directly led to the siege of Kyiv and the capture of more than 600,000 people.

   Of course, this is what happened in history.

But even if the appearance of Shulka did not make all this happen, Kyiv is still in danger, or it can be said that the command of the Supreme Command is proved to be wrong... They are more inclined to their own subjective wishes, pay more attention to spiritual victory and go against the battlefield Some of the fundamental laws of ignorance of objective reality.

   They should have learned their lesson, but they didn't.

   "Then you should have prepared earlier, Comrade Shulka!" said the instructor.


   "Prepare early!" The instructor said: "Think about how to face such an unfavorable situation!"

  Shuerka spread his hands helplessly, and everyone was counting on him to come up with a solution... The best way is not to launch this so-called "counterattack".

   But of course this is not within Shulka's control.

  So, early the next morning, Shulka and others were ordered to prepare for battle.

At this time, the sky was still dark, and the mechanics had completed the last overhaul of the tanks, and the infantry was assigned to the tanks in groups and prepared to charge. There were even civilians digging trenches on the front line of defense. The troops lined up for the attack cast curious eyes behind them... They also seemed puzzled by the Soviet counterattack.

  At this time, Shulka heard the actor in front of him shout in surprise and joy: "Shuerka, Comrade Company Commander, Comrade Company Commander!"

   "What's the situation?" Shulka was a little annoyed.

  Although the actor is his friend and fellow countryman, he is about to attack now, and the actor should not add trouble at this time.

   "Come here!" said the actor.

  Shuerka was going to refuse, but the actor ran up, grabbed Shuerka without any explanation, and dragged him forward.

  In the trench, two muddy civilians were waiting. When they saw Shulka, they couldn't help being too excited to speak.

   "Shuerka, it's really you, it's really you!"

  One of the women hugged Shulka so excitedly that she shed tears, choked up in her mouth and said vaguely: "Shuerka, my child, I didn't expect to see you here..."


  Shuerka didn't dare to speak, and cast his eyes on the actor. Seeing the actor nodded heavily, Shuerka knew that the two people in front of him were his parents.

   Shulka didn't know what to say for a moment. He thought about meeting them, but he didn't think about meeting them on such an occasion.

   "You...why are you here?" Shulka asked.

"We are building trenches here!" Father patted Shurka on the shoulder and said, "Shuerka, we have all heard about you. They say that you have made meritorious service on the battlefield and are a hero... We are here for you Proud! So, as parents of heroes, we can't embarrass you!"

After a pause, my father added: "Actually, your mother has always wanted to meet you on the battlefield. I told her it was impossible. We have too many troops. You know, it is almost impossible to meet... I never thought I was wrong!"

   "Shuerka, let me see you..." The mother held Shulka's face with tears in her hands, and then suddenly laughed: "You have grown up, Shurka, I can hardly recognize you!"


  For some unknown reason, Shulka also felt uncomfortable, with a sore nose, and then naturally yelled.

  At this moment, a shout from the instructor came from behind.

   Shulka could only say: "I'm going to the battlefield, mom, dad...don't worry about me!"

   "You're all right, we know!"

   This is a sentence that Shulka vaguely heard before the sound of the tank "rumbling".

  (end of this chapter)

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