USSR 1941

Chapter 234: headquarters

  Chapter 234 Headquarters

   Four more changes, what about the monthly pass, brothers? The fifth update may be after 12 o'clock, brothers who can't wait, watch it tomorrow!


  But of course the line of defense organized by the German army in a hurry could not stop the Soviet army from attacking. They didn't even know that the Soviet army was equipped with "Katyusha".

   Then there was another salvo of rockets, and the 333rd Infantry Regiment broke into the village of Skirmanovo under the cover of tanks.

  The defense of the German army was mainly deployed outside the village, like an egg, the hard shell was punctured and the inside was empty.

   To be precise, it is not empty, but most of them are logistics troops, field hospitals, guard battalions and headquarters.

  These troops are all light weapons in their hands, not even anti-tank grenades, which allows the Soviet T34 tanks to rampage inside without a single general.

  A German convoy, presumably coming for reinforcements, was coming along the street... They probably didn't know that the front line of defense had collapsed, and everyone was moving at high speed in the car.

   Then I turned a corner along the street and suddenly found a T34 tank in front of me slowly driving forward, followed by a group of Soviet soldiers.

   "God!" The driver slammed on the brakes and yelled at the rear compartment: "Get off! Get off...enemy tank!"

   But it was too late, and the tank blew up the car into a fireball with a "boom" as it advanced.

  It is true that the tank has no accuracy while moving, but the target is only tens of meters, and it is so large that the entire observation hole is covered, so it is difficult to miss it.

  The tank then moved on, pushing the burning wreck forward, the car was quickly overturned, and the tracks rattled up and ripped it in half.

It was hard for Shulka and others who were following behind. There were car fragments on fire all over the ground, gunpowder smoke and gasoline smell everywhere, and there were burnt ones, ones that were crushed into meat by tanks, and even some The "Fire Man" screamed and crawled and rolled on the ground.

   Shulka had to be careful to avoid these fires, because they were all open flames with gasoline, and if they accidentally touched them, they would burn themselves.

   As for those "burning men", they just end their suffering with bullets... not out of mercy, but for safety, who knows if those "burning men" will suddenly jump from the ground and hug you.

  Experience tells Shulka that if you encounter such a thing, it is very difficult to break free, because you cannot resist the bursting strength of a person who is suffering from acute pain.

   Shulka encountered a similar incident before this. A Soviet tank was hit. Leonyev hoped to rescue the tank soldiers trapped in the tank.

  He did succeed, but the tank soldier was on fire, and he yelled and clung to Leonyev like a life-saving straw.

  Seeing that the fire was about to spread to Leonyev, Shulka raised his rifle and shot the tank soldier...

   That was one of his own, Shulka knew it, but it was the only way to do it under the circumstances.

  From then on, Leonyev seemed to have a phobia. As long as someone held his arm a little harder or hugged him, he would break free and run away with a scream.

  At this time, Shulka and the others certainly do not want this scene to happen again, so the best way is to turn those "burning people" into dead people who cannot move.

  The tank continued to "rumble" forward, and Shulka saw two barrel trucks and an armored vehicle parked in front of a building.

   This made him realize that it was probably the enemy's headquarters.

   "Attention!" Shulka gestured to the followers behind the tank, and shouted: "Enemy headquarters!"

   Sure enough, two German officers ran out of the building. They jumped onto the barrel cart as fast as they could and hoped to escape with it.

  But a burst of machine gun bullets from the tank knocked them down in a pool of blood.

   "Don't let them run away!" Shulka ordered, and with a wave of his hand, the soldiers rushed over the tanks and rushed towards the building at his lead.

  The tank raised its muzzle, and used parallel machine guns to sweep at the rear of the building, regardless of whether the target was found.

  Running to the door, the veteran kicked the door open with one kick, picked up the PPD submachine gun and aimed a few bullets inside, then quickly retreated back and leaned against the wall.

  The actor threw the grenade that had already ignited the fuse into it...

   There was a panic cry from inside, and then there was a "boom", and Shulka and others rushed in.

   "Bang!" Shulka raised his gun and killed a German soldier squatting next to his desk. He was holding an MP40 submachine gun in his hand. If he was allowed to fire first, a large number of soldiers who rushed into the headquarters would fall down.

  Other fighters shot down the resisting German army and shouted: "Drop your weapons and raise your hands!"

  A German officer resisted a little and was knocked to the ground by the **** of his gun.

   "Don't shoot, don't shoot!" The German officer raised his hand: "I surrender!"

   Looking at his military rank, he is a major general.

   "What is your position, Major General?" Shulka asked in English.

   "Master!" The officer replied: "Master of the 10th Armored Division..."

  This is a big fish, and it will save the Soviet army a lot of trouble, because it means that the German troops stationed in this area will be in a state of no command for at least a while.

   This major general is Major General Erich, the commander of the German 10th Armored Division.

  The German armored forces have a tradition of commanders visiting the front line in person, so Major General Erich rushed to the village of Skirmanovo to take command as soon as he received the battle report from the front line.

  Major General Erich never expected that the Soviet army broke through the German defense line from another direction and rushed into the headquarters and put a rifle on his head just as he arrived.

"Good job!" Major Gavrilov replied after hearing that Shulka had captured the commander of the 10th Armored Division: "Then, we can take advantage of this time to rescue the village of Kozvo, where the fighting is not easy." It went well, our army suffered heavy casualties but failed to break through their line of defense!"

   "No, Comrade Major!" Shulka said: "I think we should attack the village of Mabeno instead of the village of Kozvo!"

  Mabeno village is a village deep in the German army, and it is also the location of the German reserve force.

  It is about three kilometers away from the two villages on the front line of the German army, forming a triangle with them.

  Major Gavrilov thought for a while, then nodded and said, "You are right, the target is Mabeno Village!"

  The answer is obvious. If the German division headquarters is taken away by the Soviet army without preparation, it means that the German Mabeno village probably does not know the frontline battle situation.

   In other words, the information they got was half an hour ago, that is, the front line firmly withstood the Soviet attack and severely hit the Soviet army.

  So, in this case, if the fourth tank brigade quickly penetrates into the village of Marbeno, it will obviously save the Soviet army a lot of trouble.

  (end of this chapter)

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