USSR 1941

Chapter 833: airborne brigade

  Chapter 833 Airborne Brigade

   Shulka convinced Trufanov and Zolotarev with just one sentence: "Anyway, we use them as infantry!"

This sounds simple, but if you think about it carefully... the Soviet infantry is the cheapest. Although the Soviet Union's military resources have reached the point where women and children are drawn into the army at this time, thousands of infantry are still nothing. Usually, especially in the Battle of Stalingrad, the casualties of a few assaults can reach this number.

  If the Soviet army uses them as airborne troops, then it should indeed be considered, because the airborne troops are selected from the best and have a long training period.

  But the Soviet army used them as infantry and placed them in positions to charge with the infantry division... So even if this airborne mission is dangerous and difficult, and at the same time insufficiently prepared, inexperienced, etc., so what? The big deal is that thousands of infantry were killed or injured!

   This seems a little out of line with Shurka's style, because Shurka has always valued life and loved soldiers like sons.

   But it is in line with Shulka's style, because Shulka believes that those airborne soldiers would rather die on the battlefield as an airborne soldier than fall under artillery fire like an ordinary infantryman.

  After Zolotarev figured this out, he no longer hesitated, and immediately reported the plan to the Supreme Command.

  The Supreme Command is worrying about the failed attack of the 51st Army.

The word "worry" may be somewhat inaccurate, because at this time the German army is doomed... The German 6th Army has announced its surrender, and the Soviet 62nd Army in Stalingrad has begun to accept the surrender of the German army in an orderly and step-by-step manner. …Surrender would be much simpler if it was a small surrender or if there was no "amnesty" because whatever problems arise can be solved with guns and bullets.

  But like the 6th Army and its affiliated troops with nearly a million people, and these people all surrendered during the "amnesty order", the Soviet army is necessary and obliged to fulfill the previous agreement.

To be honest, even if the Soviet army has the intention of not fulfilling the agreement at this time, they dare not reveal it for the time being, because there are millions of people. Weapons rebel, and when that happens you can be sure to fight it out.

  No matter how stupid and short-sighted the Soviet Supreme Command is, it would not make such a low-level mistake.

  So, the collection of weapons and equipment, the transportation of food, and the setting up of resettlement sites are all big problems.

   But these are good things after all. At this time, there are cheers everywhere in the Soviet Union from top to bottom. It is not an exaggeration for the people to say that they are "running around to tell everyone", because this has already confirmed the victory of the Soviet Union in the Battle of Stalingrad.

  The significance of the victory of the Battle of Stalingrad is no less than that of the victory of the Defense of Moscow, and even more so.

  The victory of the Moscow Defense War, many people, including many Soviets, thought that it was just a mistake made by the German army's insufficient preparation, which means that it was not the Soviets who defeated Germany, but the cold current.

   Therefore, after this battle, many people still believe that Germany will eventually defeat the Soviet Union.

But the battle of Stalingrad was different. This battle was launched under the full preparation of the German army. If it is said that "the preparation is not sufficient", it should be more of the Soviet army, although the Soviet army was the first to attack... There is no conflict , The Soviet Army seemed to be fully prepared to attack the German Army Kharkov, but the Soviet Army's intelligence work was not done well, and they never expected that the German Army would also concentrate its forces in the south to prepare for the attack.

  This directly caused the Soviet army to miscalculate the enemy's strength and consume too much offensive energy prematurely, and then it was a thousand miles away.

  However, even so, the Soviet army finally defeated the German army in Stalingrad, not only defeated the German army, but also encircled and annihilated the entire 6th Army... This result was never achieved even in the Moscow Defense War.

  Thus, those who once thought that the German army would win the war had to admit the reality: the Soviet army is still strong, and the German army is at the end of its battle.

   This is very important to the Soviet Union, because there are many members in the Soviet Union, the most typical of which is Ukraine. A considerable number of them are actually standing between the Soviet Union and Germany to see the direction of the wind, and whoever is more likely to win will follow.

The Battle of Stalingrad told them solidly: the Soviet Union will be the final victor, so naturally, more and more "centrists" will stand on the side of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union's hope of victory will increase. bigger and bigger.

Therefore, when the situation is improving, the entire Soviet Union is in a state of excitement, the soldiers and civilians are cheering, the radio broadcasts the news of the frontline victory over and over again, and the Supreme Command is also immersed in the joy of victory... This In fact, it is also one of the reasons why the Supreme Command did not ask about the failure of the 51st Army's offensive. Compared with the previous results of the 51st Army and the good news of Stalingrad's victory, the failure of this offensive is really not worth mentioning.

  It would be completely different if we were fighting against the wind now.

Similarly, in the context of this great victory, Zolotarev's request was quickly agreed, and even Stalin personally approved: "Approve the plan for the use of airborne troops, and I will order Comrade Venyaminko to form an airborne force The brigade is commanded by your department to cooperate with the attack, and it is expected to be ready in three hours!"

  Zolotarev and Trufanov were stunned after seeing this instruction.

   "Venyamenko?" Trufanov said: "Commander of the 2nd Airborne Army?"

   "Yes!" Zolotarev nodded: "He is a lieutenant general!"

   "And we command him?" Trufanov still couldn't believe it, because he was a major general.

But this is actually not a problem, because fighting is never more than military rank. Although in principle, it is a rule to have a high rank and command a low rank, the Soviet army's "black smoke" before this made this rule It no longer conforms to the reality of the battlefield.

   What's more, since the airborne troops were split to supplement the progressive divisions, and the senior officers of the airborne troops stayed as bare commanders, there was nothing wrong with letting the commander of the airborne troops form this airborne brigade and command it by the 51st Army.

In fact, Venyaminko not only didn't mind, on the contrary, he was more anxious than Zolotarev and Trufanov, because after the 51st Army received Stalin's instructions, it took less than half an hour for the 51st Army to take over. To Veniamenco's call.

   "Comrade Trufanov!" Venyaminko said: "It is an honor to fight with you, please give an order! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

   I wish you all a very happy new year!



  (end of this chapter)

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