Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 173 Private Discussion With Hong Meilin

Wang Jian's voice turned heavy and serious as he directed his words towards the church followers, his tone cutting through the tension in the air. "If you wish to argue, then allow me to present a statement that has echoed throughout this world countless times."

Pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, he spoke coldly, "In this realm, might makes right."

His words hung in the air, leaving a chilling effect on the listeners. Wang Jian continued, his voice laced with icy resolve, "Now, take a moment to consider who possesses the greater power in this situation. You all witnessed my strength during the battle with that demon earlier. Imagine the extent of my power."

"Then ask yourselves, can your bishops even hope to defeat me, let alone my formidable allies? It is because of these undeniable truths that your bishops and even Hong Meilin herself have chosen to remain silent in the face of our outrageous but accurate claims."

The church followers' eyes widened in shock as they realized the vast difference in strength between Wang Jian's faction and their own. The realization struck them like a bolt of lightning, rendering them speechless.

However, Hong Meilin interjected, attempting to regain her ground. "Hold on a moment. If you dare to attack us, I will not hesitate to summon the Pope," she declared defiantly.

Wang Jian let out a contemptuous snort, dismissing her threat. "Ah, yes, you possess the artifact to summon the Pope. But do you truly have the courage to use it? Even when your group teetered on the brink of annihilation at the hands of that demon, you refrained from summoning the Pope."

"There must be some kind of restriction for Emperor Realm experts like the Pope. Perhaps the demons have threatened to launch a devastating assault on the Empire if any Emperor Realm experts enter this forest."

"Or maybe there is another reason, a reason so significant that you would rather face annihilation than summon the Pope. Regardless, the fact remains that you cannot call upon the Pope without risking something of immense consequence."

Wang Jian's words hung in the air, sowing seeds of uncertainty within the hearts of the church followers. The weight of their trump card's potential consequences settled upon them, leaving them unsure of their next move.

A wide smile spread across Wang Jian's face as he proposed, "I suggest having a private discussion with the Saintess."

The church followers immediately formed a protective arc around Hong Meilin, shielding her from Wang Jian's perceived ill intentions. The bishops also stepped forward, their faces filled with determination. One of them spoke with utmost seriousness, "We will not allow you to bring harm to the Saintess. If you wish to hold a discussion, then it shall be done here!"

Wang Jian's smirk remained as he gazed into Hong Meilin's eyes. "Is that so?" he responded, unfazed. "In that case, the only alternative would be a battle to the death."

The other bishops voiced their concerns, their tones reflecting their seriousness. "Why do you seek a private discussion with her?" they inquired.

Maintaining his calm composure, Wang Jian replied, "She is the leader of your group, and I am the leader of mine. It is only natural for me to negotiate with her, discussing the terms concerning the Ebon Void Essence Ore and whether I should choose to attack or leave your group. There are certain conditions that I would prefer to keep undisclosed to all but your leader and the Pope."

The church followers and bishops remained unconvinced by Wang Jian's reasoning, but Hong Meilin held a different perspective.

In an authoritative tone, she declared, "I will engage in that private discussion with you, Your Highness Jian."

Her decision startled everyone present, be it Wang Jian's faction members or the followers of the church. The bishops, filled with concern, turned to her and spoke with a hint of worry, "Saintess, there's no need for you to make such a rash and perilous choice. We can protect you as long as we stand united in battle."

Shaking her head, Hong Meilin replied, "Esteemed Bishops, I would rather avert such a conflict. If any harm befalls me during the discussion, I trust that each person here will fight in my name. However, if we were to engage in a battle, I prefer to have this private discussion now, in the hopes of preventing the clash altogether, rather than regret not considering it sooner."

The bishops and the followers of the church intensified their efforts to dissuade Hong Meilin, warning her of Wang Jian's deceitful nature and his willingness to manipulate her. They pleaded with her not to be fooled by his tricks, fearing the consequences.

However, Hong Meilin remained resolute, determined not to waver in her decision.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward, her heart pounding with nervousness and a tinge of terror.

Wang Jian wore a confident smile, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he observed Hong Meilin's anxious expression.

Together, they embarked on a slow walk towards a secluded section of the cave, their footsteps echoing in the silence.

The followers of the church and Wang Jian's faction members stayed behind, their gazes fixed on each other, wary and watchful.

In the secluded space, Wang Jian and Hong Meilin locked eyes, their expressions revealing a clash of emotions.

As Hong Meilin caught sight of the wicked gleam in Wang Jian's eyes, a shiver ran down her spine, unsettling her.

Wang Jian's voice carried a mischievous undertone as he spoke, "I believe a thank you is in order for rescuing your group from those demons."

Hong Meilin's fists clenched tightly at his words, a mix of anger and resentment surging within her. She retorted indignantly, "I have already paid my dues. You've taken advantage of me countless times!"

Wang Jian's husky voice filled the air as his gaze unabashedly lingered on her body. "Well, my dear, what you've done so far simply hasn't been enough," he responded with a smug undertone.

Aware of his lascivious stare, Hong Meilin felt a sense of discomfort, prompting her to keep her head down, avoiding direct eye contact.

Wang Jian's demeanor shifted, his expression turning serious. "Now, let's discuss the current situation," he began, acknowledging the predicament they faced. "It's a rather tricky situation, as I can't simply give away such a valuable resource to the church without receiving something in return."

Curiosity and determination mingled in Hong Meilin's voice as she inquired, "What is it that you desire?"

With a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, Wang Jian responded, his voice laced with cunningness, "If it weren't for your presence here, I would have undoubtedly attacked the church followers and unleashed a massacre upon them. It would have perfectly served my objective of keeping this precious resource hidden from the world."

Noticing the frown etched on Hong Meilin's face, Wang Jian added, his tone tinged with amusement, "However, fortunately for the church, they sent you. Now, considering my fondness for you, I am willing to entertain your offer. Ponder carefully on what I seek and how you can provide enough incentive for me to spare your group's lives and even share this invaluable ore with the church."

Startled by his words, Hong Meilin's mind began to race, contemplating the weight of the decision before her.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian settled himself upon a nearby boulder, his gaze fixed upon Hong Meilin as she grappled with her thoughts.

Hong Meilin couldn't ignore the sinister gleam in Wang Jian's eyes, causing a sense of unease to well up within her. She couldn't help but touch her lips, recalling the moments they had shared. Deep down, she sensed that Wang Jian sought an offer that involved her personally rather than the church.

Though she had an inkling, mustering the words proved to be a struggle for her. However, time ticked away rapidly, exacerbating her nerves. She remained oblivious to Wang Jian's intentions, unsure of his patience.

With the weight of the situation pressing upon her, she knew she had to formulate an offer swiftly.

Summoning her inner strength, she steeled herself and spoke, her voice trembling, "H-How about... if I were to give you a passionate kiss, would you allow my group to return?"

Wang Jian erupted into laughter at her proposition. "Haha... I must say, I'm impressed by your audacity, but, alas, it falls far short of the offer I desire."

With a wicked smirk, he added, "Allow me to provide you with two hints. Even if you were to offer yourself to me, it still wouldn't secure the lives of your entire group."

Hong Meilin's eyes widened, anger surging within her heart. She contemplated storming out, prepared to risk her life in battle against Wang Jian.

But her actions halted as Wang Jian continued speaking, "The value of these resources surpasses anything you can offer. If news of this ore were to leak, I would be beset by countless factions seeking to claim it. I would be forced to relinquish the mine to other powers within the Empire, with the majority falling into the hands of the Emperor. Sharing it is simply not part of my plan."

Hong Meilin visibly calmed, her understanding growing amid her fury. Yet, her anger was reignited as Wang Jian uttered his next words, "The second hint is that the offer must include you becoming my woman. Without it, I will not entertain any other proposal, regardless of what you may offer. Consider it my non-negotiable bottom line."

"What?!" Hong Meilin couldn't help but shout aloud. "You are going too far with these conditions, Your Highness Jian!"

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