Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 222 Cleverly Manipulating Guan Yin's Perspective

Wang Jian and Guan Yin found themselves seated beside the serene lake, the vibrant green grass beneath them providing a comfortable setting for their conversation. They positioned themselves to face each other, their eyes locked in a tense exchange.

With an air of determination, Wang Jian initiated the discussion. "Let us begin with the most pressing question. Are Ye Chen's parents implicated in their son's transformation into a demon? Are they complicit in these dark events?"

Guan Yin's response brimmed with fervor as she vehemently refuted the notion. "No, they are humble traders, dealing solely in ornamental wares. They have no conceivable connection to the realm of demons."

A cold edge crept into Wang Jian's voice as he pressed further. "Then, could their beliefs be aligned with rebellious ideologies? Why would their son, in that case, target me—a royal prince? It would be more believable if the entire family had conspired with the demons, seeking to harm my empire."

Guan Yin's passion blazed forth as she fiercely defended the innocence of Ye Chen's family. "Absolutely not! Our families have shared a deep bond for generations. If any traces of rebellion existed, I would have uncovered them and put a stop to it!"

Wang Jian's disdainful snort echoed through the air, a gesture of skepticism. "I am willing to place trust in you, recognizing your unwavering commitment to the empire. However, I must ascertain whether I can truly rely on you. I cannot allow you to aid Ye Chen, who has succumbed to his demonic nature."

A fiery resolve flickered in Guan Yin's eyes as she responded with indignation. "Rest assured, I will never offer assistance to a demon, regardless of our shared history."

Her fiery words were laced with indignation, as Wang Jian's doubt insulted her deeply. It felt as though he questioned her very moral compass and ethical fiber, a sentiment that stung her pride.

"It's fortunate that you won't support him. Now, let's shift our focus to the other reason I sought this conversation," Wang Jian declared, rising slowly from his seat.

Guan Yin's curiosity piqued as she observed his actions, uncertain of his intentions.

"Let us engage in a sparring session," Wang Jian proposed abruptly.

In an instant, he released three arrows composed of the formidable Laws of Earth, surprising Guan Yin. Instinctively, she summoned an Earth Wall as a defensive measure, only to be astonished as the arrows effortlessly tore through her protective barrier.

Reacting swiftly, Guan Yin swiftly evaded the incoming Earthly Arrows, grateful that her Earth Wall had at least slowed their velocity, granting her enough time to dodge.

"You possess High-Level Insights in the Laws of Earth?!" Guan Yin couldn't contain her astonishment. Like Elder Hua and Wang Jian's siblings, she had witnessed his mastery over powerful flames.

"Yes, indeed. That's precisely why I wished to spar with you. Engaging in combat against a skilled warrior such as yourself will provide valuable practice for me," Wang Jian explained.

Guan Yin's ego swelled with satisfaction upon hearing Wang Jian's acknowledgment of her prowess.

Internally pleased that he regarded her as a formidable warrior, she couldn't afford to disappoint him and swiftly assumed her combat stance, ready to demonstrate her skills.

The spar between Wang Jian and Guan Yin ignited with a fervent clash of their skills.

Wang Jian relied solely on his profound Insights in the Laws of Earth, unleashing a barrage of earth-based attacks that showcased his extraordinary power and finesse.

From the very beginning, it became evident that he held the upper hand.

Despite her struggles, Guan Yin refused to falter. She held great respect for Wang Jian's prowess, even as he easily overwhelmed her.

It was not a blind admiration, but a genuine recognition of his exceptional skills.

She knew that this encounter would serve as a valuable learning experience, as she aimed to refine her own abilities and unlock new levels of power.

As the spar drew to a close, it was clear that Wang Jian emerged as the victor, his mastery of the Laws of Earth proving to be a force to be reckoned with.

Yet, Wang Jian's motivations ran deeper than mere victory. He had a calculated intention behind challenging Guan Yin to this duel. It was a strategic move to showcase his combat prowess and earn her admiration.

Deep within, Wang Jian understood the inner workings of Guan Yin's character. He recognized her unwavering appreciation for those who possessed exceptional fighting skills, as well as her deep respect for formidable warriors. To reshape her perception of him, he needed to establish a foundation of admiration through his display of strength.

"Your strength is reassuring," Wang Jian quipped, a lightness in his tone. "At least I won't have to worry about you if Ye Chen ever comes looking for you."

Guan Yin rolled her eyes, an air of disdain evident in her response. "Ye Chen would never harm me."

"Never say never," Wang Jian countered, his expression turning serious. "Did you ever imagine he would descend into darkness and become a demon?"

The weight of Wang Jian's words struck Guan Yin, leaving her momentarily speechless. His example hit close to home, resonating deeply within her.

It was a stark reminder of the unpredictability and volatility that lay hidden within individuals, even those closest to us.

In that moment, Guan Yin realized the gravity of the situation.

She couldn't deny the possibility that those we held dear might harbor secrets or undergo drastic transformations.

The very thought left her unsettled, reevaluating her perceptions and assumptions.

As the conversation reached a lull, an unexpected pang of hunger gripped Wang Jian. Sensing an opportunity, he proposed, "Would you care to join me in searching for some fruits? I've heard Stella mention an abundance of spiritual fruits near this very lake."

"Stella? The revered Butterfly Spirit Queen?" Guan Yin's surprise was palpable. The mention of Stella, a figure of immense significance and power, caught her off guard.

Caught in a dilemma, Guan Yin wrestled with conflicting thoughts. Part of her resisted the idea of spending more time with Wang Jian, while another part recognized the potential value in joining him on this fruit-seeking expedition.

Before she could reach a decision, Guan Yin watched as Wang Jian swiftly moved from his position, forging ahead into the western side of the forest. It became clear that he was unwilling to wait for her.

His nonchalant actions intrigued Guan Yin, leading her to believe that Wang Jian's invitation was merely casual and devoid of ulterior motives. With determination in her eyes, she made her choice, chasing after him and calling out, "Wait for me!"

Unbeknownst to Guan Yin, a sinister smile played upon Wang Jian's lips.

For the next two hours, Wang Jian and Guan Yin scoured the forest in search of spiritual fruits. Unfortunately, their findings were meager, indicating that the demons had likely depleted the area's resources.

However, this fruitless expedition proved to be advantageous for Wang Jian, who utilized the time to engage Guan Yin in conversation. He skillfully prompted her by asking about her background and what motivated her to join the Crimson Guards.

As their footsteps treaded softly on the forest floor, Guan Yin shared her story. She revealed that she had initially been a disciple of the esteemed Heavenly Blade Sect, joining even before Ye Chen's arrival.

Having mastered numerous sword techniques within the sect, Guan Yin eventually decided to part ways. She explained that the scarcity of techniques that aligned with her unique Earth Element led her to explore other organizations.

After undergoing various trials, the Crimson Guards eventually selected her. As a member of this prestigious group, Guan Yin enjoyed the privilege of choosing her techniques based on the accumulation of contribution points.

Contrary to her time in the sect, where the methods of earning points differed, Guan Yin now fulfilled missions assigned by townsfolk and city dwellers. Her responsibilities often involved subduing bandits, resolving personal matters, and safeguarding merchant caravans.

Grateful for the opportunity to utilize her strength in aiding others, Guan Yin expressed her satisfaction with these tasks.

Curiosity burning within her, Guan Yin decided to delve further into Wang Jian's background, eager to uncover the untold aspects of his life.

Wang Jian, prepared for her inquiry, began recounting his past with sincerity and introspection. He shared that being born into the Royal Family had shielded him from the realities of the world, leading him to take everything for granted during his formative years.

In his sheltered existence, Wang Jian had little exposure to moral guidance. Instead, surrounded by experts who would sweep his misdeeds under the rug, he grew up unaware of the consequences of his actions.

Regrettably, he fell in with a misguided crowd of selfish and malevolent individuals, and their influence caused his own character to veer toward wickedness.

However, a turning point arrived when Wang Jian faced the repercussions of his choices. Sent to the Zhenguan Region, a place devoid of the protective cloak of his family's prestige, he found himself surrounded by dangerous criminals. It was there that the gravity of his own wickedness struck him with brutal clarity. He realized the need to redirect his strength toward protecting the weak instead of exploiting them.

Wang Jian emphasized that upon his return, he had distanced himself from his former friends and never participated in their attempts to bully Guan Yin.

While he did stand up to defend them, when necessary, he believed it was a natural instinct to protect one's friends, regardless of their wickedness. Even though he recognized their flaws, he felt a sense of duty to shield them from harm.

As Guan Yin absorbed Wang Jian's account, she couldn't help but be deeply moved. His narrative revealed a profound transformation, one she had never anticipated. She felt a surge of admiration for his introspection and the growth he had undergone. The revelation of his journey from darkness to redemption etched a newfound respect within her heart.

As realization dawned upon Guan Yin, her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but ask, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity, "So, were you deceiving me when you spoke of punishing Ye Chen's parents?"

Wang Jian responded with an air of nonchalance, his tone light, "Of course. I had planned to question them, but never intended to inflict any actual harm. It was merely a ploy to coax you out of your tent."

A mischievous smile danced upon his lips as he maintained eye contact with Guan Yin, relishing the effect his scheme had on her. "And well, it seems like it worked," he added playfully.

Embarrassment tinged upon Guan Yin's expression as she swiftly attempted to salvage her pride, not wanting to be perceived as easily swayed. Her face flushed, she retorted with a hint of defensiveness, "Oh, please. I knew perfectly well that you wouldn't actually go through with it. I was simply bored of being cooped up inside the tent for so long."

Wang Jian responded with a light chuckle, his teasing smile unwavering, "Of course, of course. Believe whatever helps you sleep at night."

Their exchange carried an undertone of light-hearted camaraderie, reflecting the ease that had begun to develop between them.

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