Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 228 Crimson Cult Members Attack The Church's Group



Name: Wang Jian.

Age: 20 years old.

Destiny Points: 3,012,613.

Cultivation: Third Stage of the King Realm. (Require 100,000 Destiny Points for each stage.)

Cultivation Technique: Soaring Dragon Technique (Level 5) (Requires 2,000,000 Destiny Points to level up).

Skills: Origin Fist, Beam of Destruction, Mystic Force, Divine Shielding Iron Body, Enhanced Strength, Spiritual Sensitivity, Moonrise Fist, Lunar Shield, Moonshadow Step, Eclipse Domain Annihilation, Black Castle, Elemental Genius, Dragon's Prestige (Level 3), Enchantment Ability (Level 2), Art of Purification, Charismatic Magnetism, Enchanting Pheromones, Blissful Touch, Shadowmeld, Yin Manipulation, Yin Enhancement, and Devil Devouring Bloodline Ability.

(Note: The Shadow Manipulation and Dark Fog abilities will now be combined with Shadowmeld technique. The Tranquil Mind Divine Mantra will no longer be necessary because the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline will be concealed by the Chaotic Yang Body.)

Sword Techniques: Starry Night Sky Strike, Serene Moonlight Slash, Swift Silver Stab, Endless Blade Defense, and Flowing Water Guard.

Ocular Abilities: True Eyes (Level 2) (200,000 Destiny Points), Abyss Eyes (Upgraded along with Bloodline.)

Bloodline: Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline. (Third Level) (Next level: 3,000,000 Destiny Points).

Insight in Laws – Flame: Peak-Level, Lightning – Peak-Level, Earth: Peak-Level, Wind: Peak-Level, Water: Peak-Level, Darkness: Peak-Level, Moon: Peak-Level. Sword – Nil (200,000 Destiny Points), Space – Nil (1,000,000 Destiny Points).

Domains – Flame: Scorching Solar Incineration Domain, Lightning: Nil (10,000,000 Destiny Points.), Earth: Nil (10,000,000 Destiny Points.), Wind: Nil (10,000,000 Destiny Points.), Water: Nil (10,000,000 Destiny Points.), Moon: Nil (10,000,000 Destiny Points.), Darkness: Nil (10,000,000 Destiny Points.)

Physique: Chaotic Yang Body (10,000,000 Destiny Points).

Spirit: Solarstorm Tempest Abyss Dragon (Ninth Star Spirit) (Mutated).

Weaknesses: Holy Attribute.


After several minutes, the ethereal manifestation of the ancestral figure of the Butterfly Spirit Race dissipated, signifying the completion of the sacred ceremony.

Hong Meilin, Lady Zhuoran, and Bixi Shuyan were filled with deep gratitude towards Wang Jian, their hearts brimming with the profoundness of the legendary ritual they had just partaken in.

Together, they made their way back to the camp, accompanied by Wang Jian. However, as they reached their destination, Hong Meilin's countenance grew melancholic, weighed down by the knowledge that she would soon have to rejoin her church comrades.

A sense of sadness enveloped her as she anticipated the onslaught of insults and abuses that she would inevitably face upon her return.

Sensitive to her concerns, Wang Jian voiced his worry, "Are you certain you will be alright? You have the option to forgo rejoining your group and instead accompany my entourage. I had already intended to discuss this matter with the Pope, ensuring that it is resolved."

As Hong Meilin's gaze flickered, she couldn't help but be moved by Wang Jian's thoughtful offer. Gratitude and determination intertwined within her as she mustered her response, her voice a mix of appreciation and resolve. "Thank you for your kind offer, Your Highness. However, I must take my leave now."

Wang Jian nodded, understanding the weight of her decision. Before she departed, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small talisman, handing it to Hong Meilin.

"Take this talisman with you. Should you ever encounter any danger, activate it. It will alert me, and I will swiftly come to your aid."

Hong Meilin's eyes widened with gratitude as she accepted the talisman.

"Thank you, Your Highness," she expressed, her voice filled with sincere appreciation.

With the talisman securely held in her grasp, she turned to resume her journey towards her church comrades. Each step she took carried the weight of her bittersweet acceptance of her fate.

With Hong Meilin's departure, Wang Jian wasted no time in giving his faction members the command to pack up.

The urgency in his voice was evident, as he understood the need to swiftly leave the forest behind.

Lingering any longer would only expose them to the threat of his ambitious siblings, who were likely already making moves to expand their own factions within the Empire.

After conveying his orders to his faction, Wang Jian ventured forth alone, leaving his comrades to attend to the task of packing their belongings.

He skillfully navigated through the dense forest, guided by a keen sense of direction and purpose.

As he neared a specific spot within the forest, the air seemed to shimmer with an enchanting aura.

Concealed within the embrace of a powerful illusionary array, the members of the Crimson Cult awaited Wang Jian's arrival.

This ingenious camouflage was crafted with such finesse that not even Stella, with all her perceptiveness, could detect their presence.

Wang Jian approached the hidden gathering, his voice resonating with determination as he spoke to the unseen figures before him, "The Church's group will soon depart. It is imperative that you launch a swift and ruthless assault, eliminating every single one of them and securing the capture of the Saintess."

A voice, laced with unwavering loyalty, responded from the concealed surroundings, "We shall execute this task without fail."

Satisfied with the exchange, Wang Jian turned on his heels and retraced his steps, making his way back to his faction's side.

As the factions led by Wang Jian and the church slowly made their way out of the forest, their paths aligned on the same route.

However, a considerable delay separated them, with Wang Jian's faction forging ahead while the church's group lagged behind.

Days passed, and the outskirts of the forest came into view. It was at this critical juncture that the Crimson Cult members finally unleashed their long-awaited assault.

Why was Wang Jian so certain of this moment? The answer lay in the signal he received through the talisman entrusted to Hong Meilin.

However, there was one vital detail he had withheld from her. Once activated, the talisman encased her within an intense energy bubble infused with the peak insights of his Water Attribute.

This impenetrable bubble could only be shattered if the combined might of the Crimson Cult members relentlessly attacked it for four consecutive hours.

Thankfully, Wang Jian had anticipated the timing and raced to Hong Meilin's aid, utilizing his Moonshadow Step—a technique blending the laws of Moon and Darkness, enabling him to glide through the air soundlessly.

His incredible speed propelled him towards the Crimson Cult's assault site in a matter of minutes.

A powerful barrier, radiating a vibrant shade of red, stood erected as the Crimson Cult members clashed with the church's experts.

The gravity of the situation was palpable, etching grave expressions on the faces of the church's members.

The toll of the relentless onslaught was evident, with most of their comrades already lying slain.

Amidst the chaos, the surviving members of the church's group vented their frustration and anger towards Hong Meilin, unaware of her safety within the impregnable water bubble.

Their insults and abuses rained down upon her relentlessly, accusing her of being a selfish woman who only cared for her own life.

As death loomed closer, they seized the opportunity to blame her for their impending doom, hurling the most venomous words imaginable.

Hong Meilin clenched her teeth, her tears mingling with her anguished cries.

The revelation that activating the talisman had ensnared her within the watery prison struck her with a heart-wrenching blow.

She understood Wang Jian's motive for keeping this information hidden, knowing that had she been aware, she would have refrained from activating the talisman.

His silence served as a shield, to protect her life.

However, the agony of being trapped within the bubble surpassed the physical onslaught she might have faced from the Crimson Cult members.

Helpless, she could only bear witness as her comrades fell one by one, their lives extinguished by the relentless hands of their enemies.

Wang Jian, his arrival swift and unnoticed, observed the unfolding massacre with a sinister glint in his eyes.

He withheld his intervention, waiting with calculated patience for the Crimson Cult members to complete their ruthless mission—annihilating every last member of the church's group.

The sinister satisfaction that danced within his gaze betrayed the depths of his malevolence.

In a calculated display of ruthlessness, the Crimson Cult members unleashed a relentless barrage of powerful attacks, augmented by weapons laced with deadly poisons.

Their insidious strategy bore fruit, swiftly claiming the lives of the church members.

Within a span of just a couple of hours, Wang Jian bore witness to the seemingly complete slaughter of the church's faction.

A few desperate souls attempted to flee, hoping to salvage their lives, but their efforts proved futile.

The Crimson Cult members, ever vigilant, hunted down any who dared to escape.

With their primary objective accomplished, the Crimson Cult now turned their attention to assaulting the protective water barrier enfolding Hong Meilin.

Their aim was to capture her and transport her to their secret stronghold, marking a significant triumph for their twisted cause.

Anxiety gnawed at Hong Meilin's core as she observed the relentless assault on the water bubble surrounding her.

Though the barrier held firm, enduring the onslaught of the Crimson Cult warriors, her innate connection to the Water Element allowed her to sense its diminishing strength.

She possessed the ability to faintly manipulate the water bubble and escape its confines, yet she hesitated.

With all her comrades already fallen, she questioned the futility of emerging from the bubble's shelter.

It seemed wiser to await the arrival of Wang Jian.

Her patience was rewarded sooner than anticipated. After a mere ten minutes, a breathtaking event unfolded before her eyes.

An aura suffused with hues of vibrant orange swept across the area, accompanied by sudden eruptions of flames that encircled their surroundings.

It was none other than Wang Jian's Scorching Solar Incineration Domain, encapsulating the entire location.

Now that the Crimson Cult members had fulfilled the tasks assigned to them, they had outlived their usefulness in Wang Jian's grand scheme.

It was time to eliminate them, and the blazing domain was the instrument of their demise.

"You will pay for your wicked actions!" Wang Jian's furious voice resounded in the area.

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