Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 155 Her White Knights [Part 2]

Villain Ch 155. Her White Knights [Part 2]

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Elio lashed out at Allen. "But this is a public place. Couldn't you have been a little more considerate?" His accusatory gaze fixated on Allen, his eyes narrowing with displeasure. "Or maybe you intended to embarrass her right from the start?"

Allen raised a single eyebrow in amusement at Elio's words. A faint smirk danced upon his lips. "Oh, really now?" he retorted, his tone laced with cynicism. "So, if it were just the two of us, you'd be perfectly fine with me airing our dirty laundry in public?"

Elio, caught off guard by Allen's swift counter, hastily defended his point. "No, that's not what I meant!" he protested, his voice tinged with exasperation.

"Just a little reminder," Allen interjected with a hint of displeasure, wanting to make sure the blame wasn't solely placed on his shoulders. "This whole lunch thing wasn't my idea—it was yours." He couldn't help but acknowledge that this unfortunate situation was a result of an uncanny coincidence, where destiny had brought the three of them together once again.

"Also, just so you know," Allen continued, his voice tinged with frustration, "I've been avoiding this conversation. I knew it would only lead to a pointless clash. But, Sophia managed to twist my arm and insisted that I had to listen to her." He shook his head, a mixture of resignation and irritation in his eyes.

His gaze shifted towards Sophia, and a coldness settled over him once more. Memories of past wounds resurfaced, fueling his emotions. "And it was she," he emphasized, his tone carrying a hint of bitterness, "who forced me to bend to her impossible wish. But when I refused, she was the one who shed those tears. As if I had hurt her when all I was trying to do was protect myself."

Allen's voice remained steady, devoid of any raised volume, but his piercing tone cut through Sophia's heart like a knife. The tears welled up in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks as the weight of Allen's words settled upon her. It was painful to admit, but deep down, she knew he was right. Every word that escaped his lips held a painful truth, and it tore at her core. All she had ever wanted was to be loved by Allen, just as he had loved her in the past.

Elio, witnessing Sophia's anguish, felt a surge of protectiveness swell within him. He couldn't bear to see her hurt, especially when it was Allen who caused it. With a scoff, he tried to challenge Allen, adopting a cynical tone to belittle him. "Protect yourself? From whom exactly? From her?" Elio's words dripped with disdain as he attempted to corner Allen, as if he were a weak and defenseless man.

There was something about Sophia's fragile state that made Elio's instincts kick in, not only within the confines of their fantastical game, where they fought against the devil emperor, but also in the real world, where he wanted to shield her from the emotional harm inflicted by Allen.

Allen's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of bitterness shining through. He let out a hiss of frustration, his gaze once again shifting toward Sophia. "You haven't told him, have you?" he questioned, his voice laced with accusation. He wanted to expose the truth, to bring to light the betrayal that had shattered their bond.

Sophia's blood turned to ice in her veins as Allen's question hung in the air. Panic gripped her heart, causing it to beat erratically within her chest. She felt the weight of the unspoken truth press heavily upon her, threatening to suffocate her.

"Haaa..." Allen sighed, a mix of resignation and bitterness tainting his voice. "I understand. You want to maintain a pristine image in front of this new guy," he said, his words laced with cynicism. With a hint of sarcasm, he emphasized the phrase "new guy," emphasizing his perception of Sophia's need to impress someone else. Then, he shifted his gaze towards Elio, who observed their exchange with a puzzled expression.

"But since he has decided to meddle, I guess I have no choice but to enlighten him," Allen added, his voice tinged with a touch of defiance.

Allen's gaze bore into Elio with a sharpness that hinted at hidden knowledge. A cunning smile played upon his lips, revealing a hint of mischief. "Do you even know why she's so desperate for this conversation? Why she's seeking my forgiveness? Or maybe you want to know why I disappeared from the pro gaming community two years ago?" he taunted, bombarding Elio with a series of questions designed to pique his curiosity.

Allen was well aware that his sudden disappearance had left many people wondering, their inquiries echoing through the gaming forums he used to frequent. However, since moving to this city, he had chosen to become a silent observer, lurking in the shadows.

"Allen, please, just stop," Sophia pleaded, her voice choked with sobs. The tears flowed freely down her face. She had hoped against hope that this lunch would provide an opportunity for healing and understanding, but instead, it had become a battleground of accusations and pain.

However, Allen's indifference to Sophia's pleas remained unyielding. He seemed utterly unaffected by her distress as if revealing in the pain of his own heartbreak. With a bitter edge to his voice, he revealed the painful truth that had shattered their once-harmonious relationship. "Because you see, the day I won that tournament was the same day I walked in on her with another man. On our fucking bed," he spat out the words, each syllable dripping with the anguish of betrayal.

"Allen." Sophia's voice trembled as she called out Allen's name, her desperate plea echoing through the turbulent air. She wanted him to halt this onslaught of painful memories, to spare her further humiliation.

But Allen was undeterred, fueled by the fire of his own resentment. He disregarded Sophia's pleas with cold disregard. "And now, after all that, she has the audacity to come crawling back, asking me to forgive and forget. Can you believe the nerve? And when I refused, she was the one who shed those tears, as if I were the villain in this story. Isn't it just downright hilarious?" Allen's voice dripped with sarcasm and bitterness, his words laced with the jagged edges of his wounded heart. He was determined to ensure that his side of the story was heard, even if it meant pushing Sophia further into the depths of her own despair.

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