Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 160 Guilt And Redemption [Part 2]

Villain Ch 160. Guilt And Redemption [Part 2]

"We've seen how sorry you are, how guilty you feel, and how hard you've been trying to make things right," Elio expressed, his voice filled with understanding. "And that's something commendable. We all make mistakes, and we all deserve a second chance. Forgiveness is a powerful thing because, at the end of the day, we're all just flawed humans."

Elio's words resonated deeply with Sophia. She had been carrying the weight of her past actions on her shoulders, blaming herself for the pain she had caused. But hearing Elio's perspective made her realize that she had done her part in seeking redemption. It was now up to Allen to accept it or not.

Jacob chimed in, his eyes locked with Sophia's. "You shouldn't blame yourself anymore. You've taken responsibility for your actions, and that's what matters. Whether he chooses to accept it or not, it's no longer your problem. You've done your part in making amends."

Sophia absorbed Jacob's words, feeling a glimmer of hope flicker within her. It was a reminder that she couldn't control the choices and reactions of others, but she had control over her own growth and healing.

Gilbert couldn't contain his frustration any longer. He leaned forward, his voice laced with annoyance. "Honestly, it pissed me off how he acted as if he's never done anything wrong," he stated bluntly. "I mean, I get it, he was hurt. And maybe he can't handle it, but taking out his anger on you after all this time? That's just unfair." He had once admired Allen's skills as a pro player and found him to be a fun guy. But witnessing his treatment of Sophia had caused a shift in his perception. The disappointment he felt towards Allen fueled his determination to support Sophia through this ordeal.

The other two exchanged knowing glances and nodded in agreement.

"Just forget about him, Sophia. I mean, I can treat you better than he ever did," Jacob declared boldly, his hand instinctively reaching out to touch Sophia's.

Gilbert cleared his throat loudly, reminding Jacob that they were all still seated at the table. "Ahem! Let's not forget that we're here," he interjected, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Jacob quickly retracted his hand, realizing his slight lapse in judgment. "Uh, I mean, we can treat you better," he corrected himself.

Sophia lifted her head, her eyes shining with a mixture of surprise, gratitude, and happiness. Her heart swelled with emotion as she looked at her friends who had rallied behind her, defending her even after discovering her past mistakes and flaws.

A genuine smile spread across her face, radiating warmth and appreciation. She couldn't believe how fortunate she was to have such loyal and understanding friends by her side. They had seen her at her worst, witnessed her moments of weakness and regret, yet they chose to stand beside her, offering their support.

"Thank you…" Sophia's voice was filled with genuine gratitude as she glanced at each of her friends. Her heart felt lighter. It was a moment of affirmation, a reminder that she was not alone in her journey to redemption. While she still longed for Allen's love and acceptance, she found solace in the fact that her friends made her feel wanted and protected.

"It's settled then," said Gilbert cheerfully. "Now, we better immediately choose food and order. We've been here for half an hour and making a scene," he reminded them

"Right, let's not keep everyone waiting," Jacob chimed in, his enthusiasm undeterred by the recent emotional exchange. He scanned the menu book once more, searching for the perfect dish to satisfy his hunger.

Elio, however, was momentarily distracted by the familiar chime of his phone. With a quick glance around the table, he retrieved the device from his pocket. The screen illuminated with a message, and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he read its contents.

Shortly, a mischievous smirk danced on Elio's lips, indicating that he was about to deliver some exhilarating news. With a flourish of his hand, he commanded everyone's attention. "Guys, I've got some seriously good news," he declared, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Remember my two friends? The pro players who dominated the tournament with me two years ago? Well, guess what? They've decided to join our guild!"

The revelation sent shockwaves through the group. Their eyes widened, and a chorus of excited exclamations filled the air. The thought of having skilled and experienced players by their side reignited their hopes of toppling the formidable devil emperor, the ultimate challenge that awaited them in the virtual realm.

"No way!" Gilbert exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. His face lit up with a newfound determination. "With them on board, we might just have a shot at taking down that devil emperor in the near future!"

As the group delved into their animated discussion, Jacob couldn't help but interject a cautionary note. "Just make sure they don't cause trouble like that Allen guy," he reminded them, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism.

"Don't worry about that. I have faith in them," Elio reassured Jacob, his voice brimming with confidence. He turned his attention to Sophia, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "In fact, they might have some special interest in joining our guild," he teased, emphasizing the word 'interest' with a grin.

Sophia raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice filled with intrigue.

Elio chuckled and pulled out his phone, scrolling through his photo gallery until he found the picture he had taken earlier. He passed the phone to Sophia, gesturing for her to take a look.

In the photo, Elio's two friends stood side by side, their expressions filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Sophia immediately recognized them as Allen's former teammates. But what caught her attention was the message written on the chat app.

"I've had feelings for her forever. Now that she is single, I thought I'd take a chance. I will join your guild," the message read.

"Hey! That should be my line!" another message said.

Sophia's heart skipped a beat as a wave of emotions washed over her. She had never expected Allen's former teammates to harbor such feelings for her. It was a mix of surprise, confusion, and a touch of excitement. They had witnessed her relationship with Allen, and now they were expressing their interest in her. It was a lot to process.

Elio's voice brought her back to the present moment. "That's why they decided to take this chance and join us," he explained, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

Sophia could only remain silent in surprise. She didn't expect her game journey and her break up with Allen could lead her to this complicated relationship.

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