Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 174 Psychological Warfare

Villain Ch 174. Psychological Warfare

Allen and the girls ventured into the far north of Ront City, a desolate field that seemed to stretch endlessly. It wasn't a typical desert, but rather an arid expanse with a strange, otherworldly charm.

The ground beneath their feet was a deep, dark red as if stained by the blood of battles long past. It crunched beneath their boots, adding an eerie ambiance to their surroundings. The absence of lush vegetation was notable, with only sparse bushes dotting the landscape. It was a testament to the harsh conditions that prevailed in this region. Monsters of varying sizes and shapes roamed the field, their levels ranging from 55 to 60.

The field they were currently in was located on the player map. However, due to its remote location, Allen and his team hadn't encountered any other players thus far. The map was situated far away from any city, town, or village, and only those who had reached level 55 and above dared to venture into this treacherous territory. As a result, encountering fellow players was a rarity.

Though the monster levels were formidable, the creatures displayed an uncharacteristic lack of aggression. It seemed they were more focused on their own survival rather than actively seeking out targets. This quirk of behavior made the field a prime hunting ground for Allen and his team. They had specifically sought out this location due to the presence of two unique plant-based monsters.

The first monster, known as the Floraflame, was a plant-type monster with a level of 56. It resembled a withered sunflower, its petals dry and brittle. The Floraflame, despite its immobility, possessed the ability to launch devastating attacks from beneath the ground. The second monster, the Maneatingplant, had a lower level of 41 and took the shape of a crimson Venus flytrap. It shared a similar immobility to the Floraflame but still posed a threat with its underground strikes.

Exploiting their advantage, Allen and his team utilized their flying skills to their fullest potential. With swift aerial maneuvers, they were able to evade the monsters' subterranean assaults and deliver powerful blows from above, taking zero damage.

Apart from the thrill of battle, there was another incentive for exploring this field. Scattered throughout the area were various plants that could be harvested for their valuable ingredients. These ingredients held immense potential for crafting dishes and potions, providing an opportunity for Allen and his team to enhance their combat prowess.

In the midst of their intense hunting session, the girls couldn't help but steal glances at Allen from time to time. It was a peculiar sight, considering Allen's typically reserved nature and his uncharacteristic silence throughout their expedition. Instead of engaging in casual banter or discussing strategies like they usually did, Allen seemed completely absorbed in his task of mercilessly slaying the monsters that crossed their path.

There was a certain aura of determination emanating from Allen as he focused his entire being on each encounter. His eyes were sharp and alert, scanning the area for any sign of movement or potential threat. With each monster he dispatched, he seamlessly transitioned to the next, never wasting a moment in between.

Despite his calm expression, there was an air of mystery surrounding Allen's current state. The girls couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and concern as they observed his focused demeanor. It was evident that something had transpired, something that had left an indelible mark on Allen's psyche. But what could it be?

Vivian, unable to contain her curiosity, leaned closer to Zoe and whispered, "Hey, does anyone know what happened to Allen? He seems different." And it was not because of them for sure.

Zoe, her brows furrowed in contemplation, shook her head. "I've asked the others, and they don't have a clue either. It's like he's carrying a secret or a burden that he's not willing to share."

Shea, who had been listening intently, interjected with a hint of worry in her voice. "I think he encountered something in Eyon Village."

Vivian's eyes widened as she nodded in agreement. "That could be it! I had the same suspicion. So earlier, I approached him and asked if everything was alright. But all he said was that he was fine. He didn't provide any further explanation."

Amidst their speculation, Shea voiced her suspicion, "I bet this has something to do with Mac and his guild."

Zoe nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and let's not forget about his ex."

Alice chimed in with a mischievous smile. "Or maybe it's both."

The other girls turned to Alice, giving her judgmental looks due to her previous rampage.

Sensing their disapproving gaze, Alice shifted uncomfortably and defended herself. "Hey, don't blame me for that incident. It was an accident, okay? I've learned my lesson."

Bella interjected to redirect the conversation. "Alright, let's focus on Allen's problem. Do you think they managed to kill him or something? It must be serious if it's affecting him like this."

"If they manage to kill him, then the game developer should have already announced it. There's been no official notification about Allen's defeat," Zoe pointed out, her voice filled with skepticism.

Jane, who had been quietly observing the conversation, decided to contribute her thoughts. "Yeah, and knowing Allen, he wouldn't go down that easily."

"Or maybe they're just trying to get under his skin, you know? Just like what they did in the restaurant," Shea suggested, her voice laced with frustration.

"Make sense." The others nodded in agreement, understanding the psychological warfare that could be at play.

"It seems that for the next daily quest, we won't need to rely on our disguises anymore. We've leveled up enough to handle the challenges, so it might be better to prioritize speed and efficiency," Zoe suggested, her eyes filled with determination. The plan was clear in her mind: Allen could now unleash his full strength without restraint, annihilating Mac and his cronies without holding back or bothering with duel invitations.

"He mentioned this idea to me earlier, and I think it's a smart move. He'll discuss the details with us later, after the event," Vivian tweeted, making an official announcement to the group.

"Why did he only tell you?" Jane protested, feeling a mix of surprise and frustration.

Vivian smiled softly, understanding Jane's concern. "I think he realized that I'm more of a PvE (Player versus Environment) player type. He's just looking out for me, making sure I'm comfortable with the plan," she explained, her tone reassuring.

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