Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 212 The Healer's Jealousy [Part 5]

Villain Ch 212. The Healer's Jealousy [Part 5]

Taking a deep breath, Sophia closed her eyes and attempted to calm the storm of emotions raging within her. She repeated positive affirmations in her mind, reassuring herself that she was strong enough to face this, that she could let go of Allen and move on with her life. 

With every exhale, she released the tension that had built up inside her, allowing herself a moment of respite.

Just as she was starting to regain her composure, a familiar chime emanated from her phone, shattering the fragile peace she had momentarily found. Her heart skipped a beat, and her hand instinctively reached for the device in her bag. Her fingers swiped across the screen to check the notification. Her eyes scanned the message. It was from Mr. Bell.

Client: The second photo session is almost over. Where are you? Don't you want to give them some direction?

Sophia stared at the message on her phone, feeling a mixture of anxiety and frustration. She had managed to compose herself in the restroom, wiping away her tears and putting on a brave face, but the ache in her heart still lingered. The thought of watching Allen and that girl continue their intimate poses was almost unbearable.

Taking a deep breath, Sophia reminded herself of the importance of professionalism. She couldn't let her personal emotions interfere with her work. She had been given a golden opportunity by Mr. Bell, and she couldn't afford to let it slip away. She swiftly typed a response, her fingers tapping the screen with a sense of determination.

Sophia: Yes, I will be there in a minute.

Stuffing her phone back into her bag, she straightened her posture and fixed her hair. With a resolute expression, Sophia stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection. The harsh fluorescent lights illuminated her face, revealing traces of her recent emotional turmoil. 

She took a tissue and gently wiped away the remnants of tears, careful not to smudge her carefully applied makeup. With a steadying hand, she reached into her bag and retrieved her lipstick, applying a fresh coat to her lips. As she stared at herself, she couldn't help but notice the sadness lurking in her eyes, but she quickly dismissed it.

"He is your past, Sophia," she whispered to her reflection, her voice laced with determination. "Be strong!"

Feeling a surge of resolve, she straightened her posture and adjusted her outfit, making sure she looked presentable. The restroom remained empty, providing her with a moment of solace to gather her thoughts and compose herself. Sophia knew that she couldn't let her personal emotions overshadow her professionalism. She had a job to do, and she would give it her all.

Sophia glanced down at her attire, making sure everything was in place. She smoothed out any wrinkles on her outfit and adjusted her collar, ensuring that she presented herself professionally. With a final flick of her fingers to settle her hair, she took a deep breath and pushed open the restroom door.

As she stepped out into the bustling hallway, she became aware of the vibrant energy that filled the air. People hurriedly moved about, carrying equipment and props, their voices blending into a cacophony of excitement. Sophia navigated through the bustling crowd, her eyes focused on Studio 4.

Entering the studio silently, Sophia's footsteps faltered before she reached Mr. Bell's side, her gaze locked on the sight before her.

Allen, dressed in a sleek black suit reminiscent of a charismatic mafia boss, reclined on a luxurious, oversized sofa. The backdrop behind him resembled an opulent bedroom, complete with plush velvet drapes and a gilded chandelier. Vivian, with her radiant presence, sat sideways on his lap, her gaze locked with his in a moment of captivating connection.

The atmosphere surrounding them exuded an air of intrigue and seduction. Allen's sly smile revealed a hint of mischief, a testament to his captivating allure. His hand rested possessively on Vivian's waist, his touch both gentle and firm, claiming her as his own. His other hand lingered near her lips, a tantalizing gesture that hinted at unspoken desires.


Sophia's heart thudded loudly in her chest, the rhythm mirroring the anguish she felt deep within. Her vision blurred as tears welled up, threatening to spill over and betray her emotions. The sight of Allen's intense and possessive gaze fixed on Vivian sent a sharp pang through her, stirring up memories of their past, of a look he had once reserved for her.

At that moment, Sophia realized that she couldn't bear witness to this scene any longer. It was as if a dam had burst, unleashing a flood of pain and heartache. Without a second thought, she turned on her heel and made a swift exit from the studio.

Once again, her footsteps echoed in the corridor as she walked, her pace hurried and determined. Tears streamed down her face, leaving a glistening trail in their wake. She pressed a trembling hand to her chest, desperately trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within her.

"I can't... I just can't..." Sophia whispered to herself, her voice choked with sorrow. She knew that staying in the studio any longer would only lead to further anguish, and she couldn't bear the thought of humiliating herself in front of everyone present.

Sophia reached into her purse and retrieved her phone, her fingers trembling as she unlocked the screen. Through tear-blurred eyes, she navigated to her messages and composed a heartfelt message to Mr. Bell, the words forming a lifeline in the midst of her turmoil.

Her fingers danced across the screen of her phone as she hastily composed a message to the client. Her excuse had to be believable, something that would justify her sudden departure without raising too much suspicion.

Sophia: I'm really sorry about this, Mr. Bell. But I'm feeling quite nervous and it's triggering my gastritis. I think it's best if I step away from the photo session for now. Is it alright if I send you the references via message instead?

As she hit the send button, her heart raced with anticipation. She hoped Mr. Bell would understand and not press further. Moments later, a reply came through, causing her phone to vibrate in her hand.

Client: Are you all right? Do you need me to call a doctor or anything? Your health is more important than anything else.

Sophia exhaled a breath, she knew she couldn't reveal the real reason behind her sudden distress.

Sophia: Thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine. I'm just not used to crowds.

Client: Okay. Just send me the references and meet me at my office after you are feeling better. We can talk better there.

Sophia slipped back into the restroom, seeking solace in its quiet confines. The door creaked softly as it closed behind her, shutting out the hustle and bustle of the studio. The emptiness of the space provided a temporary sanctuary for her troubled mind.

"Breathe… Sophia. Breathe…" she whispered to herself.

Note: Those are mini photo sessions. So it's around 20 to 30 minutes per session.

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