Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 227 Adaptability [Bonus ]

Villain Ch 227. Adaptability

"Hellfire Rain..." The words slipped from the doppelganger's lips, shattering the silence and sending a chill down Allen's spine. He hadn't expected the doppelganger to unleash such a devastating skill at this critical juncture.

Allen's heart skipped a beat. He knew that the doppelganger's Hellfire Rain skill was a perfect way to create distance and push him away, buying precious time to regroup and plan his next move. It was a clever tactic, a last-ditch effort to delay the inevitability of death. But Allen had no intention of allowing the doppelganger to slip away unscathed. This was a golden opportunity that he couldn't afford to waste.

The room was ablaze with the doppelganger's Hellfire Rain skill. The scorching flames licked at the walls, casting an eerie glow across the battlefield. Before the flame licked his body, Allen vanished into the shadows, utilizing his trusted Shadow Walk skill to evade the deadly assault.

The doppelganger turned around, anticipating his reappearance and ready to counter his attack, but Allen had other plans in mind. Instead of materializing where the doppelganger expected, he defied all expectations by appearing high above his foe. With a powerful flap of his wings, he hovered effortlessly in mid-air, extending his hand to the doppelganger.

The black lances swirled around him like a pack of loyal soldiers awaiting their commander's command. Each lance pulsated with dark energy, eager to be unleashed upon the doppelganger. Allen's claws, sharp and deadly, were poised and ready to strike, yearning to tear his opponent apart.

With a wave from his hand, Allen unleashed his onslaught. The black lances shot forth like arrows, streaking through the air with deadly accuracy along with him, like a commander leading his deadly soldiers.

The doppelganger readied his claws, a sinister smile playing across his face. With a swift motion, he hurled his own black lances toward Allen, aiming to intercept and neutralize his attack.

In that split second, the air crackled with anticipation as the two forces collided. Black lances clashed in mid-air, their dark energies mingling and intertwining. The room trembled under the sheer intensity of their clash, threatening to crumble under the weight of their power.

Despite the doppelganger's skill and precision, he couldn't evade every single one of Allen's black lances. Several pierced through his defenses, finding their mark and inflicting deep wounds. Pain seared through his body, but he refused to succumb. Gritting his teeth, he fought through the agony, his determination burning like an unquenchable flame.

[Time remaining: 00:09]

The doppelganger's HP bar dwindled, dropping down to a mere 5%. The countdown timer ticked away relentlessly, reminding Allen that time was running out.

Sweat dripped down Allen's forehead as he contemplated his next move. He knew that with the doppelganger's remaining strength, a few more clashes wouldn't be enough to secure victory. If he failed to defeat the doppelganger within the given time, he would have to start all over again from the beginning, facing the grueling tests once more.

In that critical moment, Allen made a bold and unexpected decision. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, fueling his every move. His mind raced with the realization that desperate times called for desperate actions.

With lightning speed, Allen seized two of his hurtling lances from the air, gripping them tightly in his hands. Yes, instead of hurling the lances as projectiles, he used them as deadly close-combat weapons.

The doppelganger was taken aback by Allen's audacious move. The A.I struggled to process this unforeseen tactic, which lay outside the confines of his programmed response. The lack of adaptability in its data became glaringly apparent, leaving it momentarily vulnerable and disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Allen pressed the attack. He lunged forward with a flurry of precise strikes, his lances slashing through the air with lethal accuracy. The doppelganger caught off guard, hastily assumed a defensive posture, crossing its demonic claws in front of its body in a desperate attempt to ward off Allen's relentless assault.

In a desperate bid to break through the doppelganger's defense, Allen unleashed a powerful swing with one of his lances from bottom to up. The force behind the strike was immense, shattering the doppelganger's guarded position and leaving his arms wide open.

[Time remaining: 00:03]

Seizing the opportunity, Allen's eyes gleamed with determination as he swiftly drove his other lance into the doppelganger's exposed chest, piercing his body.

Time seemed to freeze as the room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the crackling of the surrounding flames. Allen's critical hit's impact reverberated through the air, resonating with the weight of their final clash.

As the dust settled, both Allen and the doppelganger stood locked in a tense standoff.

[Remaining time: 00:00]

The doppelganger's life points dwindled rapidly, reaching zero in perfect synchronization with the vanishing numbers on the timer. The room seemed to hold its breath, the silence punctuated by the flickering flames.

An announcement appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have successfully passed the final test!]

A sense of accomplishment washed over him as the doppelganger's lifeless body slumped to the ground. Allen took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure that the threat had truly been vanquished.

For a moment, Allen couldn't believe what had just transpired. The intensity of the battle had left him breathless, his heart pounding in his chest. The weight of the victory settled upon him, a mixture of relief and triumph.

"I win," Allen whispered breathlessly, his voice barely audible amidst the heavy panting. The once formidable lances in his hands began to dissipate, their energy dispersing into a dark aura that surrounded him. The weight of the battle had taken its toll, leaving him exhausted but victorious.

The room once filled with tension and danger, now exuded an eerie calmness. The crackling flames danced and cast a mesmerizing glow upon the scene. Allen's mind raced, trying to process the magnitude of what he had just achieved. This battle had pushed him to his limits, demanding every ounce of his skill and resourcefulness.

Note: Both of them cannot use their Soul Siphon skill on this battlefield or the battle will turn into snatching the HP and DP back and forth.

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