Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 245 Fake

Villain Ch 245. Fake

With their plan firmly in place, the group made their way to the Portal room and used their Disguise skill. Their intention was clear: they didn't want to engage their targets in a straightforward duel like their first daily quest.

The group activated their Disguise skill, their appearances morphing. It was a necessary step in their strategy, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the crowd while they observed their targets from the shadows. They had no intention of revealing themselves until the opportune moment, the perfect time to strike and catch their targets off guard.

Allen used his Dual Dagger user form. With stealth and agility, he made his way through the Harbor town of Berlt.

The town was a picturesque gem nestled along the rugged coastline, its medieval charm accentuated by the breathtaking views of the vast sea that stretched out into the horizon.

The cobblestone streets were lined with quaint shops and bustling market stalls, their colorful awnings fluttering gently in the sea breeze. Merchants shouted their wares, enticing passersby with promises of powerful weapons, rare artifacts, and enchanted trinkets. The air was alive with the sea aroma.

Though not as bustling as Ront City, Berlt had its own vibrant atmosphere. Players from far and wide flocked to this coastal haven, drawn by its tranquil charm and the allure of the sea.

Allen's footsteps echoed against the cobblestone streets, his eyes remained fixated on the holographic map displayed in front of him. The map usually depicted various dots that indicated the party members' location. However, this time, the dots held a different significance. They marked his targets' positions.

He decided to start from that place since he found most of his targets there. The rest were in Ront and Gorroc. None of them were currently hunting. It made sense, as seasoned players often hang out in the same town, whether to catch up with friends, exchange valuable information, flaunt their impressive strength and equipment, or engage in friendly duels to test their mettle.

Navigating through the bustling streets of the city, Allen made his way towards the heart of the town—a vibrant tavern known as "The Mermaid's Song." Its wooden facade adorned with intricate carvings and the sound of merry laughter spilling out from within signaled that this was the place where players gathered to unwind and revel in their virtual exploits.

As he pushed open the tavern doors, a wave of warmth and merriment washed over him. The air was thick with the fragrant scent of ale and savory dishes, mingling harmoniously with the joyful cacophony of boisterous conversations. The tavern was alive with activity, its patrons occupying every nook and cranny, their spirits high and their enthusiasm contagious.

The atmosphere was one of camaraderie, with players huddled in groups, swapping stories of their recent victories and daring escapades.

Allen glanced around the bustling tavern, his hand swiftly closing the holographic map in front of him. He sought a moment of respite, his gaze landing on an unoccupied table tucked away in a corner. As he settled into his seat, his eyes wandered across the room, taking in the lively scene unfolding before him.

Amidst the sea of players, his attention was drawn to a particularly boisterous group engaged in animated conversation. They exuded an air of confidence, their impressive armor and weapons glistening in the warm glow of the tavern. It was evident that they belonged to the same prestigious guild, their shared emblems proudly displayed in their attire. Allen's sharp eyes honed in on three specific individuals—the targets he had been tracking.

His gaze fell upon the fiery-haired swordsman, known as Red_King. The guild leader commanded attention, his aura exuding strength and leadership.

Next, his attention shifted to the green-haired craftsman, Mastercraft, resplendent in his extravagant armor and exquisite weaponry obtained from the coveted item mall. The sight of his small pet fox, a limited edition companion, served as a testament to his wealth and status as a renowned player. While the fox may not aid him in battle, it served as a symbol of his opulence—a lavish display of his wealth.

Finally, Allen's gaze settled on the silver-haired male healer, Father^Alex. Clad in a radiant robe that emanated a soft glow, he defied the typical image of a support healer. His presence exuded strength, and the metallic mace strapped to his waist hinted at his prowess as a battle healer—an unusual choice for those who typically focused solely on support roles. Father^Alex possessed the resilience and might of a warrior, making him a formidable adversary.

Yes, to make that sword, Allen had to kill battle healers. That's why Yora wasn't on his kill list.

Those nicknames were very familiar to him since they used the same nicknames in every game they played.

With a calculated nonchalance, he reached for a small bottle of HP potion. Opened the cork, he brought it to his lips, and downed its contents in one swift gulp. The revitalizing liquid coursed through his virtual veins, replenishing his depleted hit points while he kept a watchful eye on his targets.

He didn't know if he should be happy or sad. Since he didn't use his usual game nickname, no one recognized him.

"Hey, check my new pet, everyone!" Mastercraft exclaimed, raising his voice above the hum of conversation. His enthusiasm was contagious, drawing the attention of nearby players who turned their gaze toward him, including Allen.

The sleek fox, with its striking emerald eyes and lustrous fur, exuded an air of elegance and mystique. Its tiny frame remained poised and alert, seemingly aware of the attention it commanded. As Mastercraft extended his hand, the fox gracefully leaped from his shoulder, landing with a light thud on the table before them.

"Now, watch this!" Mastercraft declared, his voice tinged with excitement. He directed the fox with a series of hand gestures and spoken commands, showcasing its repertoire of tricks and skills.

"Fetch!" he commanded, pointing towards a small object on the table. The fox obediently darted forward, snatching the object in its jaws before returning it to Mastercraft's outstretched palm.

"Jump!" he exclaimed, gesturing upwards. With a nimble leap, the fox effortlessly cleared a nearby chair, its agile movements captivating the audience.

Mastercraft's grin widened as he reveled in the admiration of his fellow players.

The raucous laughter and animated chatter within the tavern came to an abrupt halt as a figure entered, drawing the attention of all those present. A collective hush fell over the crowd, allowing a lone swordsman to command the spotlight. His confident stride and imposing presence sent a ripple of awe through the room.

"Hey, guys. Sorry to keep you waiting," he greeted, his voice carrying an air of authority. The words hung in the air, momentarily freezing the lively atmosphere as all eyes turned toward him. Allen's gaze fixed upon the player, his heart skipping a beat as he read the name hovering above his head.

Godlike (Deputy) <Celestial Vanguard>

It was his previous in-game nickname…

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