Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 254 Torture Show [Part 4]

Villain Ch 254.  Torture Show [Part 4]

Yora's heart pounded in her chest, fear mingling with confusion. She couldn't comprehend why she was being targeted once again. It seemed like just yesterday she had faced the devil emperor, and now the necromancer herself was before her. Why did they always seem to gravitate towards her, like moths drawn to a flame?

"I don't understand why you are targeting me?" she asked.

With Grimora's hand wrapped around her neck, Yora felt a chill crawl up her spine. The pressure of the necromancer's grip tightened, causing her to gasp for breath. 

"Don't blame us for that. We only come if we have to do something for someone," said Grimora with a sly smile. The necromancer leaned in, her face mere inches away from Yora's, her breath cold against her skin. A wicked smile played on her lips, revealing rows of sharp, unnaturally white teeth. Yora's body tensed as Grimora whispered, her voice laced with sadistic pleasure, "And in this case... I need something from you."

Yora's trembling voice quivered with both fear and defiance as she asked, "What do you want?"

Grimora's eyes glinted with a sinister light as she revealed her twisted desire. "Your Tortured Soul," she uttered, relishing in the power she held over her prey.

[5 Tortured Soul of Healer (Click to open the player list) 0/5]

[Get the soul by torturing a certain player for 5 seconds. Killing is optional.]

With a sinister hiss, Grimora unleashed her sadistic desires upon Yora without a moment's hesitation. The Shadow Grasp lashed out, tearing through the air and clawing at Yora's defenseless body.

Yora's agonized cries echoed through the air as Grimora's relentless assault painted her pristine white robe with crimson streaks of her own blood. The wounds inflicted upon her were not fatal, for Grimora had no intention of ending Yora's life prematurely. No, her sadistic pleasure came from the prolonged suffering, ensuring that Yora endured every moment of pain and torment.

Yora's anguished screams reverberated through the dense forest, intertwining with the haunting echoes of Grimora's maniacal laughter. The relentless torment inflicted upon her seemed never-ending, each strike of Grimora's dark powers carving fresh wounds into her fragile body. However, despite the excruciating pain coursing through her veins, Yora refused to surrender.

"Heal!" A radiant aura enveloped her, mending her injured flesh and closing the deep gashes inflicted by Grimora's sadistic attacks. Although the spell provided temporary respite, Yora knew all too well that it was a mere band-aid on a gaping wound. Her ability to fight back was severely limited, and without the means to defend herself, it was only a matter of time before Grimora's relentless assault overwhelmed her.

"Yora! Hang on!" Greg's voice rang out, filled with determination and concern. With a fierce swing of his grand ax, he began cleaving through the horde of ghouls that stood between him and his injured comrade. His eyes remained locked on Yora, his heart pounding with the urgency to reach her side.

"Greg, don't split up!" Mac's voice boomed, filled with a mix of caution and worry. He knew the danger of venturing off alone, especially in the midst of such a chaotic battle. But Greg's mind was set on his course of action, fueled by his desire to support and impress Yora.

Ignoring Mac's warning, Greg pressed forward with unwavering determination. Each swing of his grand ax sent ghouls flying, their bodies torn asunder. The sheer force and determination behind his attacks resonated with his inner strength as if channeling his desire to protect and fight for Yora.

It was Mac who was always there when Yora was having a hard time, now Greg wanted to take this opportunity to shine. He also wanted to grab Yora's attention!

Hearing Greg's determined shout, Grimora's attention shifted to the source of the voice, a smirk playing on her lips. She relished the challenge presented by Greg's relentless approach towards Yora, as if taunting him with the sight of Yora's suffering.

With a sadistic gleam in her eyes, Grimora maneuvered Yora forward, using her dark hands to mercilessly claw at Yora's already wounded body. The sight unfolded right before Greg's eyes, the agony etched on Yora's face and the blood staining her once pristine robe. The distance between them seemed insurmountable, separated by the skeleton cage and the formidable line of ghouls that acted as Grimora's barrier.

But Greg refused to be deterred. He could see it all with piercing clarity—the blood-soaked wounds, the pain etched on Yora's face, and the indomitable spirit within her that endured the torment. Every ounce of his being screamed for him to reach her, to protect her, and to show her that she wasn't alone in this fight.

[Congratulations! You managed to get a Tortured Soul of Healer!]

[Tortured Soul of Healer (1/5)]

That announcement showed that Grimora had gotten what she wanted, but of course, Grimora didn't intend to just let Yora go.

The tension in the air was palpable as Grimora glanced at Greg, her lips curling into a wicked grin. Her words dripped with taunting sarcasm as she deliberately addressed him.

"Hey, tough guy! Do you want your girlfriend?" she sneered, her voice laced with a clear provocation. The insidiousness in her words hung heavy in the air, like a venomous serpent coiled around their very existence.

Greg's grip tightened around his mighty ax, his knuckles turning white as he felt his blood boil with a mix of anger and desperation. He knew that engaging Grimora in combat held risks, but he couldn't stand idly by while she toyed with Yora's life like a malevolent puppeteer.

"Let her go," Greg growled, his voice trembling with determination. He swung his ax with purpose, its sharp blade glinting menacingly in the dim light of the forest.

Grimora's response was chilling. She tightened her grip around Yora's neck, her twisted gaze fixed on Greg. The cynical tone in her voice sliced through the tense atmosphere like a blade through flesh.

"Should I?" she mused, her words pregnant with sadistic intent. Her eyes locked onto Greg's, relishing the flicker of anguish and desperation that danced across his features.

Those infuriating words ignited a raging fire within Greg. Without a second thought, he unleashed a swift and powerful swing of his mighty ax, cleaving through the ranks of ghouls that stood between him and his beloved Yora. He moved with a ferocity and determination that surpassed his own expectations, ignoring the clawing attempts of the ghouls to bring him down.

His eyes locked on the skeleton cage that held Yora captive, his heart pounding with anticipation. The weight of the moment hung in the air as he mustered every ounce of strength, aiming to shatter the cage that kept them apart.

Seeing his frustration, Grimora decided to burn his hope into ashes.

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