Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 267 Veni, Vidi, Vici

Villain Ch 267. Veni, Vidi, Vici

But then, a realization struck Zoe, and she turned to Allen with a puzzled expression on her face. "Wait a second. You've finished your hunt?" she asked in shock, unable to comprehend how he had managed to accomplish it so quickly.

"Yes," he responded as if that was a normal thing.

"But how?" she asked again, her disbelief and shock pouring out in her words.

He raised an eyebrow, looking slightly puzzled by her surprise. "Erm… By hunting them down?" he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Zoe let out an exasperated sigh, trying to make him understand her point. "I know, but how could you be so fast?" she clarified, hoping he would realize that his answer didn't really explain anything.

"Well, simply put, I just ambushed them, used my area skill to take them out, and then moved on to the next target," Allen explained, his frown still etched on his face. He couldn't quite grasp why Zoe found it so perplexing. To him, it was just a straightforward tactic. He had been solely focused on eliminating his targets, after all.

Zoe continued to look at him with an incredulous expression. "A question. How long did it take you to kill them?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Allen hummed, realizing that his efficiency was indeed quite impressive. "Well, it didn't take me more than a minute to finish them off. Maybe five minutes at most if I had to track them down," he admitted. Well, what happened in Berlt town was the most time-consuming among the others since he had to take care of the impostor first before going on his mission.

Zoe's jaw dropped in shock as she processed Allen's words. "So, you just need to hand all the materials to Grimar? What are you waiting for?" she guessed, trying to wrap her head around the situation.

"I've given all the necessary materials to Grimar, and he estimated that it would take him about an hour to craft it. So here I am, twiddling my thumbs and waiting," he explained, spreading his arms out in a gesture of helplessness. Her unexpected urgent message had disrupted his original plan of logging off and taking a break, but he had decided to stay in the game just in case any of his companions needed his assistance.

Zoe shook her head in disbelief, a mixture of awe and admiration evident on her face. "That's incredible. You're really on another level, Allen," she remarked, her voice filled with admiration. Being an international champion player had clearly honed his skills and made him capable of achieving feats that most others could only dream of.

"So?" Allen asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he raised one eyebrow in a playful manner.

A sweet smile spread across Zoe's face, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. "I accept your offer," she replied without a moment's hesitation. In a spontaneous gesture, she looped her arm through Allen's, hugging it tightly. "I can't possibly say no to a date with you," she said, her voice filled with cheerfulness.

As their arms linked together, Zoe's mind couldn't help but wander into a realm of possibilities. A date in the real world with Allen would be even more thrilling and enchanting than this.I think you should take a look at

"So, let's go," Allen said, turning to her.

"Okay," Zoe responded with a beaming smile, her eyes filled with anticipation. But despite her excitement, she remained rooted to her spot, waiting for Allen to take the lead. It was evident that she was more inclined to follow rather than lead, preferring to rely on Allen's guidance.

Allen furrowed his brow once again, noticing Zoe's hesitation. He quickly deduced that she was waiting for him to make the first move. While he was comfortable taking charge, the kill list wasn't his.

"Zoe," Allen began, his voice gentle yet firm. "Before we set off, we need to check your kill list."

Zoe's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing her oversight. "Ah, you're right," she conceded sheepishly, feeling a touch of self-consciousness. She had gotten caught up in the excitement of their date and momentarily forgot about the practicalities of their mission.

She opened her screen and checked the kill list. With the kill list in hand, Zoe and Allen made their way to the portal room, ready to embark on their hunting expedition.

Without wasting a moment, Allen took the lead, his movements fluid and confident. Zoe watched in awe as he seamlessly executed his attacks, dispatching enemies with precision and grace, anticipating every move, and countering with calculated strikes.

Zoe followed closely behind, her tentacles ready. She aimed to provide support whenever necessary, ensuring they worked as a team to overcome any players they encountered. Yet, Allen's efficiency was such that Zoe found herself merely catching glimpses of the battles, unable to fully participate.

Zoe couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness. This was the first time she would witness Allen's prowess in solo action, handling the hunt all on his own. She had always admired his skill and efficiency, but seeing it first hand was an entirely different experience.

Time seemed to blur as they moved from one target to another. Allen's speed and accuracy were unparalleled, allowing them to complete each hunt in record time. Within minutes, formidable foes that once posed a threat now lay defeated at their feet.

Zoe marveled at Allen's ability to assess the situation swiftly, exploiting weaknesses and executing devastating combos. His movements were a dance of power and finesse, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in their wake. She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and admiration for her skilled companion.

With each successful hunt, Zoe's confidence grew. She began to contribute more actively, strategically coordinating her attacks with Allen's, creating a harmonious synergy that amplified their effectiveness. It was a true testament to the bond they had forged as partners, both in the game and in their budding relationship.

The once-daunting kill list had been conquered, their names were ticked off one by one. What seemed like an arduous task had been transformed into a fun adventure. In less than fifteen minutes everything was done.

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