Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 295 Fate

Villain Ch 295. Fate

01.34 PM, the VR café.

Sophia and the rest of the group had just concluded a successful hunt, their efforts resulting in a bountiful array of loot. A shared sense of accomplishment danced in the air, visible in the smiles that graced their lips and the renewed camaraderie that emanated from their interactions. It was evident that they had mended their fractured friendship, and the atmosphere buzzed with a newfound sense of unity.

Sophia could feel a bittersweet mixture of contentment and anticipation welling up within her. She cherished the moments they had spent together, rediscovering the joy of cooperative gameplay and the bonds that had once seemed fragile. It made her forget her pain a bit. However, she had made a decision, one she believed would protect their newly restored friendship from the insidious claws of jealousy. Sophia turned to Elio and expressed her intention to depart alone.

"Elio," she said, her voice laced with a mixture of gratitude and determination, "I'm going to head home on my own this time." Her words were clear and resolute, conveying her desire to avoid any potential triggers of jealousy that might threaten the harmonious dynamic they had rebuilt.

Elio, understanding the sincerity behind Sophia's decision, nodded in agreement. "I understand, Sophia," he replied, his voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "Take care on your way back." But of course, he had his own plan. He planned to go and text Sophia later, making sure she got a taxi to go home. If she hadn't got it, he would go back and pick her up. As long as the others didn't know it, it wouldn't be a problem.

One by one, their group bid Sophia farewell. Their heartfelt goodbyes were filled with warmth and appreciation. With a final wave and a parting glance, Sophia ventured out into the bustling streets outside the VR café.

Sophia's initial plan to hail a taxi faded away as she discovered a lack of empty cabs or designated taxi stops nearby. Frustrated but undeterred, she opted to find solace on a nearby bench, taking a moment to catch her breath. 

With a sigh, she reached for her phone, contemplating whether to call a ride-sharing service like Guuber. However, just as her hand hovered over the app, a sight caught her off guard, freezing her in place.

Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes locked on a figure across the street. There he was, Allen, emerging from a restaurant. Sophia's pulse quickened, a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through her veins. But Allen wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a woman with fiery red hair, a face Sophia instantly recognized. It was one of the women who had been seen with Allen at the restaurant two weeks prior.

The sight struck Sophia like a blow, stirring a tempest of emotions within her. Confusion, disappointment, and a trace of jealousy mingled within her as she observed the two of them walking together.

Sophia's heart sank as she caught sight of Allen's hand intertwined with the red-haired woman's, their fingers interlaced in a display of affection. The laughter that emanated from them cut through Sophia like a dagger, deepening the ache in her chest. The realization that Allen might be dating someone else sent waves of hurt crashing over her, but she couldn't allow herself to succumb to despair just yet. Determined to uncover the truth, she made the decision to follow them discreetly, her curiosity overpowering the pain in her heart.

With a resolute determination, Sophia rose from the bench and set off in pursuit. Negotiating the bustling city streets proved challenging, especially as Allen and the woman attempted to navigate the busy thoroughfares. Sophia knew she had to remain inconspicuous to avoid arousing suspicion. She focused on maintaining a safe distance while ensuring she didn't lose sight of them.I think you should take a look at

As they approached a street crossing, Sophia quickened her pace, determined to catch up and observe their interactions more closely. However, the chaotic flow of traffic proved to be an obstacle, thwarting her attempts to cross safely. Sophia cursed under her breath, realizing she needed to reach the nearest crosswalk in order to continue her pursuit without putting herself at risk.

But after she managed to cross the street, she lost them.

Panic welled up within Sophia as she desperately scanned the surroundings, her eyes darting from person to person in a frenzied search for Allen. The weight of uncertainty bore down on her, amplifying her anxiety with every passing second. Frantic thoughts raced through her mind as she tried to piece together their possible whereabouts.

Her heart pounding in her chest, Sophia approached passersby, her voice trembling with urgency as she inquired about a couple matching Allen and the woman's description. Each response brought a pang of disappointment as people shook their heads or offered vague, unhelpful replies. The minutes ticked by, each one adding to Sophia's growing unease. 

She passed by an apartment building to the other side of the street, but still she couldn't find them.

Defeated and disheartened, Sophia finally surrendered to the reality that her search for Allen had proved fruitless. Her steps grew heavy, burdened by the weight of disappointment. 

With a defeated sigh, she reached into her pocket and retrieved her phone, intending to order a Guuber ride to whisk her away from the overwhelming cityscape. However, before she could open the app, a notification captured her attention—a message from Elio.

Curiosity piqued, Sophia's finger hovered over the screen, ready to unveil the contents of the message. But just as she was about to tap, an unexpected encounter halted her. A man, completely absorbed in his own phone, carelessly collided with her, causing their bodies to momentarily collide.

"Sorry," he apologized, his voice laced with genuine remorse.

Startled, Sophia lifted her gaze, locking eyes with him. A jolt of recognition coursed through her veins as she realized that fate had orchestrated an unexpected reunion, bringing them face to face once more. And, this time, they found themselves alone in that bustling corner of the city.

"Allen…" she whispered.

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