Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 307 Intruder!

Villain Ch 307. Intruder!

Allen was deep in thought, his mind racing with various possibilities and scenarios. He knew that meeting the company's owner could potentially open up new opportunities for him and his companions. If the owner was indeed a veteran gamer, as Shea had mentioned, then he might have a deeper appreciation for the skills and strategies they brought to the game.

"I guess that means it's good news," he finally said, breaking the silence. Though he wasn't entirely sure about the invitation's implications, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. Whatever the reason for the invitation, he knew it was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

The others nodded in agreement, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of meeting the owner. Jane couldn't resist asking, "You said the owner is a veteran gamer, right? What's his nickname?"

Shea frowned, tapping her fingers on her lips as she thought. "Unfortunately, I don't have any idea or clue about that," she admitted. "The owner is a very private person, and his in-game nickname is kept under wraps. He prefers to remain anonymous."

Larissa couldn't contain her excitement and eagerly shared her thoughts. "Well, we can ask that later," she said with a wide grin, her mind already racing with ideas on what to say to the owner.

Meanwhile, Vivian's eyes darted between her friends, her fingers fidgeting nervously. There was something she wanted to say to Allen, something that had been weighing on her mind for a while now, but she hesitated. She didn't want to spoil the joyous mood or bring any negativity to the conversation. However, Allen, ever observant, sensed her hesitation and knew something was bothering her.

Subtly, he shifted his body closer to Vivian's side, as discreetly as possible, so as not to attract the others' attention. With a soft smile, he gently placed his hand on hers, silently reassuring her that he was there to listen to her.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Allen whispered to Vivian in a low, soothing voice, trying to offer her comfort and support.

She nodded, feeling the warmth of his hand on hers, which only strengthened her resolve to share her thoughts with him.

"What is it?" he asked, concerned for Vivian.

Vivian hesitated for a moment before speaking. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she knew she had to express what was on her mind. "It's about the celebration tonight," she said, her voice a bit shaky. "Tonight, the agency wants to celebrate our recent photoshoot's success and they've invited everyone involved to the club. I just wanted to let you all know and hope that you can attend," Vivian said, her gaze briefly flickering toward Allen.

"A celebration?" Allen repeated, his brows furrowing slightly. "Isn't it too early for that?" he asked, seeking confirmation from Vivian.

Vivian nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it does feel a bit soon, but apparently Mr. Bell was really impressed with the results. He told me that the higher-ups were also very pleased with how everything turned out," she explained, her voice tinged with surprise. She had expected some recognition for their hard work but didn't expect a celebration.

"I see. Too bad, I can't come. I promise to have dinner with my old friend," Allen said, his tone apologetic. He felt torn between attending the celebration with Vivian and keeping his promise to Geralt, his long-time buddy. Geralt had been there for him during some of the toughest times and had always had his back, so rescheduling the dinner invitation felt wrong.

"At what time?" Vivian asked curiously, hoping to find a way for Allen to attend both events.

"Maybe around six to seven PM," he informed her, trying to recall the timing of the dinner reservation.

Vivian's eyes lit up with a spark of hope. "The event starts around nine to ten. You should be able to attend it. I can't possibly go there alone," she said, her voice pleading. Instead of attending without Allen, she would probably choose to pretend she had another event. Even if she couldn't force him, she really hoped for Allen's presence.

"Is it because Sophia will be there?" Allen made a bull-eye guess. He had seen Sophia's illustrations in the magazine, and her watermark was a dead giveaway. He was taken aback when he stumbled upon it, but he quickly brushed it off, not wanting to dwell on the past.

Vivian sighed, knowing she couldn't hide the truth from Allen. "Yes," she admitted reluctantly. She knew that Allen and Sophia's past relationship was a sensitive topic, and she understood his reservations about attending the celebration where Sophia would be present.

"But don't worry," Vivian quickly added. "They will order two separate tables, so we won't be sitting together with them. Besides, Sophia has just been accepted as a permanent staff member, so I don't think she would cause any trouble with her fresh status."

Allen considered Vivian's offer for a bit before finally accepting. "All right, I'll attend the celebration," he said with a hint of resignation. He knew that avoiding Sophia forever wasn't a practical solution, and attending the event might be an opportunity to finally put an end to any lingering feelings she had for him. If he showed that he had moved on and was happy without her, maybe she would finally give up and move on as well.

"Good, I'm glad you're coming," Vivian said with a smile. "And don't worry, there will be security personnel at the event to handle any troublesome situations."

"I hear you talking about something," Shea teased, interrupting their conversation.

"Yeah, it's about our modeling side job," Allen admitted, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oh, I saw the magazine this morning!" Larissa exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yeah, I saw it too. You guys look amazing in those photos!" Zoe chimed in with a big grin.

"I'm glad you liked it," Allen replied with a modest smile. "It was definitely a fun experience, but I still can't believe we ended up on the cover."

They were just about to chat a bit longer. But an announcement suddenly appeared in front of them.

[Intruder alert! A player has successfully infiltrated the Cursed Crypts!]

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