Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 316 Two Versus Two [Part 2]

Villain Ch 316. Two Versus Two [Part 2]

Allen noticed Vivian's gaze on Sophia and decided to take action.

With a measured and confident movement, Allen's fingers reached out and gently grazed Vivian's chin. His touch was electrifying, sending shivers down her spine and causing her breath to catch in her throat. Slowly, he turned her face towards him, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that demanded her complete attention.

"Don't look at her. She wants attention. If you give it to her, you will lose," Allen's words carried a note of caution, a subtle reminder to Vivian that falling into Sophia's trap would mean surrendering control. He had grown wise to Sophia's tactics, to the way she sought to wield her allure as a weapon.

Vivian's heart quickened as she realized the significance of Allen's words. He was right. Engaging with Sophia would only feed her ego, strengthening her hold over them both. If she allowed herself to be drawn into the familiar dance, she risked losing herself in the process.

"You're right," she whispered back, her voice a soft, steely resolve. She returned her gaze to Allen, meeting his eyes with a determination that belied her anger. Deep down, she knew that reacting impulsively would only serve Sophia's purpose.

"Mind if we teach her a little lesson?" she asked, her gaze flickering toward Mr. Bell and the other guests at the table. They were engrossed in their own conversations, oblivious to the brewing storm of intrigue between Vivian and Allen. The dancers on stage writhed to the rhythm of pulsating beats, their bodies bathed in colorful laser lights that painted the room in a mesmerizing display.

Allen's lips curled into a wicked smirk, his eyes alight with a fire that matched Vivian's audacity. "With pleasure," he responded, his voice carrying an air of dangerous allure.

With an instinctual grace, Allen drew Vivian's face closer to his, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that ignited sparks of electricity between them. His tongue danced with hers, a silent promise of secrets shared and pleasures yet to be discovered. Vivian surrendered herself to the moment, tilting her head to savor every sensation, every thrill that coursed through her veins.

Sophia's widened eyes bore witness to the intimate exchange between Allen and Vivian. Her heart pounded in her chest, the beats echoing like distant thunder as a surge of conflicting emotions washed over her.

Jealousy, like a relentless tide, crashed upon her shores, threatening to consume her in its tumultuous waves. Sophia had prided herself on her ability to control the dynamics, but this time, Allen had caught her off guard. It was he who made the first move to kiss Vivian, a revelation that stung Sophia's pride and ignited a bitter taste in her mouth.

Her failed attempts to provoke Allen's reaction gnawed at her, a reminder of her failed game. She had sought to lure him back into her sphere, but it seemed that the tables had turned, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than she had anticipated.

As the kiss between Allen and Vivian ended, the lingering taste of their passion seemed to hang in the air like a heady fragrance. Sophia felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned to find Elio looking at her, concern etched on his face.I think you should take a look at

"Sophia," he called out to her, his voice soft yet filled with understanding. He, too, had noticed her gaze fixated on Allen, and he knew all too well the emotions that swirled within her.

Sophia's heart was a battleground of conflicting feelings. She understood their ploy to make her jealous, but Sophia was not one to be easily swayed by the games of others. It was time for her to take control of the narrative.

With a resolve that matched the fire in her eyes, Sophia kissed Elio with a matter-of-fact decisiveness. The shock of her actions reverberated through Elio's being, causing him to flinch in surprise. Yet, he didn't pull away. For he, too, had come to realize the depth of his feelings for her, and he savored every moment of their intimate connection.

The guests at their table couldn't help but notice the unanticipated boldness of Sophia's move. Whispers and grins spread like wildfire through the crowd, each person delighted by the unexpected turn of events. After all, Sophia had just been accepted as a permanent staff member, and her audacious display defied the expectations of someone newly inducted into their ranks.

The kiss she shared with Elio, though filled with intensity, had left her heart feeling strangely hollow. It was Allen who held the key to her emotions, and no matter how she tried to suppress her feelings, his presence lingered like an echo in her soul.

Deep down, she knew she had used Elio, her affections for him only a facade to hide the ache in her heart. But it seemed that her ruse had backfired, for Elio's feelings for her had grown far beyond what she had anticipated.

Sophia stole a fleeting glance at Allen. She couldn't help but wonder if he had noticed the whispers and hushed commotion at their table. It was a calculated move on her part, a silent declaration of her own strength and independence. She wanted to show Allen that she was more than just a pawn in his game, that even without him, she was a force to be reckoned with.

But to her surprise, it seemed that her provocative move had fallen on deaf ears. Only Mr. Bell and a few other guests acknowledged her with a smile, while Allen and Vivian remained aloof, seemingly absorbed in the alluring dance performance taking place on stage.

The dancers moved with an intoxicating grace, their bodies swaying to the pulsating rhythm of the music. Allen and Vivian remained seated, their gazes fixed on the mesmerizing performance before them, as they occasionally sipped their drinks and tapped their fingers onto the table.

Sophia's frustration grew with each passing moment, for Allen's lack of reaction only served to fuel her irritation. She had expected him to take the bait, to respond to her provocations, but it seemed that he was content to indulge in the allure of the dance and Vivian's company instead.

Her mind raced with questions and doubts. Was Allen truly immune to her charms? Was her hold on him slipping away, leaving her grasping at shadows?

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