Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 482 Dance of Blades

Chapter 482 Dance of Blades

Villain Ch 482. Dance of Blades

In a synchronized burst of action, Allen and his party engaged the boss monsters, each focusing on their assigned targets. As anticipated, the ghostly boss monsters began summoning their minions. These minions swarmed into the fray, numbering twenty for each boss monster.

The battlefield rapidly transformed into a chaotic maelstrom as the ghostly minions joined the already intense battle. The area was soon teeming with hundreds of these ethereal apparitions, echoing the skills and classes of the boss monsters who conjured them.

Shea and Jane acted in tandem to handle the relentless tide of ghostly minions. Shea's harp strummed a haunting melody, casting her Lullaby skill, which left a magical trail in the air. Jane's Necromancy skills summoned undead to fend off the minions and provide additional cover.

Meanwhile, Bella unleashed her devastating Thunder Storm spell, creating a frenzied downpour of electrifying energy. It paralyzed some minions and disrupted their spells, creating temporary disarray among the ghostly troops. The chaos was palpable, yet the eerie calm of the ghostly monsters remained intact.

The ghostly minions maintained their battle formation, their blank gazes unfazed by the turmoil around them. It was as if they were programmed to fulfill their roles, regardless of the chaos that unfolded.

With the battle raging around them and chaos unfolding as the minions swarmed, Allen focused on his chosen target, the assassin. The assassin, poison blades in hand, poised for a deadly strike. Instead of risking an exchange of ranged attacks, which might trigger the assassin's evasion abilities, Allen opted for a different approach.

As the assassin lunged, Allen swiftly initiated his Shadow Step skill. In a blur of movement, he disappeared from the assassin's field of vision, leaving nothing but an empty space where he once stood. With impeccable timing, Allen reappeared right in front of the assassin. His body was low, coiled like a spring ready to uncoil.

In that split-second transition, his sword was already drawn and poised for a lethal strike. His black sword, Nightmare, gleamed with malevolence. The assassin, caught off guard by the unexpected maneuver, had little time to react as Allen's blade descended with precision and speed. The attack was designed to strike true, targeting a vulnerable point before the assassin could evade or react.

With a swift and deadly strike, Allen's black sword slashed across the assassin's abdomen. He aimed to cleave the foe in two, but the agile assassin managed to evade just in the nick of time. Instead of a fatal blow, the blade left a deep gash along the assassin's stomach, causing significant damage. While not a fatal hit, it was a meaningful injury that would hinder the assassin's combat abilities.

[You have cut Assassin Military Chief Ghost for 1432 HP]

The ghostly assassin, quick and agile, attempted to kick Allen's sword in an attempt to disarm him. However, Allen displayed impressive reflexes. He tilted his body to the side, narrowly evading the assassin's powerful kick. The wind generated from the kick brushed past his face, and he could feel the force behind it.

Regaining his stance, Allen spun around, making a swift and precise swing towards the assassin's back. But the assassin was equally nimble. In a blur of motion, he turned around just in time and used his dual blades to deflect Allen's sword strike. The clash of their weapons filled the air with an eerie resonance, a tense and deadly dance between the two skilled combatants.

- Clang!

The deafening sound of clashing blades filled the air as the two swords met. Sparks of energy erupted from the point of contact, casting a dazzling display of fiery brilliance amidst the chaos of the battlefield. Allen was taken aback by the assassin's remarkable strength, as his blade remained unmoved despite the force of his strike. It was clear that this foe was no pushover; he possessed a strength that demanded Allen's full attention.

Out of a sudden, a soothing female voice rang out from behind the assassin.

"Healing Light!" It was accompanied by a radiant burst of light that enveloped the wounded assassin's body. Instantly, the assassin's injuries were mended, and he stood unharmed.

"Tch!" Annoyance flickered across Allen's face as he clicked his tongue in frustration. He realized that their goal to eliminate these powerful ghostly monsters would not be as straightforward as they had hoped.

Allen and the assassin continued their fierce battle, their movements a blur of speed and precision. The clashing of their blades sent resounding echoes through the air, a symphony of steel that played amidst the background chaos of the raging skirmish.

The assassin unleashed a flurry of rapid attacks, each strike aimed with deadly precision. Allen, however, was no less formidable in his combat skills. He countered the assassin's speed with his own, anticipating each move and responding swiftly. Their dance of blades was a mesmerizing display of skill and agility.

Yet the battle was far from one-on-one. Amidst the swift blows and parries, Allen had to remain hyper-aware of the stray attacks that came his way. Arrows from the hunters whizzed past, and spells from the magic scholars crackled dangerously in the air. Allen had to deftly dodge or parry these attacks while maintaining his relentless focus on the assassin before him.

Bella's spells and Jane's undead minions occasionally disrupted their duel, further complicating the already chaotic situation. This battle was not just about individual skills, but also the ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

The battle between Allen and the assassin raged on, and their bodies bore the marks of minor wounds inflicted during their fierce clash. Wounds adorned their forms, but neither combatant was willing to yield.

As they lunged at each other once more, Allen seized the moment to unleash his Demonic Orbs. The dark orbs hurtled through the air, aimed directly at the assassin. Swiftly, the assassin evaded the orbs with a nimble dance, or he deflected them with his deadly blades, keeping his body unscathed.

But Allen wasn't about to let the assassin dictate the course of their fight. In a daring maneuver, he leaped into the air, intending to deliver a devastating strike from above. His sword descended towards the assassin, poised to pierce his foe and deal a fatal blow.

However, just as Allen's attack was about to land, the assassin's response was swift and unexpected. He activated his Hiding skill.

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