Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 465 Sayu's Secret Power

Chapter 465 Sayu's Secret Power

Nagisa and Arashi escorted Jun Tianyun deeper into the association.

' Interesting. You created a separate spatial pocket? Not bad, the Illusion Formation here is very good."

" You can see through it?" Nagisa couldn't help but get shocked. " As expected, you are really amazing."

" Mr. Jun, Are you sure you don't want to join our association?" Arashi looked at him. " We urgently need a person of your caliber."

" I already told you, I can't join." Jun Tianyun shrugged with a smile. " I am a family man. I would rather spend my time with my family rather than killing demons and ghosts."

" Then what are you doing right now?" Nagisa chuckled. " Why are you hunting down the cultists and Demon Gods?"

" Because they are trying to hurt my family." Jun Tianyun's voice turned cold. " Anyone trying to harm my family shall face my wrath."

Suddenly, the mist before them vanished as various sealed treasures appeared before Jun Tianyun. Arashi led him to a sealed jar, with a black scale looking like a finger was floating.

' Am I supposed to eat that?' Jun Tianyun pondered for a moment. But he shook his head.

" Is that the scale of Demon Serpent Yamato?"

" Indeed, It looks like a nail, but it's actually a scale."

" This shall do." Jun Tianyun nodded as he took it out. Nagisa and Arashi became alarmed when they saw Jun Tianyun trying to hold the scale with bare hands.

" Mr Jun! Wait! It could be dangerous!"

" Stop!"

The scale trembled as a violet venomous mist appeared around the scale, slowly spread out of it. However, all Jun Tianyun did was clench his fist, exploding the venomous mist inside his fist.

The smoke dissipated as Jun Tianyun held the scale. " Scared of such little poison?"

" Little?"

Arashi and Nagisa looked at each other with twitching face. The poison from Demon Serpent Yamato is hailed as one of the most dangerous poison. Just a whiff enough to kill ten men.

Yet, Jun Tianyun casually crushed the poison with his bare fist? They couldn't help but simply stare at him with amazement.

" Now, allow me to focus for a moment.":

Jun Tianyun entered the God's Space and sat on his Throne of Fate. The scale started to float as he used his Eyes of Fortune. His surroundings changed and strings of fates appeared, shooting towards a long distance.

Slowly, Jun Tianyun found himself on an island, with destroyed signs of an old civilization. In the island stood an old shrine. The underground of the shrine was hollow, as Jun Tianyun could see something squirming under.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stared at Nagisa and Arashi. " Well, Thank you for giving me this treasure. Here, you can have it."

" Wh-What? You have finished using it?"

" What did you see, Mr. Jun?"

" I didn't find Demon Serpent Yamato's exact location. But I got some clues." Jun Tianyun replied. " So, I shall go and check those clues."

During the fight, the Exorcist's Association won't be much of help anyway. Therefore, Jun Tianyun didn't bother to tell them the truth.

" Eh? You are leaving?" Ren couldn't help but pout when she heard Jun Tianyun.

" Well, I told you, I have some other work today." Jun Tianyun smiled. " But don't worry, I have a gift for you."

" Huh? This…"

Ren was surprised when Jun Tianyun passed her a wooden katana. It looked extremely life like, as if it's a real katana with wood camo. Ren touched it's surface and facet small and densely packed runic chains on it.

The moment she poured her spiritual energy within it, Ren felt like the sword turning into the sharpest sword in existence. It was extremely pleasant to hold as if the sword was the extension of her own hand.

" This…This is a magical treasure?" Ren was flabbergasted. " This…You brought this for me?"

" It's good, isn't it?" Jun Tianyun grinned. " With this, You can easily kill the Dark Monsters."

" But this is so precious." Ren bit her lips. Jun Tianyun couldn't help but laugh when he heard that. Suddenly, he held her waist, his lips gently teasing her earlobes.

" Well, You would complain if I don't give you any gift. But now I am showing my love, you are being bashful, eh?"

" Hmph, You are right." Ren pursed her lips as she spoke in a playful voice. " I shall keep this as compensation for your mistreatment."

" Hey, When did I treat you bad?"

The playful banter between Jun Tianyun and Ren continued as they returned. Bidding farewell, Jun Tianyun returned back to his house.

" Papa, You are late!"

" Ohoho, Is my little princess is angry?" Jun Tianyun chuckled as he saw the pouting Sayu.

He suddenly held her arm and lifted her up. " Well, Papa got some important work. So, forgive me, hm?"

" But…What's this scent? It feels like mama…but…not mama's." Sayu sniffed as she started at Jun Tianyun.

Jun Tianyun's face darkened. ' This girl…why is her nose is so sharp.'

" What do you mean? I guess it's perfume."

" Papa is lying."

" I don't lie."

" Papa is lying once again." Sayu stared at Jun Tianyun intently, as if her crystal gaze pierced Jun Tianyun's heart.

" Ugh, So cute…"

Jun Tianyun placed her down as he felt a sweet ache in his heart. " Well then, Can you notice when I am lying?"

" Yes, Not only you but everyone else." Sayu spoke while raising her head high with pride.

" Then, Let's see if you can tell I am lying." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " I just saw a scale of a giant demon serpent."

" This…" Sayu was speechless. " You are telling the truth."

" Then, I ate a cake while coming home."

" Lie."

Jun Tianyun raised his brows as he put a bit more effort into his acting. " Then, I am actually 100 years old."

" Wh-What?" Sayu was stunned. " I…I know you are lying but…I can't see you are lying. Papa, How…How can you escape from my gaze?"

" Tsk, You are still too young, Brat." Jun Tianyun gave a triumphant smile, making Sayu stomp her feet in anger.

" You are no fun, Papa! How can you suddenly become immune to my power?"

" Because I am your Papa."

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