Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 197: 197 Cat Chasing Mouse

Chapter 197: 197 Cat Chasing Mouse

Translator: 549690339

“Boss, I mean, they were willing to give us ten billion, we already made a fortune.” AnRan nibbled at a barbecue skewer, puzzledly nudging Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai snorted dismissively, “Ten billion is nowhere near enough.”

“You can’t be serious, boss. You’re not really going to ask the Thousand Yuan Dynasty for fifty billion top-grade spirit stones, are you? That’s fifty billion, they will never give us that much.” AnRan exclaimed in horror.

Jiang Xiaobai simply smiled, “Since you decided to follow me, your boss, let me enlighten you with a lesson today.”

“How would you categorize our prior act of bullying the city master mansion of Four Seas City?”

AnRan frowned, chewing his meat and mumbled, “Highway robbery?”

“Ah… yeah, I guess. It’s certainly not legitimate.”

Jiang Xiaobai replied slowly, “Such behaviour is typically met with resentment and easily angers the other party. This explains why we are now on the Thousand Yuan Dynasty’s most wanted list with a heavy bounty.”

“However, you have to know that it’s all about establishing the right reputation!”

“We have to be on the right from the beginning. As long as we are, it doesn’t matter what we do, we’ll always be correct.”

Jiang Xiaobai took a bite of meat and mumbled with a mouthful, “You see, before this, Four Seas City inexplicably initiated an attack on me, attempting to set me up and kill me. I justifiably defended myself, right?”

AnRan quickly nodded in agreement.

“Now, the Thousand Yuan Dynasty clearly owes us fifty billion high-grade spirit stones, we are right in claiming it, right?”

“Eh, boss, now that you mention it, it does seem that way.” AnRan had a sudden epiphany.

“You see, we are the party in the right. If we don’t insist on our claim now and refuse to yield our right, what’s the point of all this?” Jiang Xiaobai chuckled. “But boss, the Thousand Yuan Dynasty isn’t stupid, they definitely won’t pay.”

“That’s precisely what I want, their refusal!”

Upon hearing these words, AnRan was clearly confused, scratching his head he hurriedly asked.

“Boss, what do you mean by that?”

“When they refuse and we are in the right, can you say I’m doing anything wrong if I rob them? Would I be in the wrong if I go after their demon geniuses?”

“Would there be a problem with robbing their spirit stone mines or stealing from their demon geniuses?”

Suddenly, AnRan had another epiphany.

“Boss, you are ingenious!”

“In my dad’s words, ‘You are shameless, absolutely brazen. I love it!”‘

Jiang Xiaobai’s face was filled with wry smiles, “What kind of rhetoric is that? This is maximizing our benefits. Even if I rob them of a hundred billion top-grade spirit stones, it wouldn’t be excessive.”

“Who asked them to ignore reason in the first place? Since they want to mess around, I have no choice but to retaliate, understand?”

“I understand, I understand. No wonder you’re the boss and I’m the subordinate. I really can’t compare with your vision and knowledge,” AnRan chuckled. Feeling increasingly excited, he asked, “So when do we start the robbery?”

“Don’t rush. We need to let the news reach the Thousand Yuan Dynasty first. This way, we have established our reputation. Otherwise, if nobody knows about it and we start robbing them, won’t we turn the Thousand Yuan Dynasty into victims?”

Jiang Xiaobai casually responded with a smile, “Now the first thing is to head to Mad Demon City. Using your connections there, secure me a spot. After that, we can start preparing for the robbery.”

“Alright, boss, don’t worry about this. Leave it to me.”

AnRan thumped his chest, promising.

After a meal and a short rest, the two hurried on their way.

Meanwhile, in Qiankun City, inside Zhuang Huanling’s courtyard.

Five men in black clothes were respectfully standing before her. In the pitch-black night, if one did not look carefully, they could easily miss the men.

“Miss, rest assured. We will handle this situation. Hong Shixian is undoubtedly going to Mad Demon Secret Land, and he will definitely pass through Mad Demon City,” the leading man in black respectfully said.

Zhuang Huanling casually nodded, “Remember what I told you. Don’t let that youngster have an easy time, but don’t kill him.”

“It’s like a cat playing with a mouse, understands? The cat, enjoys the feeling of toying with its prey.”


Chilled to the bone, the man in black couldn’t help but shiver. Their mistress indeed lived up to her ruthless reputation.

“By the way, Miss, about your father…”

“Don’t worry about it. He hasn’t cared about me all these years I’ve been out; why would he start caring now?”

Zhuang Huanling snorted in contempt, “Tell him I want nothing to do with him even if something happens to me in this Eastern Central Region.”



With just a raise of Zhuang Huanling’s brow, the man in black felt a chill run down his spine, quickly silencing any further protests. “Don’t you have any understanding of what you should and shouldn’t do?”

“Yes, Miss, rest assured, I will relay your words verbatim!”

“Good, go and find them now; they shouldn’t have gone very far.”

“Remember, after you find them, toy with them a little first, then follow them while revealing their whereabouts.”

She casually said, “I think the Thousand Yuan Dynasty would really like to have that kid’s head.”

“That will be the most exciting part.”

A cold laugh drifted across Zhuang Huanling’s faces in the dark night.

Those who bully her friends will have to pay, no matter who they are!

“I’ve only got this one best friend. If something happens and I don’t react in any way, who would respect me?”

“Hong Shixian, I hope you understand clearly and accept this punishment.”

After two days of travel, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan finally arrived at Mad Demon City.

The local customs of Mad Demon City were not as wild as its name suggested, but rather quite friendly.

The city was situated on the outskirts of a canyon. Heading east from the city led directly into a boundless and dangerous abyssal canyon.

The two most famous locations here are Mad Demon Valley and Ten -Thousand Bone Mountain.

No need to mention Mad Demon Valley. That’s where Mad Demon Secret Land is. The periphery isn’t dangerous, but the farther in you go, the more dangerous it gets. The secret land is in the deepest part of the valley.

To get to the secret land, you have to go through Mad Demon Valley. But because it’s so dangerous, it’s also why the secret land is so perilous.

As for the Ten-Thousand Bone Mountain, it’s said to be composed entirely of bones, but no one knows the real reason. What’s known is that the mountain is now very high and barren, truly desolate.

Nobody would go to such a place, but this bone mountain became a landmark, sort of like a tourist sight?

Interestingly, this bone mountain is directly in front of Mad Demon Valley. If you want to go to the secret land, you have to pass by it.

Walking down the streets, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the lively scene around him with an excited smile on his face.

It’s time to stir up some trouble, how can I not be excited?

“Let’s eat first, then go find that person you mentioned.”

“Sure, there’s a great restaurant over here. Mad Demon City’s specialty dishes, their’s are the most delicious.”

“Okay, let’s go there!”

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