What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 219 It's Cat VS Dog

"That's why we're going out to go teach those scumbags who dare take my place from me!" Emilia shouted indignantly while waving her fist in the air, the both of us having returned to the ship.

Delmare also mirrored her by waving her own hand in the air, "Yayyy!"

She really was serious about this huh? She's really bringing all of us along to fight an entire pirate crew… At least she promised to get me sweets after this.

Odeta was of course quite pumped at the prospect of beating some pirates up, "Alright! Let's go then! Where are they?!"

Emilia turned and pointed out at sea, "We're sailing that way! Let's get those sunovabitches off my land!"

We're just going there to fight against a pirate group that is at least a hundred and fifty strong with like only eight people, no big deal, right?

Yeah… I'm sure it'll be fine…

Look, we're already sailing out towards the islands already… Everyone is so pumped… Oh look, there's the island…

Wait, we're already here? I was still in the midst of thinking about whether she had put my [Shadow Summons] into account before making the decision to fight those pirates. I don't think it even took us more than twenty minutes to reach here?

I guess it must have been really close by and those two guys I beat up earlier must have gone there by a boat or something.

I turned to Emilia, "Are you actually serious about taking the entire crew out by ourselves?"

"Hmm? Why not? With Lady Aster here, we're pretty much unbeatable right?"

Well… She really was taking my summons into account I see… But that means she's really serious about killing the entire pirate crew by ourselves.

Oh whatever, this wouldn't even be my first massacre anyway.

There is just one thing I want to know though…

"Can't you fight all of them by yourself, Emilia? Pretty sure you could also handle them without our help."

"Ahahaha~ I'm glad Lady Aster thinks so highly of me but I think the only person able to take on that many people head on by themselves here is you, Lady Aster. I may be able to take a small crew by myself but even I can get tired too, you know?"

Ah… Looks like I failed to take her endurance into consideration.

I suppose if I were to fight a hundred people on my own without rest I would only end up a little winded since I have various different abilities at my disposal.

Odeta might also be able to do it, but I don't think she'll be able to get out of it unscathed. I will have to admit I don't believe I've ever seen her use her Electromancy magic before though.

But there's definitely someone else who could handle that many on their own.

"I think if we were to just get Delmare to sing to them, we could take care of the problem quite easily too?" I pointed out.

Emilia turned to me with wide eyes, "Lady Aster! You're a genius! We might not even need to start massacring them from the beginning in that case! When we get my island back, I'll allow you to make use of my island at a discounted price!"

"Err… Thanks?"

I doubt I'll ever use it anyway…

We went ahead to tell the new plan to the other girls who agreed to it rather quickly.

Emilia would first give them a chance to pay reparations and if they refuse, Delmare would use her magic to charm them while Odeta, Emilia and I cut them down.

We sailed around the island and anchored our ship close to a much larger ship that was also anchored there.

Even from here, we could see a clearing on the beach where a large group of pirates had set up lodgings, though it was pretty much a mess considering all the rubbish they had dumped around the place.

Emilia was understandably furious upon seeing the sight, her hand gripping on her katana in a silent rage.

The Nekomata had already changed herself back to her usual clothes and equipped her katana just so that these pirates knew the original owner of the land had returned.

To my surprise, Emilia leapt down to the water without warning and I thought she wanted to swim there herself, only for me to see her running on top of the surface of the water to reach the island.

What the heck? She could run on water this entire time?

Delmare and Odeta both turned to me in confusion but I just shrugged at them, showing that this wasn't part of the plan.

I spread my wings and picked up Odeta while Delmare jumped over the railing to dive into the waters below, the both of us making our own way towards where Emilia was.

The pirates there had already gathered in front of Emilia, all of them armed though they seemed to be hesitant in approaching the Nekomata.

"I will say this one time and one time only… Clean up my island, surrender all your cargo, pay me twice the money that you paid to rent this island and I will let all of you go. Refuse and I will slaughter every single one of you!"

An Inugami that was missing an eye stepped away from the crowd to point his cutlass at Emilia, "So the Scarlet Flash is still alive I see? Well, you've been gone for so long and we occupied this land rightfully! This ain't your place anymore!"

Emilia unsheathed her own katana to point at him, "I know you claimed my island for at least a year already you stupid dog. I'm being really generous right now by offering you a way out so I suggest you take it."

Yeah… You should really listen to her… Before I suggested using Delmare's [Siren Voice], she was ready to come here and kill all of you without even talking to you…

The Inugami, whom I assumed was the captain, spread his arms out, "Hahaha! I see you really haven't been paying attention to this side of the waters eh? I'm Gale Zack! I have a thousand Crea bounty on my head, you know?! And you are someone I have wanted to cross blades with to prove I am the faster one!"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

[Name: Zachary

Title: Gale Zack, Captain, Dog Zack, Quickshot Zack

Race: Inugami

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Anticipation


120 Strength

605 Dexterity

106 Endurance

30 Magic


Leadership (Tier 2), Sailing (Tier 2), Navigation (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Pyromancy (Tier 1)]

While his dexterity was certainly lower than Emilia's, his strength was higher than hers. Plus he has just a bit more endurance than Emilia does so in terms of raw stats, it can actually go either way, especially if he is able to wear down Emilia and outlast her.

All of us turned to Emilia to see what she would do.

She smirked at the pirate, "So what are you suggesting? A one on one duel to the death? Winner takes everything from the other side?"

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you really in a position to bargain right now? Unless you're really saying that you can take on both myself and everyone here at the same time?"

Emilia's smirk grew just a bit wider, and jerked her thumb at me, "Oh I can't. But she can~"

Now all their eyes shifted to me, looking me up and down.

I shivered a little uncomfortably since most of the gazes were of the perverted kind. There were even a few people who licked their lips too.

Ugh… I feel dirtied… Why did you have to direct their attention to me, Emilia?

The captain snorted, "Hmph… If you say so. But fine! The fame that I will get after I kill you would be worth more than what I can get from slaughtering your followers! Men! Give us some space!!"

His men took a few steps back, forming a semicircle as the pirate shrugged off his coat and dropped it on the ground beside him.

Emilia sheathed her blade and started the process of folding up her sleeves while returning to us.

"Alright, you guys are new so first things first, don't trust a pirate. He may talk all nice and honourable now but I guarantee you he's gonna cheat in some way. Miss Delmare, prepare to sing the moment he does something out of line. Even if I don't have my earplugs in, just do it. Lady Aster, Miss Odeta, I'll leave the mob to you."

All of us gave her a nod to show that we understood before also taking a few steps back, allowing her to turn back around to face the pirate captain.

"Ready for your legend to end here, Scarlet Flash?" He mocked.

Emilia pulled out her blade, "I should be asking if you are ready for your own legend to end before it even began… Whatever your name was."

"It's Gale Zack! At least remember it!"

"Hmph, remembering your name won't bring me any profits, so please just die so that I can get that compensation money from your corpse."

"You still want money after this?!"

"Well of course? You lived on my island and wrecked it, you think just getting killed by me is enough?"


The two of them charged at each other, moving as fast as the wind.

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