What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 221 Looting Comes After Killing

"Well… That was easy…" Odeta muttered, looking down at the entire beach that was filled with the dead bodies of the pirates.

Emilia frowned, "Well, killing them was the easy part, we still need to clean this up. I won't have rotting bodies on my beach!"

I was about to ask if she really expected us to carry each body and dump them in the sea or something when I felt a tug on my arm.

Looking down, I found Delmare looking rather nauseous and I thought she overused her magic or something.

However, that did not seem to be the case as she asked, "How… How are you all so calm… After all of that killing?"


That's right, she's lived a pretty sheltered life on that island and we pretty much brought her to a battlefield and slaughtered people nonchalantly.

"Umm… Sorry, Delmare… I'll take you back to the ship…"

"Ughh… I'm… I'm ok… I just… I'm just a little surprised… That's all… Bleugh… Oh my…"

"Ok, you definitely do not look fine. Let me take you back."

"Ughh… I'm sorry Aster…"

I picked her up in my arms, "No, no… I should be the one apologising for involving you in this. I should have considered this… I'm sorry."

"Nnn… Since it was for you… I don't mind though… But umm… Maybe you can make it up to me?"

"Hmm? What would you like?"

She blushed, "Umm… Later tonight… Listen to me sing… And… And fuck me while I'm singing… Ok?"

I blinked at the pink Siren that was poking her fingers together cutely, "Ah… Ok."

I told Odeta and Emilia that I would be sending Delmare back to the ship first while we clean up, the two of them waving at me in acknowledgement before I flew off.

Dropping the pink mermaid back on the ship, I let her sisters take care of her before returning back to the island, wondering what we would do with the pirate's ship.

There was no way we could burn it here since it would just result in a wreck right outside her island and I very much doubt Emilia wanted that.

I guess the alternative was letting it sail out into the open sea before we set it ablaze?

I admit that I'm quite excited to try burning it because of my increase in Pyromancy proficiency and seeing what other kinds of fire magic I could cast.

Well, I'll still leave it to Emilia to decide since she has more experience in this than I do.

Descending on the beach again, I found Odeta and Emilia seemingly searching through the dead pirates' bodies.

"Are you… Looting them?" I asked.

Emilia raised an eyebrow at me, "Of course? How else am I supposed to get my compensation from these guys since they wouldn't pay up while they were alive?"

Oh yeah… Looting is normal here. Look, it's been awhile for me, ok? I'm also more interested in whether they have sweets instead of Creas in the first place, which I doubt they do anyway.

"Sister Aster! Sister Aster!"

I looked up as Odeta ran towards me, her excitement matching with her towering frame.

Stopping just short of me, she thrusted her hand out and I looked down to see a white flower nestled in her palm.

"I found this for you, sister Aster~" She told me proudly and I could almost see the imaginary sparkles around her smiling face.

Awww~ Why are you so cute~ I just wanna pat you and fondle your abs~

I took it from her palm and stuck it through the buttonhole on my coat right beside my collar, the white colour a clear contrast against the red fabric.

"It's so pretty~ Thank you, Odeta~"


Emilia rolled her eyes at us, "If you two are done, I can use the help in gathering all the things of value so that we can split the loot. We still have their ship to loot as well and we better get started on this or we'll be here all day, you know? If you don't mind, Lady Aster, I think your summons would be a big help in cleaning up the trash these little shits have dumped here."

I shrugged and did as she asked, calling up my summons to start cleaning up all the rubbish that the pirates have dumped around here including bottles, broken crates and even broken weapons.

Thankfully I could leave all that to my summons while I joined the two of them in looting the bodies. Too bad there's a number of them who were already burned to a crisp by my magic so those join the rubbish pile as well.

I would also have my summons move the bodies we've already looted in another pile to decide what to do with them later, though my guess would be to probably burn them as well.

Emilia was insistent that we take everything of value except the clothes so the three of us went ahead to search through each body before gathering what we found in a pile. If my summons didn't help out as well, I'm pretty sure this would have taken more than a day.

In the end, we ended up with around thirty or so Creas out of the hundred or so pirates, each of them holding roughly twenty Decreas each.

There were some trinkets here and there but I doubt they were worth a lot. Perhaps the weapons they had on hand could be worth something if we were to sell it to a blacksmith.

Even the captain himself only had a few coins with him which added up to about two Creas.

Emilia huffed at the pile while storing the pirate captain's hand in a sack, "Hmph, I thought they would at least have some money on them since Maurice said they were doing well. I guess they left most of their loot on the ship."

"What are we going to do about the bodies?" I asked, gesturing to the pile behind me.

Emilia thought about it for a moment, "Hmm… I don't suppose your summons can fly, can they, Lady Aster?"

I shook my head.

She then turned towards the pile of corpses, "Mmm… In that case… Is it possible for you to store the corpses in your Pack of Folding to dump them back on their ship? The trash as well, please? We'll then let it sail out to the sea and set it aflame tomorrow morning."

Well look at that? Looks like my guess was spot on.

I nodded, "Mmm… That's fine with me, but are we staying the night here? If we are, I'll need to call the Sirens here as well."

Emilia puffed her chest and gestured to a cottage at the end of the beach, "Ohohoho~ We can stay at my house tonight! I made this place to be comfortable to stay in!"

I looked at the building that was pretty much in shambles, probably a result of the pirates wrecking it.

I lifted my finger to point out the state of the building to her but she raised a hand to stop me.

"Don't say it… I know… I should have kept that stupid pirate alive just so that I can torture him for a bit more before finally killing him… Ughhhh!! Why did I have to kill him so quickly?! I spent money to build that thing and all its furniture too, nyaaa!" She yelled, stomping her foot in frustration.

A cat girl shouting 'nyaa' while stomping her foot… Cute.

That reminds me…

"What about the person you were supposed to meet here?"

Emilia quickly recovered from her tantrum, "Ahem… They'll be here at night, so that's fine."

"So what's the point of me carrying my Pack of Folding around?"

Her eyes widened, "Ah… We were supposed to sell off the other goods on the island… I got too caught up with these pirates that I forgot…"

I can't even blame her.

"Anyway! We'll spend the night on land today! Could you get the Sirens here? Miss Odeta and I will go and start looting the ship first!"

Odeta turned around to narrow her eyes at her, "Ha? Why do I have to go too? I want to stay with sister Aster!"

"Oh come on, if there's any sweets around here, that would be the most probable place to find it! Don't you want Lady Aster to get some sweets?"

On the mention of the word 'sweets', I immediately grabbed her on the arm, "Take me with you!!!"

Emilia raised her hands in a placating gesture, "La… Lady Aster can join us after you let the Sirens settle in, we'll most likely need your Pack of Folding again to grab whatever loot these pirates have as well. I promise I'll leave whatever sweets I find for you."

"Unnghhh! You better! I'm doing so many things so I expect proper compensation too! All the sweets on that ship are mine!!"

She nodded quickly and I turned back to start dealing with the corpses and trash. And by that, I meant handing my Pack of Folding to my summons and letting them deal with it while I watched them.

Well, with their help, this would be done in a flash. This spell really is a cheat~

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