What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 243 Everyone Knows Except Us?

The days after that went by in a blur.

Especially since I did not have any duties to fulfil and there wasn't anything to do on the ship either… Except for getting myself very familiar with the crew.

My day would begin where I would wake up in bed with at least another girl alongside me. If it was Delmare, then she would be the only one. If it was with Ardi's crew, there would be as many as five or six of them.

One such person who came to sleep with me was Ardi herself. Surprisingly, she was exceptionally affectionate in our love making.

For our first time, Ardi had came to my room by herself and she was even fidgeting while blushing up to her ears.

At first I did not know what she wanted but then she went ahead to undress herself and stood there while covering her privates with her hands shyly.

I then went ahead to ask if she wanted to sleep with me and Ardi nodded in embarrassment before allowing me to guide her by the hand to the bed.

She then laid on the bed and watched me with a flushed face as I made love to her, the Amrap making really cute moans the entire time. It somehow turned me on even more to know that even Ardi had this cute side of her too.

It made me wonder if Odeta would also be like her sister in this case.

Putting that aside, I also realised just how sex deprived the Amraps in Ardi's group were.

And since we did not need to hide these activities from anyone, all of them were completely open in getting me to have sex with them whenever they could.

Like I could be simply walking along the deck and three Amraps would approach me and then start to rub themselves on me. That would then lead to me screwing them right there and then in front of everyone with no one batting an eye.

The good thing was that Odeta didn't see anything strange about me having sex with all those girls as to her, it was pretty much already a common sight for her back in her village.

At least she hasn't developed an interest in it yet and simply viewed this as an adult greeting of sorts.

I also saw some of the Amraps having lesbian sex out in the open as well and some of them would invite me to join them when I came across them.

And finally, in the second week, we caught up with Emilia's ship.

I joined the others on the quarterdeck where everyone was looking at the ship intently.

Delmare was staring at the giant ship with wide eyes, "That's… A ship? Incredible…"

"I know I never asked this…" I called out, getting the others' attention. "But how did we even manage to find the ship when Emilia's tracker was broken?"

"We did not," Ardi admitted, her eyes still locked on the ship. "We were aiming for Edart Trade City from the start. So it's actually a surprise for us to find it out here too. I had expected them to have docked at the port city by now…"

Emilia was glaring at the ship with obvious hatred, "Whatever! This is the perfect opportunity for me to get my revenge on those little pieces of shit who dared to betray me!"

I turned to look at the giant ship that we were steadily approaching, "Do we need to worry about your ship shooting at us or something, Emilia?"

She shook her head, "Unless things changed while I wasn't around, the standard procedure is to watch any approaching ships closely and fire warning shots if we have to. We do not engage any ships with open hostility upon first contact unless they attack us first."

"And how do we get on board?"

"We just need to signal our intent to board and we should be given a place to attach ourselves to the ship. It's common for other merchants to dock with us to engage in trade out at sea or even for Mercenaries like this to rest at the Floating Pussy."

I really, really can't get used to the name, Emilia…

Ardi moved towards the railing and shouted below, "Signal our intent to dock! Everyone else, get ready to board!"

Her crew moved to obey, the Amrap at the crow's nest replacing a few of the flags at the top mast with a few new ones which I assumed was a way to signal to Emilia's ship to request for permission to dock.

It didn't take long for the people on Emilia's ship to return a signal using flashing lights, which Emilia explained was an indicator of where our ship was allocated to dock.

Ardi went to the wheel and instructed her helmswoman to dock at the indicated lights. They must have done this before as her crew expertly manoeuvred the ship to our destination without hesitation.

This was when I realised that the bottom of Emilia's ship had these little pockets of space that somewhat resembled my old World's vehicle loading bays. But in this case, they were docking bays for visiting ships instead.

In each bay, there were large groups of armed guards watching over the docked ships with multiple cannons pointed at where the ship would moor itself. I guess these were security features in case a pirate or some malicious people tried to sneak their way on board the ship by faking their intent.

Thankfully, they allowed Ardi to dock her ship unmolested and we were soon disembarking from the ship to board Emilia's… Ahem… Floating Pussy.

I was honestly prepared for a bloodbath to start the moment we reached the deck of her ship, especially when Emilia walked out in front of us to appear in front of those Nekomata guards.

Contrary to my expectations however, the guards gaped at her before quickly lowering their weapons to bend at the waist in a perfect ninety degrees.

"Welcome back, boss!!!" All of them shouted in unison.

And to add on to the confusion, they also quickly added something extra at the end.

"Welcome back, Lady Aster!!!!"

So unexpected were their actions that Emilia actually looked both surprised and confused at the same time, probably also wondering if this was a trap of some sort.

"What's going on?" Emilia asked no one in particular.

Right then, two figures ran out from the shadows to hug me tightly.

"Mistress!!! You're safe!! You're safe!!!!"

"Aster!! I missed you so much!! Ahh!!! You don't know how lonely I've been all this while!! Mmmmm~ Your smell~ I missed this so much~"

I looked down, "Katsuki? Lisa? H… How? What? Why?"

Katsuki pulled back from me and held my hand tightly, "Before that!! Mistress must have not been able to bathe and eat properly after all this while, right? Let's do that first before anything else!"

Err…. What? Wait, wait… Aren't things proceeding a little bit too fast?

"Umm… But what about Emilia? Didn't her crew betray her or something?" I asked.

Before she could answer, a tear opened up in the space in front of us and Mary appeared from the portal to bow to me.

"Welcome back, Mistress. Madam asks to meet you and your friends in our room. She will explain everything including what is going on in Miss Emilia's ship. Please feel free to make use of this portal."

I felt even more confused than before but I was led by Lisa and Katsuki towards the portal, having no choice but to jump inside with them.

When I did, I found myself in the drawing room of the room we had been originally given on Emilia's ship.

There, sitting on one of the couches was Mother who was drinking tea prepared by Sebastian casually. Behind her were several Nekomatas that were hung upside down from the ceiling with each of them looking like they had been tortured extensively for a really long time.

Mother immediately tossed the cup aside the moment she saw me, leaping out of the couch to pull me away from Lisa and Katsuki's grasp to hug me tightly in her embrace.

"Oh my little one! My sweetest, cutest, most beloved child! How much Mama has missed you!!" She squealed, smushing my face in between her chest.

"Mnngghh!!" Was the only thing I could say.

I heard Delmare's voice come from behind me, "Umm… That's… Aster's mother?"

"Wahaha! That's right! I told you she likes sister Aster as much as sister Aster loves sweets, didn't I?!" Odeta laughed.

I was stuck in Mother's embrace before she finally let me down after a while, though she still continued to hug me close to her possessively.

She patted my head, "Ufufufu~ My dearest little one~ Did you have a fun journey?"

Still feeling a bit confused, I just nodded my head at her question.

Hey, it felt like everyone knew what was going on except for me.

Emilia then gestured at the Nekomatas that were being hung from the ceiling, "My apologies, Madam Nilm… But what is going on?"

Mother smiled at her, "Ara? What do you think is going on, little Emilia? Your little crew was incompetent enough to try and ruin my dearest child's vacation, so it's natural that I would need to punish them, right?"

"Eh? Wait… Those guys… You… You took over my ship didn't you? How? They must have resisted didn't they?"

"Ufufufu~ You're really overestimating them, little Emilia~ Did you really think that any of them would be a match for my dear attendants at all?"

Emilia looked at Sebastian and Mary before pursing her lips, clearly knowing the capabilities of those two servants.

I looked up at Mother, "How did Mommy know that I was coming?"

Mother showed me a conspiratorial smile before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"That's because I have been watching my little one the entire time, my dearest child~"

Err… What?

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