What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 269 I Still Want My Big Cake

So… After counting the amount of money inside the bag that Emilia handed me… It seems like I was a total of nine thousand and sixty two Creas richer…

That brings the current amount of money I have to about twelve thousand Creas…

If this was converted to my old World's equivalent… This is about one point two million dollars…

How many sweets can I buy with this?

"Assuming a cake is about fifty Decreas, Mistress would be able to afford twenty four thousand cakes, which if Mistress were to consume at a rate of one cake a day, would be enough to last Mistress a little under sixty six years," Katsuki informed me without me even saying anything.

Waaaaah~ Twenty four thousand cakes? That's… Umm… If I were to instead use that money to buy one really big cake… How big would it be? Could I maybe have a giant cake big enough for me to dive into made with this amount of money?

Ehehehe~ I would say the only problem would be finding a patisserie who could fulfil this order.

Oh wait! Mary should be able to do it! I should ask her!!

With that in mind, I went to seek out the maid in question.

"I'm afraid that's not currently possible, Mistress…"

Unfortunately I got shot down really quickly.

"Why not?" I cried, wondering if this meant that my plan to have a giant cake made for me was also impossible.

"Putting aside the amount of ingredients needed for this venture, we would also need an oven that is big enough as well. Plus, to make a cake with enough consistency to hold up its own weight, just any normal ingredient would not be suitable for such a job. If we were to do it layer by layer, the entire cake would be inedible when it is ready, which I doubt is something Young Mistress is willing to accept?"

Hell no! What's the point of having such a big cake and not being able to eat it! That's definitely not acceptable! If I were to have a big cake, I must be able to eat it too! Otherwise it would be utterly pointless!

And that's why I'm now laying face down on the bed in my room on the ship feeling especially listless.

"Mistress, are you still upset about it?" Katsuki asked while standing beside the bed

"Mnnngghh…" I mumbled into the pillow.

"If it would make Mistress feel better, wouldn't it be possible if Mistress were to simply gather the materials needed to make that giant cake?"


"What I mean is that Mistress was already planning to explore the World right? Even the Head Maid isn't omniscient and she wouldn't know every single type of cake that might exist in the World. Perhaps on Mistress's journey, we might be able to encounter and learn about a way to make such a gigantic cake a reality. After all, there are such things as Magridars in this World right? Surely they would be able to make big cakes as well."

I gasped and pushed myself up from the bed.

That's right! I totally forgot about that! Surely the giants of this world have ways to make giant sweets too!

Yes! That's why one of the places I need to go is the Frostiminir Kingdom where the Rejmar and the Magridars live!

Katsuki, you're a genius!!

I jumped out of bed and hugged my Inugami maid, "Ahhh! You're so smart Katsuki! When the cake is made, let's jump into it together, ok?"

"E… Ehh? Umm.. Mistress.. I… I'm alright with… With just watching Mistress… Umm… Eeek!"

Awww~ Look at her making that cute little squeak when I started fluffing her tail!

Mwehehehe~ Fluff, fluff, fluff~ So fluffy~

Right then, the door to my room opened and Lisa strolled in looking miserable.

"Katsukiiiii~ Is my darling Aster healed yet? You said that you could--- Oh? Asteeeeer!!"

She suddenly rushed towards me the moment she saw that I was already up from the bed.

I got pulled into a hug of my own and my face got stuffed in between her bosoms.

"Ahhh~ You're back!  This is how my dear Aster should be! Moping around on your bed doesn't suit you, you know? Ehehehe~ If only that little maid wasn't here to stop me, I could have cheered you up even easier!"

I didn't need to ask to know she was planning on doing something sexual in order to try and cheer me up.

I won't say that it would not have worked because I know what Lisa could do with her tongue so I'm pretty sure if she set herself on me, I'd have been back to normal before the end of the day.

Lisa then pulled back, "Speaking of which, what are we doing today? The ship will be leaving tonight and we'll be headed back home in time for school to start again. If Aster still has something to do here, now would be the time."

"Hmm… I don't suppose you know of anything we shouldn't miss out while we're here?"

"Ehehehe~ If only I was a proper resident here, Aster. But unfortunately, I stuck to the Narrow District while I was here and the only things I could tell you are the best places to have public sex. Would you like to go and try?"

"Isn't there anything else?"

"Oh, I could also teach you how to steal-- Umm… On second thought, nevermind…"

I noticed she was looking at something behind me so I turned to see what she was looking at.

The only thing I saw was Katsuki glaring at Lisa for a split second before my maid turned her head away so fast that I wondered if what I saw was real or just an illusion.

Hmm… Oh well, I'm not really interested in that anyway.

In all honesty, I would very much like to explore this city a bit more since there's still so many places I've yet to see. Even the Wide District was barely explored and it's the easiest place to navigate in this city too! The Narrow District has so many branching paths that it would take several days or even weeks to walk through each and every corner so who knows what one might find just walking through them?

"Probably just people screwing each other in the dark, Mistress…" Katsuki answered as though reading my mind.

How does she do that?!

"Ehehehe~ What you're thinking is really obvious on your face, Aster~ You had that far off look in your eyes when I mentioned about exploring the city and we all know that you want to experience everything you could. Thus, even I could guess what you're thinking about just by looking at your face~"

Ugh… Am I really that easy to read? Good thing I don't really gamble aside from playing gacha games…

My thoughts must have appeared on my face again because Lisa started poking my cheek, "Aww~ You don't need to worry about being easy to read Aster~ It makes you really cute! Ehehehe~ It makes me really want to eat you up~ Actually… Could I just eat you up right now, Aster? I can, right? We don't have anything planned today either so how about we just stay inside? We can just do it here~ There's already a bed here~ Ahaha~ You smell so good, Aster~ I really, really want to just taste you~ Ha… Ha… Owwww!!"

Not gonna lie, Lisa looked a little bit scary there with her wide eyes and how she started panting like a bitch in heat until Katsuki saved me by hitting her on the head, bringing her back to her senses.

She did make me moan a little from her licking my neck though…

"Please refrain from doing that, you are scaring my Mistress."

"Ehhh… What are you talking about? Isn't it obvious that Aster is looking forward to it? Right, Aster?"

I didn't even get to answer her before the door burst open once again, all of us turning to see Delmare crawling on the ground with a flushed face.

"I… I heard Aster moaning! Asteeer!!"

She slammed the tail on the ground and propelled herself onto the bed before diving towards me, her face smushing right into my chest.

Really?! It was just a single moan! And I wouldn't actually call that a moan but more of a exhale of breath instead!

"Munyuu~ Munyuu~ Ahhhh… I needed this after all that studying~ Mmmm… If I can get this every day, I would definitely be able to deal with that hellish instructor, no problem~"

I'm guessing that 'hellish instructor' was Mary. It really makes me wonder just what her teaching methods were.

Before I could ask though, the door to my room slammed open for the third time today and Odeta ran into the room desperately.

"Waaa!! Sister Aster!! Help meeee!"

"Get back here you stupid little sister! I told you not to fight on my ship and you went to put a hole in my deck!! Come here and get spanked!!"

"Waaaa!! Sister Asteeeer!!" Odeta cried, the larger sized girl leaping behind me to hide as though I could somehow hide someone almost twice my height.

The sight would have been comical if I wasn't put in the path of an even bigger Amrap who looked ready to whoop some ass.

"Not fair! Let me join in too!" Lisa exclaimed, also leaping in to cuddle me from the side.

Hmmm~ ISn't it nice that everyone is getting along so nicely?

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