What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 386 Demon Slayer

Thinking fast, I used [Link Portal] to create a portal below me and the exit portal above the demon.

I fell through the hole right as the foot slammed down on where I had been.

Taking advantage of the demon being distracted, I healed my wing before spreading them to hover in the air.

At the same time, I called up a Shadow Summon to appear on the ground, making it seem like I was still down there and commanded it to start attacking the demon to get its attention.

It seemed to work as my summon started to dart around while firing arrows at it with its shadow bow, diverting the demon's attention from me. The demon roared at it and began to chase it around, not even realising that the shadow was not the real me.

Guess it really is a 'brute' seeing that its intelligence doesn't seem to be that high.

I instructed my summon to focus its efforts into avoiding the demon's attacks while I charged my [Laser] spell. This should be the only magic I currently have that can actually do a significant amount of damage on this demon.

If I poured all my magic into this, I just might be able to produce a [Laser] powerful enough to slice its head off.

The ball of light continued to glow in between my hands, my mana feeding into it and intensifying the light it was radiating.

I just realised I was doing a really nice pose too… Oh you know the pose when you gather an energy ball to fire at something?

Yeah… So I can't help but want to say it…

"Ka… Me… Ha… Me…"

The demon slammed its fist on top of my summon, completely obliterating it.

It took a moment to look confused by how my summon simply disappeared like that. It then stiffened, most likely sensing the magic that was gathering above and finally looked up to see me in the air above him.


The beam of light was fired from my palms, flying straight towards the demon below me.

The fire in the demon's eyes flared, most likely realising its impending doom in the shape of the light beam.

And then… It avoided the light beam.

My attack crashed against the ground behind it, tearing up a good chunk of the ground and even disintegrating the stone slab that had covered up the staircase.

Are you serious?!!

Fuck… I poured all my magic into that and I missed!!

A loud crash followed after that and I looked down to see it was the demon's right arm that had hit the floor.

Looking closer, I realised that in order to avoid the beam piercing through its head, it ended up having the light cut through its shoulder instead, burning through the entire upper part of its arm.

So if my beam actually had hit, that would be the state of its head right now.

The demon let out a roar of pain as it tried to swat at me with its other hand.

I flapped my wings to fly up even higher to stay out of his reach. I'm currently all out of mana so using magic was impossible for me right now.

I have Mana Crystals and potions to replenish it but they're unfortunately all kept in my Pack of Folding…

Damnit… I should look for some accessories later… Maybe a belt or something that I can strap to myself so that I don't become too reliant on the Pack since it's unreliable in situations like these…

Well… I may be out of mana but I ain't out of options!

I drew the Light Sword on my waist and dived towards the demon, dodging a beam of lightning that it shot at me with its mouth.

I may not be able to imbue the Light Sword with the light enchantment property, but I can still use it like a normal sword!

The demon tried to use its one remaining arm to swat at me but I already saw it coming, giving me ample time to avoid it and moving to its right where it was missing an arm.

I tried to turn around but it probably forgot that it lost its right arm so its centre of gravity shifted, causing it to spin a little more than it wanted to fall down on its haunches.

That presented me the perfect opportunity to swoop in to slash at its throat, drawing a line of blood across the demon's skin.

Well… Of course with a size as small as mine going up against an enemy that big, my attack was merely just a scratch to the demon.

Still I'm confident that if I were to keep this up and continue atta--

The demon reached up its hand and snatched me out of the air, its hand big enough to completely envelop me.

It let out a triumphant roar as it squeezed me in its hand, crushing me in its grip.

A scream of pain escaped from my lips before I tried to push back against the demon's fingers.

The pain subsided a little but it was obvious that I would not be able to get out of this by brute force alone.

I racked my brains, trying to figure a way out of this predicament before I got crushed to death.

Then I remembered that my Shadow Summons could still be called even when I'm out of mana.

I brought out a few of them from my shadow to leap towards the demon's face, attacking it with swords and spears.

At the same time, I opened my mouth wide and bit down on its finger, hard enough to taste blood.

The demon roared again, tossing me away to slam me into the ground.

Ugh… That hurts…

Bleuh… I think I swallowed a little of its blood too, disgusting…

I pushed myself up on my knees right as one of my Shadow Summons crashed beside me. She didn't even bother dusting herself off before she charged towards the demon again.

Good thing they don't feel pain.

I picked up my sword that had fallen out of my grasp, glaring up at the demon that was using its last arm to try and swat away my summons.

With only one arm, it wasn't doing that well so only a quarter of my summons have been defeated so far.

I groaned, rolling my shoulders as I checked the extent of the damage I sustained.

Pain erupted from my back and I realised my wings were broken, most likely from the demon crushing me with its hand earlier.

I retracted my wings and the pain subsided into a dull throb, so it was still bearable for now. I'll need to remember to drink an Intermediate potion myself later.

Aside from that, I was still in fighting condition.

At this point, I've recovered a little bit of my mana for a spell or two at most so I don't want to waste it on a healing spell unless necessary.

If I want to kill this guy, I'm going to need to do something big enough to damage it with a single spell…

But that means I'll most likely need to target its head… Which was out of reach since I can't fly.

How do I reach that high without being able to fly?

Oh right.

I called up another Shadow Summon to appear from my shadow, giving her the instruction to throw me.

I let the summon pick me up in her arms, taking a moment to aim at the demon before she tossed me at it.

With my arm extended, I straightened my flight path before focusing on pouring the mana I had just recovered into the sword in my hand, activating its enchantment and bathing its blade with a bright glow.

The demon, still distracted with smiting my summons, did not notice me flying towards it.

As I got closer to it, I switched my grip on my sword to an underhand grip, letting out a warcry to get its attention.

The demon paused to turn around, my distraction successfully preventing it from moving away from its current position.

With the sword raised over my head, I brought it down to impale it on the demon's left eye.

It let out a shriek of pain and I could see its hand reaching up to try and grab me off its face.

Using my other hand to push against his face, I pulled the sword free from its eye socket and let myself fall back towards the ground.

The demon ended up smacking itself in the face, sending it stumbling a step back, its body tilted at an angle perfect for me to impale my sword into its side to slow down my fall.

Of course, my summons were not idle either as they each jumped up to stab their own weapons into the demon, impaling it from all sides.

Once again, it let out another wail of pain but I was already busy placing my feet against its side to kick myself off of the demon, yanking my sword free.

I flew back down towards the ground, my summons all gathering up to catch my fall so that I don't break my neck.

A second after that, the sound of the demon crashing into the ground could be heard, causing the entire cavern to shake.

It flailed its limbs for a moment before going still, dead.

So… Err… Can I call myself a Demon Slayer now?

Wait, wait, wait! I'm kidding! The background music really started playing its opening song! Stoooop!

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