What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 35: Qiu Wuji’s First Independent Action

Chapter 35: Qiu Wuji’s First Independent Action

“On such a hot day, why are you wearing this?” In the clothing store, Chu Ge’s face twitched as he tried to stop Qiu Wuji, saying, “Jeans are very hot.”

“What’s it to you? How can I fear a little heat and cold?” Qiu Wuji continued stubbornly, “I think other people look very beautiful in a simple white shirt and blue jeans. Besides, my legs are covered tightly, not as vulgar as before.”

Feeling powerless to stop his rebellious daughter from growing up, Chu Ge could only watch Qiu Wuji enter the fitting room.

After a while, his eyes lit up.

Qiu Wuji appeared quite poised and dressed formally in her plain white shirt and blue jeans. Her slender figure was accentuated by the tight-fitting skinny jeans that hugged her legs, revealing their straight and toned shape. The shirt was nonchalantly tucked into her waist, adding to the sleek and shapely appearance of her slender waist.

Isn’t it obvious that it looks sexier?

Whether it was her own dressing sense or something she saw on the internet, she even tied her hair into a high ponytail, exuding a sexy and lively vibe that made people unable to take their eyes off her.

It’s really the person who makes the clothes look beautiful, not the other way around.

Other customers around her took out their phones to take pictures, but Qiu Wuji, feeling something was wrong, furrowed her brows.

Then, all the camera lenses suddenly malfunctioned.

Hearing the surprised exclamations of the people around her, Chu Ge swallowed nervously and whispered, “How did you do….”

“I just manipulated the electric current, didn’t damage their equipment,” Qiu Wuji replied coldly.

“…Actually, I think you understand me pretty well, knowing to complete my sentence like that.”

“Hmph.” Qiu Wuji asked, “How does this outfit look? Is it weird? Why do they want to take pictures?”

Chu Ge could only force out two words, “Very attractive.”

Qiu Wuji glared at him with displeasure, recalling that she had seen this outfit on a cooking video by an uploader. It seemed normal, and no one in the comments mentioned anything about it being a special preference. So, she didn’t bother arguing with Chu Ge, paid for her purchase and asked, “Why did you follow me to buy clothes? Are you so free? Shouldn’t you be writing or cultivating your skills?”

“Today’s update is over, but…” Chu Ge thought for a moment. It seemed like he had a lot more to do now. He needed to exercise and meditate, which took up a lot of time. “Shall we go back then?”

Qiu Wuji casually replied, “You go back.”

“What about you?” Chu Ge asked.

“I’m not a child. Why do I need you to follow me every time I go out?” Qiu Wuji said with a serious face. “Can’t I go shopping by myself? I’ve been in this world for so long. Can I not explore beyond a three-block radius?”

“You don’t have identification…”

“No one will check my ID while we’re walking,” Qiu Wuji interrupted. She leaned in close to him and looked at his eyes with a smile. “I know this world quite well, Chu Ge. You can’t fool me.”

The two of them stared at each other up close. Chu Ge’s eyes clearly reflected Qiu Wuji, but Qiu Wuji’s eyes seemed to use some kind of technique to hide herself, and Chu Ge’s reflection couldn’t be seen.

He looked at her quietly for a while, then suddenly smiled. “The sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll be back. Remember not to use violence, or someone will really check your ID.”

He turned around and left.

My daughter has grown up and become rebellious. She’s not as cute anymore…

Qiu Wuji pursed her lips and watched Chu Ge’s back as he walked away. She wanted to say that he was pretending again…

Forget it. He always succeeded in pretending, after all. He knew herself too well, and he really did think that men should be bold and unrestrained. Even that demeanor of Yan Qianli was appreciated, and it felt somewhat like the style of a world-conquering Demon Lord. He looked much more presentable than the Poison Hand Demon Lord.

He knew everything about her and was really slick.

On the other hand, she knew too little about him, was she at a disadvantage…?

This inexplicable thought flashed through Qiu Wuji’s mind, but she quickly shook it off and entered the nearby subway station.

She had wanted to take a ride on the so-called subway for a long time.

“Please show your health code.” She was stopped before even entering the station.

Qiu Wuji: “?”

What is a health code? The TV drama didn’t say anything about needing one to enter the station.

She looked at the security guard who was dressed like a government official, and slowly backed out of the subway station under the watchful gaze of an old lady.

Qiu Wuji’s first subway ride was aborted.

No problem, the TV drama also showed taking a taxi, which is said to be more expensive.

Qiu Wuji looked at the remaining two-digit savings in her WeChat wallet, her face twisted in agony, wondering if it would be enough…

A taxi passed by.

Another taxi passed by.

Qiu Wuji waved her hand, but no one paid any attention to her.

This is not right. In the TV drama, they just wave their hand and the taxi stops. Why don’t they stop for her? The one that just passed clearly had a sign saying “Available”.

Qiu Wuji stood awkwardly by the main road where parking was prohibited, waving her hand, feeling like the passersby were looking at her like a fool.

Suddenly, a taxi slowly passed by, the window rolled down, revealing Chu Ge’s smiling face in the back seat as he said to the driver: “Go forward a bit, turn right, and you can park there.”

Qiu Wuji: “…”

What if she wanted to blow up this car?

The taxi drove slowly ahead, and Qiu Wuji was unable to execute her plan to blow up the car. She quickly ran over and finally got in the car.

Qiu Wuji’s first independent action ended in failure.

The two sat side by side in the back seat, sitting upright and not looking at each other or speaking.

Chu Ge felt the explosive aura beside him and knew that if he dared to make a joke, the car might really be gone…

In the silence, the driver couldn’t help but speak: “So, where are you guys going?”

Qiu Wuji finally spoke: “Miracle Nightclub.”

Chu Ge narrowed his eyes slightly.

Nightclub… Where did Qiu Wuji learn about this place? Did she find out about it from the man who could pass through walls by doing soul-search?

He saw the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror also become somewhat surprised, constantly glancing at them.

This place…

Was it not proper?

Chu Ge couldn’t help but whisper, “The one who passes through walls?”

“Yeah.” Qiu Wuji no longer cold-shouldered him and whispered, “Just going to take a look, I won’t do anything crazy. Don’t look at me like that.”

“No wonder you changed into more convenient clothes for movement.” Chu Ge rolled his eyes. The problem is that her outfit is too fresh and doesn’t seem to match that kind of place. But he didn’t even know what that kind of place should look like. If he really believed everything shown on TV dramas, he’ll up like Qiu Wuji.

“Since you don’t want to do anything crazy, then listen to me later.” Chu Ge became serious this time and whispered, “You still want to act on your own, but don’t really think you understand more than me. If you act recklessly, you’ll probably get into trouble.”

Qiu Wuji turned her head and looked out the window.

She was once again caught by him and felt embarrassed.

To Chu Ge’s surprise, the Miracle Nightclub was not too far away. It was only a 15-16 minute drive by taxi when the roads weren’t congested at night. The nightclub sign was also very low-key, with the five words “Miracle Nightclub” having damaged lighting, and the storefront looked quite old.

Seeing Chu Ge looking up and down, Qiu Wuji couldn’t help but ask, “With such a short distance, don’t tell me you… haven’t even heard of this place?”

Damn it, is it wrong for a stay-at-home guy who just writes to not know about this place?

Chu Ge said with a serious face, “If I often come to these places, then you might not be here anymore.”

The driver who was waiting for his passengers and overheard their conversation was puzzled, What’s their relationship anyway?

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