What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 43: Inspiration

Chapter 43: Inspiration

Qiu Wuji couldn’t withstand Chu Ge’s intense gaze.

She felt like his gaze could also melt people, making her feel uneasy all over, like drinking a poisonous bone-dissolving liquid. Her immediate reaction was to want to beat him up, but she also felt that it was too much to hit someone without any reason. Both thoughts didn’t feel right, so she stomped her foot and left the room, “I’m going out to buy groceries, you can stay here and do your writing!”

Chu Ge smiled, “As you wish.”

Nowadays, Qiu Wuji didn’t really need someone to accompany her to buy groceries. Chu Ge was in a great mood as he sat back in the room and opened his computer, starting to type away.

“She said I wrote really well!”

Chu Ge felt like he had an inexhaustible amount of energy.

A lot had happened yesterday, but it had only been one day. He had saved half a chapter before going to bed last night and now he was in the middle of a burst of inspiration and quickly finished a chapter, feeling like he could maintain a steady stream of updates, maybe even more.

Chu Ge felt like this might have something to do with his training and cultivation. His mind was much sharper now. Before, he would struggle for half a day just to come up with one chapter, but now he was writing smoothly.

He uploaded the chapter and checked his subscriber data. He was dumbfounded at what he saw.

Since his novel was recently promoted to the featured section, it had slowly been growing in subscribers, reaching around 3,500. But now, it had suddenly jumped to over 4,600 in just one day, and it was still increasing!

Compared to other authors who only saw a hundred new subscribers a day, this was an unbelievable dream number.

Chu Ge himself felt like it was too good to be true. He scratched his head and thought about it for a while, not understanding how this was possible. It didn’t make sense. Was it really the effect of the promotion? There were some examples of people skyrocketing after receiving a major recommendation due to good writing, but Chu Ge felt like he had gone a little wild in the later chapters. Could it really have this effect?

This effect was like a chain reaction with a snowball effect. Chu Ge clicked on the bestseller list and wasn’t surprised to see his novel on the real-time bestseller list because it had jumped over a thousand subscribers in just one day. The feedback was immediately visible, and he could see that he was about to break into the top ten.

Although it was uncertain how long it could be sustained, this was still exposure, and quite a big one at that.

Once this snowball starts rolling, it’s hard to predict the subsequent growth. It’s already beyond the normal range of recommendations, and who knows, it might even hit ten thousand subscribers soon.

Chu Ge scratched his head and couldn’t think of anything particularly impressive about his work so far. Even if he didn’t consider the romantic subplot, the fact that the protagonist had been sidelined so much didn’t bode well for a conventional story.

After pondering for a while, he could only attribute it to the recent burst of updates which had played a significant role in boosting his rankings. The website also had a power ranking, and if he continued at this pace, he might be able to make it onto the list, which would be another excellent exposure opportunity. In the past, he could only drool over such prospects due to his poor performance, but now it seems like he might be able to make a push for it.

It was really surprising. He had never expected things to turn out like this. Was he just lucky, or was it all his hard work paying off?

The only thing affecting the speed of his progress was that he had taken a difficult path that involved juggling a large cast of characters. It was quite challenging, but if he could pull it off, it might lead to good results and positive word-of-mouth reviews.

“Who cares? Let the birds fly even if they are about to die. I wrote before without looking at the feedback, and now what am I worried about? It’s not necessary to waste so much energy on these things.” Chu Ge took a deep breath, closed the backend, and proceeded to open the document to write the next chapter.

This entire plot is a world-shaking event that requires careful polishing.

At present, the focus of the scene being written is not much on Qi Wuji’s side, only mentioning, “arrange the disciples to act, practice in seclusion, and fully prepare for the battle with Yan Qianli.”

Under Chu Ge’s own creativity, he added a sentence, “Qiu Wuji’s soul became more condensed, and the soul fragments wandered to observe the changes in the world, lasting forever.”

This is not only to tell readers that Qi Wuji’s seclusion will not affect the changes in the situation in the book, but more importantly, to allow her to stay a little longer…the Creator God is not omnipotent, and this kind of creativity needs to be gradually added along with the plot. It is impossible to forcefully enhance her strength.

Now, it’s finally added.

But as Chu Ge wrote, he suddenly frowned slightly, and his fingers stopped.

Where is Qi Wuji practicing in seclusion?

She is here, watching performances in a bar, reading novels and watching videos.

If this continues, will it affect her strength and drag down the situation of the battle?

In the book, she is predetermined to win, and logically, she should win, but he still felt uneasy in his heart.

Will something go wrong?

Thinking about it, Chu Ge felt a little restless. The joy of the soaring reviews did not affect his calm heart. He  took out her mobile phone directly and sent a WeChat message to Qi Wuji: “Where are you?”

Qiu Wuji was scanning the QR code to pay for beef at the market when Chu Ge sent the message. She found that there was a vegetable market in the opposite direction of where Chu Ge usually went, which was cheaper and looked better than the supermarket on the other side. She didn’t know why Chu Ge always went to the supermarket. He was really a pig-head.

She planned to make a stir-fry of potatoes and beef today. Chu Ge insisted on including potatoes in the dish, which was a vegetable that she had never heard of. According to Chu Ge, this thing is out of place in the cultivation world…

Who cares anyway? It made her taste eat less food.

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt that her soul was becoming more and more solid. She had consumed a lot of energy saving Moon Shadow last night, so it should have shortened her stay time, but at this moment she didn’t feel like that at all. She had a feeling that she could stay as long as she wanted.

Qi Wuji paid for her food happily, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled up with a smile.

It must be Chu Ge messing around in the book again, trying to improve her abilities.

She didn’t even realize that her previous resentment towards him for being able to modify her physical abilities at will was getting lighter and lighter.

At that moment, the WeChat notification sound went off, and Qiu Wuji clicked on Chu Ge’s anime girl avatar and pursed her lips.

“Where are you?” Qiu Wuji used her little finger to hook the grocery bag and used voice input to respond: “I’m at the market.”

“Can you come back? I’m a little uneasy.”

“Why? Is there something missing about Moon Shadow’s matter that will cause trouble for us?”

“No…It’s just I remembered you will have less time to cultivate here. Will it be a loss when you go back to your own world? The more I think about it, the more uneasy I feel.”

Qiu Wuji was taken aback. She looked around at the crowd and smiled: “I’ll talk about it when I get back.”

Soon, Qiu Wuji returned home, the door was not locked, and she saw Chu Ge sitting on the sofa like a restless monkey. When she entered, he came to greet her and took the vegetables from her hand.

“I forgot I don’t have a key. I’ll have one made later,” Qiu Wuji said.

“Do you still have the mind to talk about this?” Chu Ge put the vegetables aside, looked serious, and asked, “What do you think about what I said just now?”

Qiu Wuji lazily blinked her beautiful eyes and said, “I think I should to go back and cultivate, how about that?”

Chu Ge pursed his lips, although he was reluctant in his heart, he still said, “Okay. At least before July 15th…”

“Ha…” Qiu Wuji couldn’t help but laugh: “Isn’t it impossible to defy fate? How could I lose in my predetermined victory?”

Chu Ge angrily said, “I’m afraid you’ll think like that and then take it lightly and lose. Can you win without even using a move and just standing there letting someone hit you? We’re still testing the relationship of fate, and we haven’t come to a final conclusion yet, how can you…”

“Okay, okay, stop scolding me.” Qiu Wuji smiled slightly: “Do you really think I would think like that? Don’t you know your Qiu Wuji? You should understand me?”

Chu Ge: “…”

“No matter if fate determines my victory or defeat,” Qiu Wuji put away her smile and said seriously, “I am Qiu Wuji, and I will do my best to defeat every opponent.”

Chu Ge helplessly said, “But what about now…”

“Chu Ge… you are a storyteller, you can define our cultivation, but you are not a real immortal, and it is difficult to experience the subtleties of it,” Qiu Wuji said lightly: “You have also written that being able to grasp and taste every detail around you and not missing any scenery along the way is cultivation, rather than being locked up and unaware of the passage of time or the world. This is your definition, which deeply resonates with me. But when you really encounter it, you can’t empathize with it…”

She smiled again: “I wonder if the Creators God knows that I am cultivating now?”

Chu Ge was stunned for a while. Was it true? It seemed that he had written that way, but…

Qiu Wuji turned around and went to the kitchen with the vegetables, her high ponytail jumping up and down: “Perhaps…..you’re just flustered because you care?”

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