What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 58: Cosplay

Chapter 58: Cosplay

“I’m so dumb, really.” In the living room, Chu Ge sat on the sofa with a durian on his head, muttering to himself with lifeless eyes, “I should have known those idiots would do this…”

Qiu Wuji stood by, folding her arms and looking at him from head to toe with a disdainful gaze.

“I’ve known for a long time that you’re a masochist. There’s no need to explain,” Qiu Wuji finally sighed and said with a tone of pity, “Creating a group for thousands of people to torment you, that courage truly befits the level of a Creator God. Ordinary people couldn’t do it…”

“Wait, it’s already thousands of people?” Chu Ge was somewhat shocked.

“But I couldn’t tell at all. So our great Chu Ge has a penchant for men, and even a hidden one at that…”

Chu Ge weakly responded, “That’s just a popular meme, not true. Trust me… Oh, you seem to be quite knowledgeable too. Does everyone use the term ‘hidden one’?”

Qiu Wuji coldly snorted, “I’ve heard enough of human stories. There are many similar ones, mostly involving the privileged.”

“Why does it sound like you enjoy reading them?”

Qiu Wuji nonchalantly replied, “Trying to shift the topic to me won’t work. No matter how much I read, I still can’t match the vast knowledge of my Creator God.”

Chu Ge knew that Qiu Wuji didn’t believe he was homosexual. At most, she was displeased with the suggestive nature of some titles and took it as an opportunity to express herself. There were many other things that truly irritated her…

He wondered what kind of things she had seen, with her eyes so filled with embarrasment. He recalled that his taste was quite diverse. He watched both aesthetically pleasing codes and black-market codes. He explored European, American, Japanese, and Korean models. God knows what kind she saw… Regardless of which kind, this was a complete mess!

Did she really think that he didn’t let her use his computer before because it was a work tool and couldn’t be separated from it?

He was afraid that she would accidentally see his collection, the private collection of a nerd! Countless predecessors have proven that hiding folders doesn’t work. The best method is simply not to let anyone touch them! But he was really foolish, really. He never expected that a group of idiots would sell him out… sob.

Unable to withstand Qiu Wuji’s disdainful gaze, Chu Ge finally couldn’t hold it in any longer and lay flat, no longer struggling. “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? Is today your first day in the devil realm?”

Qiu Wuji: “?”

Oh, now you’re feeling brave again?

“You’ve seen those dance performances in nightclubs, haven’t you? Isn’t it fascinating?” Chu Ge said with a serious expression, “People have needs. Nightclubs are crowded places, and it has a bad influence. But what about us? We stay at home, watch ourselves, it’s healthy, environmentally friendly, green… Oh no, not green! Who does it bother?”

The corner of Qiu Wuji’s mouth twitched, her eyes clearly saying: Go on, let’s see what else you can come up with.

“We’re not breaking any laws! Look!” Chu Ge took out his phone and opened the group chat. He remembered that someone had sent a screenshot before Qiu Wuji joined.

He casually clicked on the chat at the top, and sure enough, there was a picture right in front of him: “The Supreme Court states that sharing obscene information between friends and family does not constitute a crime.”

Below were a series of repetitive messages: “So why aren’t we sharing, my dear family?”

“See!” Chu Ge proudly showed his phone to Qiu Wuji, as if presenting a treasure. “I didn’t lie to you, right?”

Qiu Wuji glanced at it with a straight face, not looking at the picture, but instead, she saw the group name, “Street Racing Group.”

She couldn’t help but say, “You have a dedicated group for street driving too! How reckless can you be?”

Chu Ge: “…”

Qiu Wuji sighed, “Spend less time in these groups. Look at these other ones, they’re not bad at all, ‘Godslayer Enlightenment Group,’ ‘Future Platinum Group.’ Those have ambition!”

Helplessly, Chu Ge opened the “Godslayer Enlightenment” group and glanced at it. They were repeating the message, “The list for the Mid-Year Divine Gathering is out, and there are 0 participants from this group. Let’s reflect on ourselves…”

Then he opened the “Future Platinum” group and glanced at it as well. They were also repeating the same message: “The list for the Mid-Year Divine Gathering is out, and there are 0 participants from this group. Let’s reflect on ourselves…”

Finally, he opened the “Street Racing Group”: “The mid-year gathering of the gods is coming up, and there are 18 participants from this group. Everyone should reflect on themselves.”

Qiu Wuji: “?”

Chu Ge closed the group chats expressionlessly, feeling deeply disappointed. “Do you think I enjoy hanging out in these lousy groups?”

Qiu Wuji was annoyed and frustrated by all these trivial matters. She didn’t know how to scold him, so she turned around angrily and said, “I’m going to buy rice paper and maybe some flowers from the countryside. You focus on your writing and stop wasting time in these useless groups!”

Chu Ge shouted from behind, “Don’t take the subway. You can’t ride it now…”

Qiu Wuji waved her hand without looking back, “I’ve figured it out. I’ll take the bus, wear a mask, and I’ve checked the routes… Oh well, if all else fails, I’ll just fly on my own!”

Before she could finish her sentence, the door had already closed.

Seeing her back, why did it feel like she was even more anxious? Which bus did she end up taking?

Chu Ge slumped his shoulders and sighed, then said in the “Street Racing Group,” “Thanks, everyone, for saving me…”

“Hey, Chu Ge, are you attending the gathering this time?”

Chu Ge replied, “No, I haven’t reached the ten thousand mark, so there’s no way I would qualify for the gathering. Hopefully, I’ll have a chance at the year-end event.”

Many people responded confidently, “Your momentum is unstoppable. It’s not a question of whether you’ll reach ten thousand, but how far beyond that…”

Chu Ge didn’t share their confidence. Taking advantage of the moment, he said, “How about you all promote my novel?”

The experts responded casually, “Sure, why not? We’ll give it a boost.”

“No problem.” Chu Ge took the opportunity and shared a red envelope: “Just a small token of appreciation…”

“Damn, you’re awesome, big boss!” The group chat instantly became lively.

“Is there more, boss?”

“Learn from Chu Ge, you guys just freeload?”

So in this group, being able to send a red envelope was what made someone a big shot, not writing books…

Chu Ge closed the group chat and stormed back to his own group: “You guys had a great time today, huh?”

“Oh, Brother Chu is here. That female admin is so cute. I feel like she’s really cosplaying Qiu Wuji’s tone and reactions, hahaha!”

Chu Ge was taken aback. From that perspective, it was quite interesting… He thought for a while before saying, “How well does she cosplay?”

“Not too similar, since the authoritative demeanor of the sect master can’t be seen. She can’t really be pretending to be one of us, right? But it’s even better this way. The other aspects are spot-on, she really feels like Qiu Wuji coming to life. It’s so much fun!”

Chu Ge lost his aggressive intent to cause trouble and started to stare absentmindedly.

Qiu Wuji herself didn’t resemble Qiu Wuji too much… What does that mean?

Someone else asked, “Where is she? Let’s bring her out and have a chat. Being silenced by Qiu Wuji is nothing. I’d gladly let her step on me with high heels!”

The group was in an uproar. “What nonsense are you thinking? If anyone’s going to get stepped on, it should be me!”

“How would I know where she is?” Chu Ge replied nervously. “She doesn’t live with me or anything.”

“Tch, you want to have female fans living with you too? Shall we find you a bunch of muscular guys instead?”

Chu Ge: “…”

The admin that Chu Ge had private chats with seemed to have figured out his intention. He sent a silly smiley face and said, “Speaking of which, now that we have a female admin, maybe everyone should be more cautious when sharing things…”

There were sighs and groans in the group chat. “Sigh, that’s the downside of having a female admin…”

“No need!” Chu Ge suddenly said, “You guys continue sharing! Papa Chu will come up with a solution!”

The group members were shocked. “Brother Chu, you’re so brave!”

Chu Ge gritted his teeth. “Once she gets used to it, becomes numb to it, and takes it for granted, I’ll increase the updates!”

Since there was no way to clean it up, why bother cleaning it at all? Let’s change the approach and who knows, maybe it’s a good thing!

On the bus, Qiu Wuji clenched her teeth as she read Chu Ge’s words on her phone. She fiercely wanted to kick him out but frustratingly realized she couldn’t, not even through silencing him.

Damn him being the group owner with higher privileges than me… Qiu Wuji realized this and got so angry that she almost broke the armrest of the seat.

Why is it that no matter where she was, his privileges were always higher than hers? Is being a Creator God so impressive?

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