While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 99: Cuddly night-talk (slightly nsfw)

Chapter 99: Cuddly night-talk (slightly nsfw)


My voice escaped my mouth when my consciousness started to return to my mind. Lifting myself up against something soft, I looked towards the window of the room. Just as expected, the fact that the entire room was covered in darkness could be attributed to a complete lack of light outside.

And from there, I could draw a simple conclusion. Going to sleep in Ayda's arms so early, meant that even with how tired I was, I was bound to wake up in the middle of the night.

"Wait, Ayda's arms?"

With my still sleepy mind requiring my lips to repeat the thought that appeared in my mind in order for my consciousness to register it, I looked down. As one could expect, I couldn't see anything. But just by squeezing whatever I was supporting my hand on a little, I quickly came to an understanding of just what could have such soft, jelly features.

"Are you sleeping?"

Whispering those words as I continued to molest the breast of the girl, I waited for a moment to receive some sort of reaction, but to no avail. Stopping myself from sounding the situation with my witch abilities, I took my hand off Ayda tit, only to sneak it under her clothes and grasp her soft flesh directly.

"I'm not gonna stop until you reply to me."

Pushing my entire body a little bit higher to make it easier to whisper sweet nothings directly to the girl's ear, I continued to play with her chest. Even in our intimate times, I never really got to have all the fun in the world with her alluring bust. In the heat of a moment, I would surely grasp and massage it, but my attention would be mostly focused either on my own penis or on the insane mix of our emotions. But right now, I was in every man's dream!

"Still silent, huh I wonder what you will do if I do this!"

Suddenly climbing down on the bed, I pulled Ayda's cloth away, only to latch onto her now exposed breast with my mouth. Feeling the slowly hardening bit with my tongue, I started sucking on her nipple, as if attempting to drink some of her milk.

Obviously, given how she didn't show any signs of being pregnant, no liquid came out. But it would be a lie to tell that absolutely nothing came out.


With the soft moan escaping from the girl's mouth, my hopes instantly raised Only to crumble apart when Ayda didn't show any signs of opening her eyes. No matter whether she was really asleep or only pretending, this involuntary reaction got my horses going. 

Keeping my mouth tightly pressed to the skin of her left breast, I moved my hand to the other tit of hers, drowning in the comfort of playing around with my girl's bust. At some point, Ayda's hands suddenly moved on top of my head, repeating the same caressing that she did before we fell asleep. 

Cuddled in Ayda's chest, feeling her hardening nipple with my tongue while listening to the soft moans that the girl continued to produce, I felt no lust. Rather than getting physically excited, just being attached to her breasts like that while having her hands brush my hair was weirdly relaxing. 


Just as my consciousness was about to fade away in this pleasant warmth, Ayda suddenly brought her hand up, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes.  A moment later, her hand returned to my head, now accompanied by a soft, lenient voice of hers.

"Do you fancy my breast that much?"

Even though being found out like that could easily pour some cold water on anyone's enthusiasm, hearing this silly girl's voice only fired me up even more.

"How could I not? They are absolutely the best."

Letting go of her nipple, already dripping with my saliva, I responded before pushing my head down and biting gently on her hard spot.

"Ah! Stop it! Or I will get maaaaAH!"

Even though her words attempted to hold my horses, her hands proved her voice wrong, pulling me even tighter to her chest. With her voice breaking when I suddenly sucked on her tit with a little bit more enthusiasm, I could tell that there was no retribution for me to worry about.

As if angered by her own reactions, Ayda momentarily turned silent, only making me more eager to get another moan out of her. With my fingers kneading the dough of her right breast as I continued to feast on her left one, I could feel her body tensing up as she attempted to hold her voice back. 

"Come on, don't focus just on my chest"

In just a few moments, Ayda shifted her tone from a complete mute to a pleading one. Unwilling to let my girl wait even for a second, I moved my hands on the bed beside Ayda's arms before rasing on them and moving my head towards the girl's lips. 

"Kiss me like you mean it."

Whispering those words right in the girl's face, I reached for her mouth with my lips. Even though her entire body was warm, the delicate heat of her lips mixing with the thick saliva that her tongue introduced to my mouth instantly proved why kisses were such an intimate activity. 

Her hands wrapped around my head, allowing the girl to push her lips even tighter against mine. Following my stupid request, even Ayda's legs locked on my hips. Even though I was initially holding myself above the girl as to not crush her with my weight, with how she basically hung her entire body on me, I had no other choice but to lower the two of us back on the soft sheets.

Finally letting go of my mouth only once I seriously started to crave some fresh air, Ayda licked a strand of saliva that connected our mouth from her lips.

"Now, did that calm you down?"

Surprised by the sudden question, I only looked at the darkness in front of my eyes where Ayda's head was hiding in the shadow. 

"Good. Then how about you tell me what's going on in that world of yours? I know you don't like to spy on my emotions, but for once you could feel how worried I am whenever you go off to that place!"

Suddenly flaring up, Ayda dug some painful marks on my back with her nails. Taking this violent act for her punishment for all the stuff that she had to endure with me, I relaxed my body, falling right back on her bust. Wrapped with the warm softness of her skin, I took a moment to collect my thoughts.

"You see, to say it in simple words, I think I was the only one capable of travelling between worlds in my homeworld. But recently, some strange gates started appearing all over my home, allowing others to enter the lands that do not belong to my world."

Once again using Ayda's heartbeat to calm myself down, I took a short moment to figure out the best way to explain everything that was going on.

"My world Earth. As simple and as stupid it might seem to be, this is a collective name to the planet that my kind lives on. For us, magic is still a novelty. Just recently, we went through the first year celebration of the start of what we call an apocalypse. The moment when magic appeared in our world."

Instead of helping me out by asking questions about details or inquiring about interesting parts, Ayda simply remained silent, once again massaging the palm of my head with her delicate fingers.

"That's why I was in such a rush to test and develop the kind of crafting that's common to your world. For us, for my kind, this is a revolutionary technology. And I already saw in yet another world that I visited what one can do when mixing raw technology with the possibilities created by magic."

Suddenly upset about the thought that appeared in my mind, I broke off from the girl, rolling to the side. Instead of just letting me go, Ayda instantly followed my moves, pinning me down to the bed by lying down on top of my chest. This time it was my turn to cuddle her.

"You know that you can tell me anything? I'm all ears. Just throw it all out of yourself. Given how I'm entirely yours, it's better than just speaking to yourself, isn't it?"

Whispering from the heigh of my chest, Ayda didn't seem to mind how convoluted my story was. But given how I had the feeling that she travelled through worlds herself, there was a chance that she already knew how hard it was to explain an entirely different mindset to someone who was never in touch with it.

"Yeah, you are right."

Rustling her hair once again, I took a deep breath before releasing it along with all the reservations that I cultivated from the moment I assumed a fake identity.

"While those gates those dungeons how we call them are not a problem in themselves, I just can't help but stop thinking about what one of my allies on the other side summed them up with."

Moving around a tiny bit to fix the sheets below me, I moved my hand down on Ayda's warm back, somehow finding comfort in cuddling her like that.

"And what was the meaning of those words?"

Moving on from just listening to actually helping me out by placing some open questions, Ayda proved to be just as great of a talker as she was my girlfriend. 

"That the appearance of magic That the appearance of the dungeons means the apocalypse is only beginning."

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