While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 272: Sight from the tribune

Chapter 272: Sight from the tribune

"Reporting! Assistant elders didn't meet with any major trouble, outside of a small group of the Natural Edge Sect cultivators. After defeating them, they proceeded to fulfil their orders without any more troubles on the way!"

This day was truly one of the worst that I ever experienced in my life. 

At first, Leroy Jenkins probably wanted to prove himself to be usefull to the protector and openly ordered assistant elders along with Psitra that served under me, to 'invite' Eve to our lodge, so that even if somehow this poor guy overcame all the odds, she would still be in our hands.

Despite not being interested in politics at all, even I knew some details about this young man actions. While a small part of my mind wanted to just scoff at him, screaming "serves you right!", I believed I should be proud that I still ended up being ashamed.

If we dared to proclaim that we are the second greatest bullies in this city, no one would dare to claim the first place!

As if entire sect infusing its riches into both this stupid Veriel and his tamed beast wasn't enough, Leroy made sure to threaten Heavenly fuckers to keep them from interfering with his plans! 

I wonder how confident he would be if it turned out that their protector was visiting as well!

But I guess that wouldn't happen. 

Even if Bart's provocations were harsh and over the top, he was way too small to be able to harm any of the sect business or interests in a realistic scope. That's why I was almost sure that we were the only ones who put such a great value to this topic to request for the assistance of a damn protector!

"While I wouldn't do it like that myself, I command your wits. It's strange for you to not be scared of their potential retaliation. Do you have any inside information, or was that just a bet?"

If I was able to observe the events happening on the tribunes across the arena, it went without saying that the protector was able to do it as well. At least his reaction wasn't as sympathetic to the methods Leroy used as I was scared it would be.

If he were to openly applaud such actions, I would never be able to show my face in public!

"Neither of those answers are correct. It was a calculated guess, my lord."

Bowing in half, the elder's lips curled upwards.

"On the surface, this matter does not warrant the reaction of the protectors of the other powers, while the listening devices that we mounted in this bastard's room told us that he was going to leave the city without joining our sect. I dare not to underestimate our enemies! And by that, I meant that if I was able to get my hands on this piece of information, how could they not? Between unruly character of this cultivator and their lack of protector's authority, I believed there was no way anyone would dare to hinder our movements!"

As if his spine was made out of jelly, this damned old man bowed even deeper, apparently trying to hide his proud smile.

Good job, fucker. You are capable of earning merits by bullying people far weaker than you! Not only that, you are using your authority as a high elder of our sect, to move assistant elders and claim the effect of their work for yours! 

This world is going to burn by itself if people like you have such a power in their hands!

"What about those Natural Edge experts? Did you think I would ignore this matter?

Even if I was unable to read anything from the saint's face, even if his tone didn't betray any of his emotions, the way he formulated this question hinted that he wasn't all that happy with the way this matter was settled. 

Or maybe he was just annoyed about how those damn elders couldn't force a single, frail girl to go with them!

How long did they go at it? Five minutes already?

"Oh lord, they were just some small fries. I reckon it was more of a puppy-like bout of heroic attitude, forcing them to save the damsel in distress, nothing major that could influence the outcome! After all, with how swiftly Veriel lost, I'm worried that our main plan would backfire on us!"

Wow, those were some brave words!

Not only did he refute the protector, twice at that! But he also openly claimed that the plan that won the support of our saint was flawed! Either his guts inflated way over what his mind could handle, or he was THAT sure about his plan!

"It's funny that you are saying this. I would like to point out that this kid didn't take my pill unlike I advised him to do so! Well, nothing is lost yet. If you bothered to look at the arena, you could notice how vast the difference in strength between this beast and this how was he called? Bart? Yes, the difference between our beast and Bart is. Even if he didn't exert much of his strength during his fight with Veriel, he is bound to lose now."

"With all due respect, we all expected Veriel to be able to defeat him with ease. Just like I wouldn't put all my eggs into a single basket, I didn't want to risk a situation when he would somehow end up victorious!"

Even when the protector's tone was turning colder and colder, this dumb Leroy only continued to dig his grave. I know that everyone could undermine the weight of someone greater by mistake once, but you did it thrice already!

Not only that, now, there is no way out for you! By claiming to be careful, you will end up as someone doubting the protector's foresight in the case when Bart would win, while losing all your respect and authority while being forced to shoulder the aftermatch of clearly overstepping your authority if he will end up losing. 

Does it really feel so nice to brag?

"Silence now, the fight is about to start. I'm quite interested to see how strong this guy really is. I might surprise you, but his means are certainly unorthodox!"

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