While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 328: Sudden visit

Chapter 328: Sudden visit

"Let's calm down for now. To summarize our talk so far, you want to get everyone form the Nakal tribe as your slaves or underlings while offering the knowledge of how to create the shield you were using. Am I wrong anywhere?"

With how confident I was while showing my stance on the matter, this puny lord couldn't help but cave in. While I wasn't as dumb to believe that he fully surrendered and wasn't going to try any underhanded tricks on me, it was good progress for the first step of my plan!

"You summed it up nicely. All the people you recently subjugated, the method to contact the remaining resistance force if there are any, and the safe passage with all of them to the shore I will pick. In exchange, I will share my knowledge on how to create an external barrier that I was using to defend myself from your attacks. But before we settle the deal with a handshake, I would like to see the state of the people that we are talking about. After all, I can't say for sure that you managed to round them all up!"

Just like I said, I based my assumption that all of those people were in the Overlords power only on his own words and the fact that the camp I saw before was deserted. There was no telling whether those refugees didn't catch up with the men who withdrew from the fight I experienced myself and moved deeper into the forest!

If that was the case and I managed to get only a small percent of the total group, I would be trading gold of my knowledge for scraps of what I was supposed to get!

"This is a rational decision. I will get my men to give you a tour through the slave camp. Seeing how you stopped eating, I assume that you have filled your belly. From what I was told, you came to our city first thing in the morning, meaning you have to be really tired. It would be rude of me as the owner of the place to not offer you any rest."

With those words, the overlord stood up and looked at his daughter.

"Elea, you will guide our guest to the sleeping chamber. Report back as soon as you make sure all his needs are tended to!"

Heh This guy had to notice something in the girl's behaviour! Be it how she shrugged when I 'accidentally' touched her arm, or how she was all over me ever since I appeared in the dining courtyard. What I couldn't understand though, was how this guy ordered her to guide me inside, instead of ordering any maid or butler to do so!

"Y-yes, Father!"

For the first time since I arrived here, Elea referred to the overlord per Father instead of using 'Papa'. Was this the side effect of using my charm on her?

Well, its nothing that I should be worried about for now!

Since the girl already stood up, I grabbed the glass from the table, finished the drink in one go while disregarding how big of a waste it was and followed the girl inside the mansion.

From the outside, it appeared to be small and rather confined when compared to the places I visited back in the arena city. Heck, even my own auction house was way bigger than this entire place! Regretfully, the insides only replicated that feeling of confinement!

As soon as we hid away from the sight of the overlord and his entourage, I kickstarted my charm once again, this time making sure to envelop Elea with the 'infected' air, no matter how much did she attempt to speed her movements up to get free from the influence of my spell.

By the time we reached the place, she was barely able to make a single step forward, with her face blushing to an unimaginable degree whenever her thighs brushed against each other. 

Observing her silly reaction was really funny, especially with how much Overlord would hate to learn what kind of torture I subjected his daughter to. If not for the way in which those guests of his reacted when she was clinging to me back at the dining area, I would even suspect that she was, in fact, a seductress faking the appearance of the lord's daughter in order of stealing some secrets from me in underhanded way!

Upon finally arriving at the doors, Elea opened them for me, inviting me in.

"Do you have any wishes for me?"

Following her father's orders to the note, she bowed lightly while asking me.

"I would fancy some more of this wine that I had the taste downstairs. With all my travels, its a rare opportunity to drink something so nice! Also, to prevent getting too drunk for my own good, I would love to get some more grilled meat, but if it would be a problem, a meaty stew would do."

There was no way I wouldn't use the current situation to the best of my ability! In fact, the request for the wine was only for the sake of hiding my true need in the form of fatty meat for me to consume!

I had some testing to do in order to learn how did this guy store the energy in his own fat. Did he enrich his tissues during cultivation or its local equivalent? Did he consume highly energetical fat from the powerful monsters? Did he infuse the meat with the energy before consuming it?

All this testing, yet I didn't have the time to do everything by myself! Since that was the case, it was the best to simply bank on the current position in the Lord's household to get as many benefits as I could!

Just as I formulated a precise order in which I would conduct my tests in order to make the most of the limited time I had on hand before the Overlord would invite me for a trip, I heard a knocking on the doors, followed with them opening as Elea herself brough a big platter filled with all sorts of meat, while holding a sizeable jug that spread out a delicate aroma of wine in her other hand.

"Would your lordship forgive me my rudeness if I were to ask your travellernes a question?"

While I held myself from affecting her with my charm as she placed the plates and gourd on the nearby stool, as soon as her hands were free again, I didn't hesitate to fill the entire room with my aura, heavily infused with the charm. 

"Go on."

Lying back on the single, small bed in the room, I spared her a single look before returning to cautiously looking for any speck of dirt that could hide under my fingernails.

"If your travellership come to an agreement with papa Would it be possible for your majesty to teach me as well?"

Hmm? While I expected her to approach me for some reason, the fact that she didn't want anything else but exactly the same thing I was going to trade with the Overlord for the ownership of Nakal tribe I guess she had some reasons, but I wasn't going to accept her request without learning them!

"And why did you came to me directly, instead of pleading with your father for him to teach you himself?"

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