While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 368: Temple (2)(smut-ish)

Chapter 368: Temple (2)(smut-ish)

Instead of an enemy, main boss, demonic lord or anything of that sort, those strange doors lead me to an enormous open platform. Comparing the view I had right now to the one from the ground level, I could tell that I was in the second-highest clearing of this entire cathedral-like building!

But it wasn't the general view that struck my mind silly!

With nothing else but yet another set of the doors - this time, closed shut and guarded by a barrier that gave of the feeling of something godly, there were only two more objects of interest in the entire open area.

A small altar standing on top of the huge array of flashing lines carved in the floor, and a single, beautiful girl dancing madly without a care in the world!

Dressed in only a single loincloth hanging between her legs and a simple piece of thin cloth wrapped around the heights of her breasts, she was moving as if she was some drugged slut bouncing in the rhythm of some techno.

Struck by this insane sight, I couldn't help but put myself on guard and scan the entire place with my energy vision.

Just like I thought, the flashing of those lines wasn't random!

With just a tiny bit of the web that put me on the edge of killing everyone around visible from beyond the floor end, I could see powerful currents of the energy being channelled right into the rifts in the floor, only to be accumulated in the simple altar!

Taking this sight into my mind, I realised that seemingly as alluring as random moves of the dancing girl were, in fact, tracing the innermost circle of the runes carved in the floor, slowly pushing her closer and closer to the altar.

While I wanted to make sense of what was happening, it was hard to focus while watching her swing her body around as if the only piece she was missing to complete her picture was a dancing pole from the adult clubs from back on the earth!

Even when I tried to scan her with my energy vision in order to check how did she interact with the energy gathering on this platform, after noticing how more and more mana was channelled into her body through the lines of the array, my focus shattered, replaced by the urge to approach her bouncy and almost completely revealed curves!

Despite how fast she was moving, I didn't have any troubles with locating two small protrusion on top of the cloth that kept her breasts hidden. Not even her furious moves causing her chest to wiggle up and down as some kind of machine were capable of hiding this detail from my sight!

As I watched her alluring body, I somehow managed to cast a single glance at the face of the girl.

It was the same woman that greeted me with a cold stare when I first entered the refugee camp back in the forest!

At some point, the curves on the floor stopped flashing and all filled with dim light, that slowly grew with intensity as the girl approached the altar. But no matter how important clue that could be, I was unable to divert my eyes from the insane contrast of her insanely tanned body and the whiteness of the delicate cloth handing down from her abdomen. Despite how energetically she was moving around, jumping, falling on her knees and bending her body in unbelievable angles as if she was the most expensive striptease dancer in the world, this cloth continued to fly in all directions, yet somehow capable of covering her sweet spot at all times!

With a sudden flash, when this girl body finally touched the altar for the first time, all the lines on the floor erupted with blueish light. In this exact moment, an insane force shattered my thick entropy barrier without giving me even a single second to steel my defences!

Suddenly overwhelmed by the mental pressure, my eyes were forced to latch on the lascivious body of this girl, who finally sat her firm ass on top of the altar, with her covered pussy directed right towards me.

Unable to counteract the force, I felt the blood flowing down from my body only to be sucked away by the engines of my lust, instantly turning me as hard as I could ever get. Manipulated by this force, I took a single step towards the altar, with my mind clouded by an overwhelming wave of lust, that I have never felt before!

The closer I got to the girl, the more desperately she wiggled on top of this simple altar, as if just waiting for me was enough to break her mind! Raising and lowering her hips non stop, she provided enough fanservice to arouse me even without the interference of this foreign energy! 

As soon as only a single meter separated me from the girl, she finally stopped struggling, and raised her hips for the last time, locking them on the perfect height for me to enter her body, with her legs and wrist strangely glued to the altar, as if some kind of invisible chains were holding her.

With yet another powerful burst of the light from the entire array on the platform, I took the last step.

As if some kind of devious wind finally broke the restraints that kept the cloth attached to her body, the small part of whiteish loincloth moved upwards, revealing how soaked in her own juices her sweet spot was. At the same time, as if her upper body tensed over its usual limit, the cloth that held her a small part of her breast hidden ruptured, leaving this beautiful female all naked right in front of my eyes.

At this point, I was unable to control my body anymore. I didn't even realise where the bottom part of my robes got undone, learning about it when I felt the insane warmth on the top of my exposed shroom.

With her pussy instantly contracting the moment our intimate parts touched, I felt as if this convulsion alone was enough to suck my rod inside her!


Out of nowhere, I heard Bonger's voice appearing in my head for the first time since I passed through the gate of the garden.

Only for my vision turn red, as some strange force that kept my evolved predator's mindset came undone!

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