While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 386: Stalemate

Chapter 386: Stalemate

With no idea what the overlord was planning to do, I kept myself at the maximum vigilance as I marched through the corridors of his mansion. Even if I was too powerful for any of them to do me any real harm, history proved it over and over again that even the greatest strength, the greatest advantage could be overcome with enough wits and surprise attack! 

I wasn't going to make the same mistake as most of the great leaders that left their name in history not through their victories, but through their ultimate defeat. No matter how little did I think of those people, wasn't going to turn my back at all the lessons that the mistakes of my precedesors from the earth taught me!

But no matter how long I roamed the mansion, there was not even a single person in sight. As if the entire city got emptied out, I couldn't hear any of the noises of a normal life outside of the building.

With a bad feeling growing up in my guts, I went to the outside, in order to check how the situation looked there. And that's when I saw it.

Only several guards were left in the entire city, with all of its remaining inhabitants either hidden somewhere or already moved outside the premises. With the exception of an army of slaves standing under the guard of those few Overlord's men that remained, the entire city was devoid of any human life!

"What happened to everyone?"

Still, keen on uncovering the reason for this strange situation, I approached the guards. So far, they didn't show any single sign of hostility towards me, so I had no reason to be the first one to change our current relations. Unless something big and dire happened to require me to make an instant and severe move, I wanted to keep the ruse for as long as possible!

"And why are you interested in it?"

As if warned by the overlord about my potential inquiry, or just acting like a dick without a reason, one of the guards stepped up and blocked me from approaching the slaves any further. But did that guy really thought that my extensive experience in the dao of bullshiting would prove prone to his little games?

"I'm simply curious. It's kinda strange for the entire city to suddenly turn silent, isn't it? Anyway, get out of my way, I need to check whether those slaves are the ones the Overlord sold to me."

Pushing the haughty guard aside with a single sweep of my hand, I managed to only make a few steps forward before I felt a tickling on my back, right as the remaining guards raised their weapons, not towards me, but towards the people gathered at the plaza.

"Who gave you the right to act like you own this place? Now that I have my spear at your back, your barrier will be powerless!"

With the tone of the guard turning prideful and happy, I couldn't help but smirk. Did that guy really think that he could catch me off guard like that? 

Just as I was about to swat him away while reaching for the necks of the remaining guards with thin strands of entropy, I suddenly stopped.

Isn't that the attitude I just claimed to not show?

They knew I was stronger than them, and they most likely knew that a simple trap like that would never work on me. What was their aim then? 

Only the overlord would be able to order such a complete lockdown on the city, meaning that he either pulled everyone away from this arena, expecting a huge fight to ensure, or ordered them to stay completely put in order to see my reaction!

A single sweep of energy vision confirmed that it was the second case. What's more, I could easily detect a huge amount of stronger than local average energies gathered in various buildings just a few centimetres away from the windows, proving that everyone here was actually curious about my reaction!

But how should I act then?

"Are you going to break the deal then?"

Keeping my smile as if this situation didn't come as close to affecting my nerves and making me go on a rampage right away, I simply turned around, allowing the guard's spear blade to cut my robes while throwing sparkles in the air as it scratched against my barrier. With the guy now in front of me, he could see my wide smile and complete lack of any anxiousness.


"Shut your crap."

Not even bothering to infuse my words with killing intent, I simply reached out with my hand and grabber the guard's throat before lifting him high into the air. Almost instantly causing him to choke and gasp for the air that was mercilessly kept away by my strong grip, I turned my head to the building where the most powerful energy signatures were gathered and asked once again.

"Are you going to go back on your word and break the deal? It's not like I would mind it, since killing everyone in your city, you and your guests included would be akin to taking a stroll through the garden in terms of difficulty But do you really want to anger me and force my hand? Isn't it easier to just do your part of the work as the stupid slave you are?"

While it pained my heart to allow the enmity to escalate without a huge boom, I wasn't going to let this fucker bully me. By ordering his guards to attack the slaves, he would sentence them to the death in a time shorter than they would be able to close the distance between them and the people on the plaza. If he ordered them to back up, he would push his death and fall of his entire regime for a few days later. It was entirely up to the overlord how would the current stalemate end!

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