While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 394: Harem?

Chapter 394: Harem?


Before I even managed to move half of the distance that separated me from the group of houses I made before leaving this dimension a few days ago, Helia somehow realised that I came here looking for her, and appeared right beside me. 

Jumping right from her run in my arms, she almost managed to tackle me to the ground, with only my insane reaction time allowing me to gain a better footing as her body hit against mine.

"How did it go? Did you manage to bring more of our people?"

After a moment of pressing her entire body against me and refusing to actually step on the ground, this young lass finally detached herself from me and asked. Wide smile decorating her face betrayed how happy she was just to see me, with the success or failure of my mission being only a potential icing on the cake.

"Yeah, but I told them to wait outside of the barrier. I need you to find someone called Matosn. Does this name ring the bell?"

Putting her away at a safe distance of my arms reach, I asked one of the important questions. With how anxious everyone waiting outside could be, I had to get back to them as soon as possible, so any reunions or pestering about impregnating her could wait.

"I'm sorry But I don't think he came all the way with us. While I recognise two people with that name from back home, neither of them settled down here."

Recognising my serious face, Helia didn't pressure me with her usual attempts and reported dutifully. Her calm and composed attitude brough one more matter to my attention, that should be settled even before I would get back to the people waiting outside.

"Okay then, don't worry about it. I need you to go and grab Gabriel with you. The two of you will help me convince everyone that I'm not going to eat everyone once they enter this dimension."

Before asking about the results of their leader picking, I decided it would be better to get the oldest of my prime settlers to get here. We could talk while on the go, and every moment was precious now.

"Well This isn't something I can promise them"

Stepping a bit to the back, Heila hanged her head down as if there was something that I should know. While the difference in time surprised me a bit, it would be hard to believe that the time dilution actually happened. Even if I was wrong in my calculations or even the difference came from the roughness of how I calculated it in the first place, with only two days away, this dimension should suffer my lack of presence for at most four days! 

What could happen in those four days for Helia to be hesitant to report it to me?

"After all, aren't you going to eat me out?"

Raising her head, Helia showed how blushed her cheeks were, with small dimples appearing in the corners of her upwardly curved lips. Straightening her hands, putting them along the line of her sides and cupping them together at the height of her abdomen, she pressed on her breasts from the sides while leaning slightly forward.

"I hope you didn't forget about our previous talk"

Compared to the quality time I spent with Elea and her mother-sister, this playful smile on Helia's lips along with her clear, hopeful invitation gave off a feeling of warmth in my soul, instead of pure, animalistic lust. Looking at her eyes glistering with anticipation, I couldn't help but be reminded about my dearest Eve still waiting for me to somehow rescue her from the state she was in!

Even if her mind stopped working the moment she lost consciousness, and remained in the same state for the entire time she was and will be in the hibernation chamber Even if it didn't matter for her whether I would save her in a few weeks or a few years after that bastard dared to hurt her I couldn't help but feel pressured to do my very best to finish this matter as soon as possible.

Hopefully, with the looming upgrade of my system from all the expbags that would remain on the island after I would finish transporting all the locals to this dimension, I would somehow find the way to rescue my beloved Eve!

"Okay, okay. I will think about it. Now, go fetch Gabriel."

Unable to remain as cold as I would've to be in order to refuse her earnest request, I sent her away with vague assurance. With how the events were turning for me now, I had to take a break and figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with all those women striving for my attention.

There was Jessie and Heila already on the island, Elea and Katia back in the Overlord's mansion, tribal princess at the shore, most likely some other young girls wanting to bear my child and first and foremost Eve, waiting for my rescue. Before I even managed to realised it, my intention of having a calm and cosy life with my beloved beside me, turned into a situation screaming harem!

Starting from the very end, there was no way for me to ever give up on Eve. She was the sole reason for most of my actions, and I wouldn't stop for as long as it will take me to rescue her. 

Thinking about the princess I had to admit, her body was worth the sin, but when compared with all the other girls, she was only slightly above the average, while way below the qualities that Eve possessed. The only thing going for her was the fact that so far, I had yet to sleep with her, and from the looks at the legends and situation at the ancestral grounds, she still remained a virgin. 

Going even further down the line, Elea and Katia were the most troublesome, because even if they didn't have a feud directly with anyone here, they were still a part of Overlord's family. While I had the idea how I could make them repent in the eyes of my new underlings, it was something that I wanted to discuss with the new local lord, chosen directly by the people, as I already learned multiple times that my own mindset often didn't apply to the people of this world.

And lastly, Heila. I didn't even count Jessie since as soon as she would bear my child, I could use this as an excuse to get rid of her from my life, but Heila was a different matter altogether. To be completely honest, she was the only one I could consider as a potential addition to my relation with Eve, elevating her way above any other girl in the group. 

Her liveliness, kind of tomboyish behaviour rubbed me just in the right spot, as if she was this laid back female friend, that everyone always wants to have, willing to sleep with you and not forcing any change in your relationship further down the line.

"We are here!"

Just as I came down to think about her case, Helia came back while pulling Gabriel behind her. Just a single look at him was enough o tell me that he didn't sleep very well last few days, indicating how busy he had to be.

While I didn't want to force even more work on him, since he was one of the people that his brethren asked for, I had no other choice than to ask him to come with me.

"Come on then, guys. I need to show that you are alive and well but speaking of you Gabriel I don't think that the second part holds completely true! Did something happened?"

There was no way a simple crafting work could tire him as much. With two helpers and less than a hundred of people of the entire population so far, even if he would be tasked with building shacks for everyone, he shouldn't be in the state he was currently in, even more with the fact that there were homes prepared for everyone!

"My lord Ever since I was chosen as the leader of our new tribe, I had to work as much as I could to come up with valid laws for our future. I hope that if Lord could spare some time, those papers I came up with could gain a bit of your attention, lord!"

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