While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 402: Change of plans

Chapter 402: Change of plans

Using my shockwaves to raise high into the air, and keeping myself there with my floating skill that took only seventeen casts to finally start working, I observed the ground below with my energetical vision, tracking down every single escapist and taking him out with a tier 1, weak fireball. 

Against such small fries, there was no point of using heavy-hitting spells or the entropy in the first place, especially with how nice mana cost reduction my snakesbite offered. At some point, I even considered letting those who were fast and quick-witted enough to start running actually escape, but not in a silly decision of letting them live, but for the sake of allowing them to group up and allow for easier execution, but after some of them showed enough brains to actually branch out towards the deeper parts of the forest, I was left with no other choice than to patiently exterminate them one by one, while watching the progress of my experience bar slowly climb towards the right end of the horizontal column.

After all my efforts, by the time more than half of the entire unit tasked with the eradication of the 'rebels' was dead, I could finally celebrate reaching level sixty-three. With how mechanical my killing turned out to be, even though I stopped casting any spells as soon as I finished this first part of the task, I still racked up eight more thousands of points from the spells I cast before the breakthrough.

With only twelve levels more, I gnashed my teeth and continued the slaughter. With my consciousness still free from the influence of the predator's mindset, I was burdened slightly with all of the lives that I was taking, but if I ever wanted to adapt to this world, I had no other way to do it when my situation was so dire as today. If by the end of the line, I could give all those lives I was taking right now meaning in rescuing Eve from her hibernation chamber, I would even go as far as raising a proper tomb for all the hundreds of people I was killing right now!

One by one, the deaths of all those poor people I was killing right now, contributed to the slow crawl of my experience points bar, finally reaching just a bit past midway point towards the next level when the last enemy was wiped out from the face of this world.

Casting my energy vision aside, I could finally see the effects of my continuous barrage of spells on the forest where everything was taking place. From the place where the carnage started all the way to the island's shore, there was not a single tree left, with all of them already turned into nothing more than a pile of dust. Taking a look around the wider area, I could finally see the main front of the fire, covering the area akin to the small, modern city, with several other sources of fire, spreading out from the places that the few of the warriors managed to escape to before my spells claimed their life.

Taking a look towards the shore, I was barely able to make out anything from beyond the enormous cloud of smoke, but from the looks of things, either all or at least, most of the refugees managed to get into the water before the fire and the inevitable onslaught of the toxic gas could block their lungs and force them to lie motionlessly on the ground while waiting for the flames to finish the job.

Since there was nothing else for me to do in this exact point of the island, I rushed towards the other end of the island. I could only hope that at this point, the Overlord's forces would not only be ready for the alleged attack of the locals, but their reinforces from the neighbouring clans would also be already here. 

After all, I didn't want to be forced to take a trip to yet another island only to get my chance of levelling up!

On the side note, as my killing spree continued through the moment, I could feel my rule over my own consciousness slowly slipping out, as if the bloodshed was only fueling the power of predator's mindset, making it impossible for Bonger to hold back its enormous influence.

With the premonition that I had no idea when I would lose all the bits of my reason, I know I had to do one thing before starting the second part of the carnage, this time aimed at killing everyone as swiftly as it would be humanly possible. 

Propelled by my continuous and cheap shockwaves cast with the use of my staff, it took me only a moment to cover the distance that I slaved away to move through for hours while travelling on the ground. The moment the port city appeared in my sight, I stopped using more shockwaves to propel myself, banking on my already obtained speed to just glide through the air towards my destination.

As I was closing to the ground, I could feel several attempts to breach the defences of the barrier that I set around my head, wary of the possibility of mental attacks that I had no way of countering. Unless this kind of cultivating the energy was just a natural evolution for the more advanced locals, this would mean the reinforcements from the neighbouring tribes managed to arrive right on time!

Landing on the ground by using my shields to siphon a greater part of the impact energy still managed to push the air out of my lungs for a moment, forcing me to waste a few seconds to just stand up, giving others the vibes of what was called on earth, a superhero landing.

With how the entire city was turned into fortress even before my departure, I was quite surprised to see civilians back on the streets, as if Overlord was sure that no harm would come to this city after sending out the aggressive force!

But I had no time to wonder about those points. As soon as I regained my ability to walk properly, I dashed towards overlord's mansion, while ignoring both the initial questions from the guard and their later attacks when they realised I wasn't going to treat them as I used to.

I promised Katia and Elea to save them from Overlord's hands, and it would leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth if I were to fill this promise by simply killing them. Even if their fate later in my small island wouldn't be that much better than what Katia was experiencing right now, the main difference between her current ordeal and Overlord's keeping her enslaved, was that I would leave her a strand of hope to hold onto! 

But just as I was about to force myself inside the mansion with the intention of killing everyone but those two girls, I recalled one of the ideas I had back during my previous visit and halted my steps to a reasonable speed, that resulted with the doors simply shattering as I entered instead of being sent in all directions around the courtyard inside, with splinters making a short work of everyone who was unlucky enough to be unguarded.

Seeing the Overlord standing in what appeared as a local variety of full armour right in the middle on the open space, I couldn't help but internally smile, before lashing out at him.

"Who the fuck did allow you to kill those future slaves of mine!?"

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