While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 456: Important question

Chapter 456: Important question

At this point, I realised what kind of mistake I made. While tearing the entire sanctuary down was a must, since I wanted to establish a symbolic event that would not only remain as historical moment announcing the end of the princess regime, what about all the workers that continued to work on it even while the ceremony was taking place in it?

While I wanted to make the fall of the sanctuary an event similar to the fall of the French Prison that spelt the start of the revolutionary age in that country back on earth, contrary the sanctuary was not only not finished yet, but quite a lot workers was still working to finish the basic structure of the higher floors! 

If the ordeal were to start before they would safely make it down to the ground from the higher floors, there would be a lot of unnecessary deaths due to the frantic rush of everyone to steal the better and more valuable parts of the building, from golden ornaments, through the sculptures at the paintings ending!

"Listen up, everyone. While this symbol of oppression needs to be eradicated from my lands, I find it only fitting to use it as the trial grounds for those, who dared to oppress you falsely in my name!"

With the images of French revolution popping up in my head, I couldn't help but start using the language that was fitting to the period. 

"Five hours from now, I want everyone to gather at the Sanctuary, where the trial on the venomous traitors will be held by me personally! After its conclusion, a new set of laws for this place will be made, to return the order and peace to your lives!"

With how far up I was, there was no way for me to gauge the reactions of the crowd, yet as soon as I finished shouting my bit and returned, from the looks on the faces of Helia and her followers, I could tell that this small show I just put seemed to have a nice effect.

"Hey Why five hours? Is there something you need to do in advance?"

Stepping forward, Helia asked while lowering her head. Maybe it was the time that passed ever since we last saw each other, maybe this time turned my image in her head from just a slightly more powerful guy to a real hero, but outside of the natural happiness and relief that the entire situation seemed to be more or less resolved right now, I think I could hear a small hint of reverence in her words?

"What's with those five hours? I just took a random number that would be long enough for all the workers on the sanctuary to leave. Just like you asked about it, I wanted everyone to think that there was a deeper meaning behind it, while in truth there wasn't any!"

With that said, the entire group went all the way back to the sanctuary, while Helia's forces went off to the settlement I prepared to round up all the high ranking people that somehow managed to gain Princess favour to live in those fancy houses. After all, if the things worked the way I thought they did, rather than getting this privilege due to their merits in developing the place and helping their fellow clansmen, they received it as gratification for helping princess keep her regime up!

By the time the crowd started gathering below the steps leading to the sanctuary, its main hall was already turned into a trial ground, with a massive chair akin to a throne in the middle where the altar used to be, with all the prisoners that were about to be judged locked with the chains nailed to the ground around it. 

"Bart Sir, everything is ready."

Instead of simply calling me by name, even Helia let the atmosphere of the grand occasion like that shoot to her head, turning to a more official form. Or was it an attempt to placate the feeling of other people gathered around, who were not familiar with me enough to allow themselves such a luxury of calling their lord by name?

"Great, let's begin then."

With those words flying out of my mouth, former rebels that now assumed the position of my personal retinue went to the main doors of the sanctuary and allowed everyone to get inside. 

In just a moment, the entire place started filling up almost to the brim, despite how massive it was. By the time all the tribunes were full, there was still at least as many people outside, as they were outside. To not let those who didn't manage to squeeze inside, suffer from being unable to watch the proceedings, with the reluctant use of a few strands of entropy, I carved a big hole where the doors previously were, and placed several people in the new opening, tasked with conveying what was happening in the very middle of the new desecrated building to those who were unable to hear it directly.

"I would like to welcome you all to the first, grand trial of this world! I, Bart Katenari, one you guys consider your hero as well as the owner of this entire world, will preside over the proceedings. By the time the trials will come to an end, I will set the new laws for this entire place, to prevent such tragedies like this whore taking up the power from happening ever again!"

Standing up from my throne, I walked around the middle square, not even batting an eye at how weak the Princess followers became from keeping them constantly on the verge of suffocating. With how everyone in this world suffered under their rule, it was only fair for them to taste how it feels as well!

"Excuse me, may I ask a question as well?"

Out of nowhere, an unfamiliar voice somehow managed to cut through the commotion inevitably caused by the huge crowd. To be honest, with all the grandeur of my person that was forcefully knocked inside the minds of those people, I didn't expect anyone to break out from the crowd and get himself into the centre of attention, yet I wasn't going to punish him for something silly like that! 

After all, being independent was always a good thing for your subjects, as it stirred up the growth!

"Sure, what do you want to know? Albeit, I hope it's something important, as with so many people around, if everyone were to ask just a single question, we would be sitting here for the next few days only talking!"

Smiling amiably towards the person that spoke out, I invited him closer with just a simple gesture of my hand. Just how I liked Gabriel for his guts to potentially go against me, this person managed to score a few brownie points with me just by stepping up!

"Im sorry for butting in during such an important event, but there is one matter that I have to clarify for the sake of my people. How will your rulings, oh mighty hero, affect the people of Svergia? While you Princess might be dethroned now, she was still the extension of your authority while you were away, sir. Are you going to force us to go back and obey your laws, or will you respect the freedom that we gained for ourselves?"

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