While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 473: Who is in the right?

Chapter 473: Who is in the right?

Due to how focused I was on the fight, mostly because I tried my very best to limit the serious injuries that my opponents would suffer to the minimum, I didn't notice when Monica entered the fray. Yet no matter her words, by the time she made her presence known to all of us, it was already too late to save the arms of the two of her disciples!

Falling heavily to the ground, instead of tensing my back, I instantly relaxed all of its muscles, allowing the wave of pain to spread throughout my entire back and dissolve as swiftly as it appeared. 

Leaving the hands of the two disciples whose faces were now torn in the grimace of pain, I calmly stood up from the floor, swept the dust from my clothes and nodded my head to this teacher of mine.

"Teacher, they wanted to have a duel with me and put me in a situation where I couldn't really refuse. As such, I can't be blamed for the injuries they sustained since I warned them that this might be an outcome of our fight!"

Nodding my head slightly, I came up with the first type of bullshit that came to my mind, before sending a peek to the devastated bodies of those four aggressive bullies who wanted to give me a piece of their fists with the premium delivery straight to my face.

While internally I blamed this formerly cute lass the most, as she took it on herself to bait me into the trap they prepared for me, looking at how two of her compatriots lost the ability to wield their leading arm while the third friend of hers, the guy that dared to initiate the attack suffered quite a few serious hits that his companions aimed to use to incapacitate me I couldn't help but feel sad that she managed to get off with just a few bruises from having her once cute face slammed at the stone floor of the mansion!

"Teacher! He is lying through his teeth! While we can't deny attacking him, he wanted to rape Gevva! Since we happened to be passing by, were we supposed to hold back our anger and desire to help our friend against some brutal newcomer?!"

Hearing the words of the same girl that held back her pain and even rose to her knees, only to lean forward miserably as she gave her own version of what transpired her to Monica. Thinking about this, if that was their plan, then they really did some nice preparation. Starting from how Monica herself pointed at how this formerly cute girl was glueing to me, they could claim that it was the teacher's words that made me think that I was entitled to this so-called Gevva, further legitimising their claims about my alleged rape attempt!

"Peter Hearing what they just told, are you going to keep the version you told me before?"

While just a glance at Monica would give someone a picture of a stern teacher only waiting to discipline unruly kids, as long as someone managed to see through the fake front she was putting, one could realise how furious this woman was! No matter who started the fight, she would either had to ground me and take back my opportunity to participate in the challenge, especially when considered how apparently my lust took over me, indicating that if I saw this rumoured beauty of the enemy sect I couldn't hold back from betting for her wet hole rather than peacock milk or accept the fact that her older disciples were unruly enough to go against her wishes and attempt to make me unable to fight in the first place!

Thinking about this in a strategical way, her best bet would be to ignore what her own feelings told her, and accept whatever bullshit I would come up with, considering how I managed to take down all four of her disciples all on my own, yet I wasn't so sure if her calmness could claim victory over the fury currently present in her mind, and potential sense of justice that could reside in her heart.

"Since they want to put the blame on me, then forgive me for not holding back. The matter is quite simple. As I was going back from the library where I looked for better ways to distribute the energy that still remains unconsumed in my body, I found this lass standing by the doors to my chamber. After refusing her advances, I wanted to go into my place and study the content of the books I remembered in detail, only to suddenly be attacked by the remaining three of them, at that point - hiding in my chamber. The rest can be deduced from the state in which those arrogant kids are now it."

This time, rather than bullshiting my way through, I simply recounted the events to Monica, eagerly awaiting the response of either the teacher or her disciples.

"While I have my opinion who is speaking the truth already, can either of the sides prove their words? Peter, can you prove you were attacked? Or maybe you guys can prove he was trying to force himself on Gevva?"

Despite my honest expectations, rather than giving the verdict right away, Monica actually continued her trial, keen on seeing this matter through in the name of strangely understood justice. What was even more surprising for me, was the fact that despite living in this rotten city, in this rotten world, she put the justice of truth in front of the justice of strength!

"Teacher That's the only way I can prove anything"

With her voice breaking as she spoke, Gevva finally moved from the ground, only to reach for the sides of her robe and unravel most of her bust, showing several red marks placed all over her chest and even on her neck!

Heck! Their preparations were through!

But I wasn't someone who would give to such a simple and primitive trick!

"So you are going to claim that you refused my advances and I physically forced myself on you, only stopping when your friends came to your rescue?"

At this point, I didn't even bother to hide my pleasant smile as I spoke those words. With how far they went with their lies, if they were to start refuting their own words now, no matter what they would try later on, a shadow of doubt would be cast on all of their later words and actions, practically forcing Gevva to nod to my words.

"Teacher, since they claimed that I was trying to physically force myself on her due to the fact that she apparently refused my advances, would you mind if I show you how I would go about having my way with her if she really was stupid enough to refuse my essence?"

Rather than instantly proving their words false, I sill went out of my way to get Monica to agree with my uncommon methods, as a plan to influence her opinion on me towards a certain legend of her own folk that I learned on my way here would require a rather scary approach.

"Feel free."

Rather than angry at my alleged rape, Monica simply nodded her head as she gave me the free hand to do whatever I would ever want. 

Hiding a wide smile that instantly started popping on my lips, I turned back to the four of my fellow disciples, before condensing most of my energy into a singular point only to cast my charm ability and instantly push all of the condensed energy right in it. 

In a flash, the faces of the disciples turned firstly white, only to instantly cover with a layer of deep red, with their bodies starting to tremble in agitation.

"On your knees, maggots!"

With all the energy that the charm ability was feeding on, at this point, the brains of those disciples of Monica were as good as fried. It wasn't the same, subtle ability that helped me to give off a positive vibe whenever I was meeting someone, just like morphine at a certain concentration would stop being a painkiller and turn into a lethal drug!

Unable to refuse the order from the current owner of everything that was going on inside their heads, all four of them instantly raised to the straight position, only to fall down right away on their knees and start hitting their foreheads against the stone tiles of the mansion's floor.

"Humble servants are greeting the master!"

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