While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 484: Negotiations?

Chapter 484: Negotiations?

"You really dare"

With her hands instantly shooting to cover her nether areas as soon as my charm dissipated from her mind, Gevva simply stood where I left her after proudly announcing the challenge through her lips.

"Dare what? Take upon your challenge? There is no time for regrets right now, it's your fault for daring to challenge me for a duel!"

Rather than wasting my time on idle speech, I simply called forth my Snakebite and jumped forward. Yet while my attributes were limited, the pitiful speed of my jump was still way below of what my body would be easily capable of despite the limits placed on it.

Even though I instantly dished out my weapon, everything I was going to do in this fight was aimed at either shaming this bitch unsure what she was supposed to do right now, or provoking a move from either her superior or a real mastermind of all her ploys.

If my guess was right, then all of her actions, from trying to attack me with the help of our fellow direct disciples, through trying to falsely accuse me of a rape attempt all the way to prompting up such a huge group to either threaten or humiliate me, were directed by some invisible hand. If the aim of this hidden enemy was to stir up some trouble, I was going to repay them in kind!

Despite how slow my forward lunge was, it still limited the time that I could spend simply adoring my own ability to see through things or plot schemes of my own. As the distance was quickly closing between the two of us, I didn't hesitate when reaching with my armed arm to my back, aiming for a wide, sweeping slash.

As my weapon belonged to the blunt category when used in melee, while not being a melee weapon in the first place, I didn't need to worry about killing this bitch on the spot. While doing so would not pose any challenge to me, I wasn't going to let her out so easily after all she attempted to do to me!


With Gevva still unsure whether to hide her secret parts that actually lead to a slightly increased burden on my charm ability as the entire male half of the group around as couldn't help but have their eyes drawn to this for sure beautiful sight, when the tip of my staff connected with her cheek, all she could do was to fly a few meters away, unwilling to protect her own body at all if it came at the cost of exposing herself to the masses.

As my feet reunited with the hard ground, rather than following up with the next attack as I would do in a serious fight, I decided to take my time in this duel. The more I reinforced the image of me being unskilled but a lucky fighter in the minds of those who were sure to stealthy observe the ongoings, the easier it would be for me later.

"What's wrong? Can't bear the fact that rather than having me raped, you are going to give yourself willingly to this entire crowd?"

Sensing the opportunity to sate both of my desires that I wanted to placate with this duel, I lifted most of my control over the crowd, making them unable to do anything rash, while letting them observe the events with their full consciousness and even allowing them a certain degree of freedom to move!

As countless gazes instantly fell on top of her still alluring body, Gevva shivered on the ground, not even daring to raise her eyes. In a futile attempt to save herself from the beating and shame as much as she could, she curled herself on the ground, bringing her knees all the way to her beard while lowering her hips as much as she could to avoid giving a nice show to all those fortunately located directly behind her.

"Come on, why are you not fighting? Didn't you challenge me to a duel?"

With a sudden memory emerging in my head, I parodied some of the eastern martial arts moves, lowering the centre of my mass, spreading both my arms and legs as wide as I could and raising both of my palms with my fingers pointed downwards, only to suddenly raise them on the hand directed towards Gevva.

All it took was a quick use of my almost forgotten spell creation tool to come up with a simple trick. As soon as my fingers moved, a huge boulder suddenly emerged from the so-far even ground, pushing Gevva's upper body up, breaking her defensive stance. 

Moving my hand and fingers in something that only the middle-schoolers with absolutely thickest skin wouldn't find an embarrassing manner, a set of pillars shoot from the ground one by one, locking all limbs of this devious girl in its stone grip before showcasing all her features to the entire crowd gathered around.

But while some might think that this was just the beginning of the show, as soon as the girl ended up completely immobilised with her face too swollen from my initial hit for her tears to move anyone in the crowd, I suddenly stopped.

"Hey, let's strike a deal."

If one were to describe the change that happened to my entire self as I spoke those words, he would be in for a hard task to fulfil. Even after all the countless hours spent at the practising dao of the bullshiting, I found it hard to suddenly change my face from one deserving someone who was in process of fulfilling his revenge, to an amiable uncle willing to extend a helping hand to a poor soul unfairly treated by the fate.

"What if instead of proving that I have defeated you and letting everyone have their way with you in any way they would find possible"

Even though I could get all the information I wanted from her just by charming her to the insanity, I preferred to do it in the old fashioned way. At this moment, I couldn't help but recall countless times when I saw the police implementing a god cop and bad cop strategy in order to extract some information. Since it would be hard to find another opportunity to test how effective it was on the locals, I decided that this was my time to show how this technique could shine!

As for the fact that I was the only cop in the area I just had to play both of the roles by myself!

"... you will tell me everything I would like to know about who bought you, whats their aim and all the other sweet details?"

With how her situation suddenly turned from the sweet revenge right in her palm, to the horror of realisation that I was easily capable of foiling all her plans with just my strength alone all the way to the information that I was willing to spare her as long as my request were satisfied

Since there was no one coming to help her, then after betraying her teacher by organising this entire plan to kick me out of the fighting stage later on, how could she believe that someone would save her later on from Monica's wrath?

"I will talk!"

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