While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 545: Where is my whore?

Chapter 545: Where is my whore?


Out of the three victims of the kidnapping that we gathered in this place, only one of them, the girl brough by Eve, dared to speak up.

"Yeah, sister. One of you is supposed to have a younger sister who had both smaller talent and less interesting figure if I were to follow what she said back when I met her. I will save the rest of you from the entire story, but I just want to let that girl who helped me a lot, to reunite with her sister as per her own request."

Even though it wouldn't be a problem to waste some time, explaining the entire tragic story behind those two sister's relationship, I didn't want to let this history spread through the entire city. As the figure of the damned highest ancestor was involved in this part, I knew that if I were to tell it to just two people that would remain in the city after I would leave for the great continent, the girl that I was looking for wouldn't be able to live her life calmly if her background history were to spread amongst the populace.

"Ah So that's the case I think I'm the one who you are looking for. Is Jelleria the name of the girl that helped you?"

As if the other two people were completely mute, it was the candidate brought by Eve that spoke up once again. Since her words basically confirmed my guess that she was the sister that I was looking for, I couldn't stop myself from sending her a taxing look.

From long legs, through thick hips and thin waist, all the way to robust bosom and cute face, just a single look at her features was enough to discover just what did those kidnappers from the city found in her, to let her sister go. Yet only when I scanned her inner body with both energy and altered vision of mine, I could realise the full extent of her worth.

"It seems that you are the person that I was looking for. As for the two of you, I'm sorry for the trouble."

Ever-so-slightly bowing my head, I waited for them to catch on my mute suggestion and leave, before turning my head back to the girl.

"While your sister asked me to bring you back home, I'm not going to do so against your will. Soon, I will implement several laws and rules to this place, that will prevent your history from happening all over this place again, and allowing your sister to freely enter the city. With that said, would you like to visit your sister now, or would you prefer to do it on your own accord?"

While I was pretty interested in the treasure that her bodily constitution could offer, considering how I only now regained my right to live with Eve, I wasn't willing to pull out some stupid crap like a potential threesome, even if it were to benefit both me and my beloved fiancee!

"Ah While I would love to see my sister again I don't think I will be able to. You see, ever since I came to this city"


Just as the girl was about to explain her circumstances, the huge gate that separated Monica's mansion from the rest of the city, exploded in a cloud of dust.

"Where the fuck did you take my whore?!"

With a new, unfamiliar voice entering the stage, I moved my sight to take a look at someone brazen enough to not only blast his way to someone else's place like it was nothing but also daring enough to call the girl that I put the effort to find, a whore!

"Stop right where you are. I don't want your dirty mouth to sully the air that I'm breathing."

Unwilling to put up with more of the crap so normal for all the cultivation worlds that I read about back in my time on earth, I quickly constructed a cage of dense entropy around the entire group that was still hidden by the cloud of dust they stirred up with their entry.

"How dare you speak to me like that! Don't you know who I am?!"

As stupid as it was for someone already trapped inside a cage created with energy far more powerful than anyone in this city would be capable of using, I couldn't help but smile at this situation. 

In the end, either this world was just as stupid as the other that I read about back in times, or it was in human's nature to act basing on their stupidity rather than their ration!

Or was it the effect of broken evolution, where those with little brains but huge muscles had the edge over smart people? After all, if the power itself was the one element about humans that would reward them with better opportunities and chances of surviving, then it would be the obvious and inevitable outcome that the elites would grow more and more stupid!

"I don't know who you are, nor do I care. Now, scram."

Unwilling to pay any attention to this slight disturbance, I turned my sight back to the girl in front of me, only to see a look of terror on her face.

"What's wrong, little one? You know, there is no reason to pay that trash any mind!"

Putting a gentle smile on my face, I hoped that my calm demeanour would allow the girl to calm herself down, yet as soon as the word 'trash' moved out of my mouth, I could see how the terror in her eyes turned into true horror.


As soon as those shouted words entered my ears, I couldn't help but lead my head to the side, sending an annoyed look to the cage still hidden within the cloud of dust. Yet to my surprise, that stupid shouting of the uninvited guests somehow managed to sweep the dust aside, finally revealing just who the heck he was!

"Oh, so it's you!"

Finally recognising one of the elders from the gorilla sect that back during the supremacy challenge, didn't want to let the elder I fought with enter the stage, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of what I would do with him when I realised something far more important!

As silly as this punny avatar of the gorilla he summoned was, it actually appeared outside of my cage!

To make matters worse, the cage was just a word that I used because it was most fitting to the situation, where I actually cut someone out of this dimension! With how my power grew with the recent breakthrough, just amassing a huge part of my entropy into a small space was enough to rip a chunk of space apart from the real world, turning it into a separate reality on its own, for as long as I provided enough entropy to keep the division going!

Yet as if all the rules of the universe that came into play with the effects of this newly created spell of mine, this damned summoned beast or something managed to break through the barrier between two worlds and actually appear in the real one!

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