Who Stole The Empress

Chapter 55: Red passion in the desert

Chapter 55: Red passion in the desert

Tamon was unhappy when others mentioned the name, as if the word Asya was his own.

Is he claiming ownership of the name he gave me?

Roselyn thought lightly.

Since it came to this anyway, Ill tell you what. Please take our book.

Tasha bravely took out the book that she had hidden and immediately presented it to Roselyn.

What is this?

Its our book!


Roselyn wondered, What do you mean book? and as she eyed the cover, the title caught her eye.

[Red Passion in the Desert.]

What the hell is this

When Roselyn raised her puzzled gaze and looked at Louie and Tasha, the girls added their explanations with excited faces.

Didnt we once say we were writing a romance novel? Thats exactly what this is! We actually didnt expect it to come out so soon, but an anonymous benefactor helped us get it published.

a romance novel?


Come to think of it, she heard a story sometime ago about a silver-haired beauty who was taken prisoner in a foreign country and the red-eyed Kamon, the great general of a desert country.

She never thought it would actually be published, and so soon.

Roselyn fumbled with the book in her hands. Louie spoke quickly, unable to hide her excitement.

Its not fully published yet, its the first edition that came out today for the purpose of acceptance inspection!

 We will start printing once the first round of acceptance is complete. It will take ten days to make three hundred copies.

As if to show her exuberance, the cute freckles on her nose stood out even more. Laughing softly because it was so adorable, Roselyn looked at the book again in her hand. It was a book with a dark blue thick cover beautifully decorated with gold.

At first glance, it looked more like a classic novel favored by the nobles than a novel with love stories.

With this cover, even the most facetious aristocrat might be able to sneak it into his study.

Id like to give it first to Lady Asha, who inspired us.

 It wasnt until we met Lady Asha that we were able to complete our novel.

A variety of expressions appeared on the twins faces. Excitement, embarrassment, and anticipation.

Roselyn couldnt ignore their expectations.

They wanted nothing but her to receive a copy of their book.

Roselyn was rather grateful for the twins desire to give her their first printed book.

Thank you. Ill read it well.



She felt strange as she looked at the twins who answered cheerfully.

They were definitely younger than her, and they were always so bright and cute, but these two somehow made an effort to give Roselyn a hug.

They didnt seem to want anything from her, which made it even stranger.

But, the title was grand.

Red Passion in the Desert. What does that mean?

Roselyn had read many books in her life, but she had never read a book with such a provocative title.

Her family was highly educated and respectful for generations. Roselyns education was the sole responsibility of her grandfather, who was the previous generations Duke, so she had never been exposed to novels like this one.

But that didnt stop Roselyn from being interested in these fields.

During her short time at the Academy, she had heard of some of the young ladies who loved adult novels, but that was all.

After the engagement, she left the Academy and studied at home. After that, it was much the same routine.

When she came back to her room, Roselyn was about to go to Tamons bedrooms study, but she sat down with the book of the twins.

The book, which was a mere 100 pages, was easy to read in an hour at her speed.

Since they gave me the first edition.should I read it like inspecting it?

Roselyn was also curious what the story was about.

She slowly opened the book.

[Her beautiful silver hair spread gorgeously over the bed. Gazing ecstatically at the waves of hair that resembled the Milky Way in the sky, Kamon tightened his grip on the womans hands and said.

-I cant believe you dare to run away from me. 

The mans expression, despite his angry voice, was sad and miserable. 

Leela, the owner of hair, responded without avoiding his gaze.

-I will never submit to you. I will run away from you again and again and again!

Kamons face twisted. He held her roughly by her angry lips, unable to accept her words.

His tongue dug through Leelas closed lips, and his tongue.]

To her bewilderment, the scene was the act of making love of the male and female protagonists from the very first chapter.


Looking around, Roselyn carefully turned the page, coughing with a reddened face.

After that, it was time for some serious reading.


What did I just read?

Roselyn looked up at the sky in a daze.

Her face, which had been pale, had somehow turned a peachy looking pink.

She felt a faint fever rising and couldnt sit still. She jumped up and went out on the balcony to get some wind.

A cool sea breeze blew past her, gently brushing her heated cheeks.

Why is my heart throbbing so much?

Roselyn shook her head, tapping lightly near her heart for no apparent reason.

The novel was interesting. It was a pity that it was so short. Roselyn loved it.

There was a feeling that the vocabulary was a bit crude in describing the scenes, but the characters emotions were more richly drawn than in other novels.

A foreign princess was brought as a prisoner in the desert, and Kamon, the great general of the desert country, saved her.

It was plausible that the words were saved her, but in fact, he devoured her.

The process of Abigail, the foreign princess, fleeing to the selfishness of the male protagonist and the male protagonist going crazy to find her was very detailed.

It was very interesting to see how he did so many things that he regretted and then later held her with tears of blood.

I wonder if the Princess would be able to forgive that man.

Before she knew it, she was immersed in the novel.

Kamon ignored the Princess personality. He did many things he shouldnt do. How he hurt and desecrated her heart in the name of jealousy.

It seemed that Roselyn would never forgive him.

But when she considered his unhappy childhood hidden under Kamons selfish words and actions It wasnt that she couldnt understand the actions of the male protagonist.

That confused her.

He did wrong, but was that really the original sin of this man?

He did not learn to love, and everything he had was taken from him.

If it was discovered that Kamon wanted something, the author, his brother, took it away or destroyed it by any means and method he could.

The more Kamon cared, the more he treated the Princess indifferently.

The more he liked someone, the more bitter he was and the more thoroughly he treated them coldly. That was his way of caring for someone.

I cant believe Im so distressed after reading an adult novel.

But philosophically, it was a very meaningful novel.

Roselyn touched the small book, inwardly marveling. The twins were tremendously talented.

Of course, the occasional physical scenes that followed were exciting enough to make her take several deep breaths while reading.

The detailed descriptions of Roselyn as the heroine were also amazing. 

Tamon ..

 Roselyn thought that character was a pervert.

Roselyns face reddened and she thought of the intimate scenes in the novel. Its description wasnt much different from all the things Tamon did to her.

Everything from how he put his face and mouth on her private parts and kissed it was described vividly in the novel.

The nights she spent with Gillotti as Empress was only part of the painful duty.

There was no heat and passion.

But do all other lovers and couples do all those things in novels?

A question arose that she had never had before.

And the person who would tell her the answer appeared knocking on the door.

Lady Asha, I have brought you your afternoon snack. Ive prepared a mushroom potage (soup) for you to enjoy lightly.

Tasha and Louie came in looking cheerful as they pushed the cart. The twins eyes went to Roselyns hand and laughter spread.

Ah! Were you reading our book?

Louie asked excitedly as she saw Roselyn standing there with their book.

Tasha, who had brought a table near the balcony where she was standing, also looked at her expectantly.

Roselyn tried not to blush and nodded resolutely.

Its not long, so I read it quickly. Its very.

Her voice broke slowly, and the twins stared at her with their mouths open.

When Roselyn hesitated, the twins repeated her last word as if urging her.


Two pairs of green eyes of different luminosity glowed frighteningly.

Their wide open eyes became burdensome, as if to tell Roselyn to respond quickly.

Roselyn stiffly continued her last words, trying not to blush.


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