Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 141: Volume 2, Chapter 85: "Beneath the Frozen Sky"

Chapter 141: Volume 2, Chapter 85: "Beneath the Frozen Sky"

The storm had passed by the time dawn broke, casting a pale, cold light over the mountain. The world outside the cave was blanketed in fresh snow, the wind now a distant whisper instead of the fierce roar it had been the night before. Cole was the first to wake, the warmth of the fire now only embers. He stretched, wincing as the stiffness from the previous day's battle settled into his bones.

Marcus was already up, standing at the cave entrance, his breath visible in the crisp morning air. He didn't say anything when Cole joined him, his eyes scanning the snow-covered landscape below. Selene was still sleeping, her hand resting protectively on the hilt of her blade even in rest. Elara lay nearby, her breathing steady but shallow. The strain of using the amulet had clearly taken its toll on her.

"We should move soon," Marcus said quietly, breaking the silence. His eyes never left the horizon, where the towering peaks of the mountain range faded into the distance. "The Severed won't stop. We need to keep ahead of them."

Cole nodded. "How far is the next sanctuary?"

"Farther than we hoped," Marcus replied. "The mountain path will slow us down, especially in this snow. But we don't have a choice."

They stood in silence for a few more moments, the weight of their journey hanging between them. The battle had been a victory, but a hollow one. The void's presence was growing, and every Knot they stabilized felt like a temporary fix for a much larger problem.

As the others began to stir, the group readied themselves for the journey ahead. Marcus scouted ahead while Cole, Selene, and Elara packed what little supplies they had left. The morning was quiet, almost serene, but that sense of peace felt fragile, as if it could shatter at any moment.

"We're close to the next Knot," Elara said as they began their descent down the mountain path. Her voice was stronger now, though she still looked pale. "If the Severed are tracking it, we'll need to be ready."

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Selene asked, her eyes flicking toward Elara with concern. "Using the amulet took a lot out of you."

Elara gave a faint smile. "I'll be fine. We can't afford to slow down."

The path ahead was narrow and steep, with jagged rocks jutting out from the snow-covered ground. The cold bit at their skin, the wind sharper than ever as they moved farther down the mountain. The descent was slow, each step cautious and deliberate. One wrong move and the snow-covered ground could give way beneath their feet.

Despite the cold, Cole's mind was burning with questions. The Severed were becoming more aggressive, their attacks more coordinated. It was clear now that they weren't just acting blindly—they had a purpose. They were after something, and the ancient being they had nearly summoned was just the beginning.

"Do you think the Severed know something we don't?" Cole asked, his voice breaking the silence as they continued down the path. "Something about the void?"

Elara glanced at him, her eyes thoughtful. "It's possible. The Guardians never fully understood the void's nature. They knew it was a force of destruction, but the Severed... they've embraced it. Maybe they've learned something from their time in its presence."

Marcus, who had been walking ahead, turned to face them. "Or maybe they're being manipulated. The void is patient, cunning. It could be using the Severed just as much as they're trying to use it."

"Either way," Selene added, "we need to figure it out before they find the next Knot."

The conversation died down as the path grew more treacherous. They reached a narrow ledge, barely wide enough for one person at a time, with a sheer drop on one side and jagged rocks on the other. Cole's breath caught in his throat as he carefully stepped onto the ledge, his boots crunching in the snow.

One by one, they crossed the narrow ledge, the wind howling around them as they moved carefully along the mountainside. Cole's heart raced as his foot slipped slightly on the ice, but he caught himself before he fell. The drop below was unforgiving, and the thought of falling sent a chill through his bones.

When they finally reached the other side, Marcus led them into a narrow ravine that wound its way through the mountain. The air was colder here, the wind funneled through the tight space like a biting gust of ice. The walls of the ravine were lined with jagged rocks, and the ground beneath their feet was slick with snow and ice.

They pressed on in silence, the weight of the journey and the looming threat of the Severed hanging over them. Cole could feel the threads of the Veil tugging at the edge of his consciousness, faint but present. The Knot was close, but so was the void's influence.

After what felt like hours, they emerged from the ravine onto a wide plateau overlooking the valley below. The landscape was vast, a sea of white snow stretching as far as the eye could see, with the distant peaks of the mountains rising like jagged teeth against the sky.

"There," Elara said, pointing toward a large stone structure barely visible in the distance. "The next sanctuary. That's where we'll find the Knot."

The structure was ancient, much like the other Guardian ruins they had encountered, but this one was larger, more imposing. Its stone walls were weathered by time, but it still stood strong, a testament to the power of the Guardians who had built it.

As they made their way toward the sanctuary, Cole couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them. The air felt heavier here, as if the void's presence was stronger, more insistent. Every step felt like a battle against an invisible force, and the closer they got to the sanctuary, the more oppressive the atmosphere became.

When they finally reached the entrance, they paused, taking a moment to gather their strength. The stone archway loomed above them, its surface covered in ancient symbols that glowed faintly in the dim light. The air was thick with the energy of the Veil, and Cole could feel the Knot pulsing somewhere deep within the sanctuary.

"We need to be ready," Marcus said, his voice low but firm. "The Severed could already be here."

Selene nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her blade. "Let's move quickly. The longer we wait, the more time they have to tear the Knot apart."

Together, they stepped through the archway and into the sanctuary. The air inside was colder, the walls lined with more of the strange symbols, their glow pulsing in time with the Knot. The corridors were narrow and dark, and every step echoed through the empty halls.

As they ventured deeper into the sanctuary, the energy of the Knot grew stronger, more chaotic. Cole could feel the threads of the Veil trembling, fraying under the strain of whatever was happening here.

And then they heard it—a low, rhythmic chanting, carried on the cold air like a whisper.

"The Severed," Elara whispered, her voice barely audible.

They quickened their pace, moving silently through the winding corridors until they reached a large chamber at the heart of the sanctuary. There, at the center of the room, stood the Knot—its pulsing threads glowing faintly, struggling against the dark energy that surrounded it.

And standing before the Knot were the Severed, their dark robes swirling as they chanted, their hands raised toward the Knot, pulling at its threads with relentless precision.

"We need to stop them," Cole said, his voice tight with urgency.

Elara nodded, her eyes locked on the Severed. "We can't let them tear this Knot apart."

The battle was about to begin again.

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