Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 176: Volume 2, Chapter 120: "Shadows in the Wind"

Chapter 176: Volume 2, Chapter 120: "Shadows in the Wind"

The wind howled as they made their way across the barren landscape, the cold biting through their clothes and into their bones. The victory at the Knot felt hollow, a brief reprieve in a war that was far from over. Cole kept his head low, his mind weighed down by the image of the Severed dissolving into the shadows, their twisted voices still echoing in his ears.

Elara walked beside him, her expression unreadable. She hadn't said much since they left the Knot, but Cole could tell that the strain of stabilizing it had taken its toll. Her hands trembled slightly, and every so often, she would glance back over her shoulder, as if expecting the Severed to come rushing after them again.

"We should find shelter soon," Marcus called out, his voice barely audible over the wind. "There's a storm coming. We don't want to be caught out here when it hits."

Selene, who was walking a few paces ahead, pointed toward a cluster of large rocks in the distance. "There might be cover over there. It's not much, but it's better than nothing."

Cole glanced at the sky, his heart sinking at the sight of the dark clouds rolling in. The storm was approaching fast, and the wind was growing stronger with every step. They didn't have much time.

"Let's move," Elara said, her voice firm despite her exhaustion. "We'll regroup once we've found shelter."

They quickened their pace, the rocks looming larger as they approached. The wind whipped around them, carrying with it the faint scent of rain. The first droplets began to fall, cold and sharp, stinging against Cole's skin.

By the time they reached the rocks, the storm was in full force. The rain pounded against the ground, turning the dirt into mud, and the wind howled through the narrow gaps between the boulders. They found a small alcove, just large enough for the four of them to huddle together, their backs against the cold stone as they tried to shield themselves from the worst of the storm.

"This will have to do for now," Marcus said, wiping the rain from his face. "We'll wait out the storm and move on once it passes."

Selene sat down beside him, her eyes scanning the horizon. "Do you think the Severed will follow us?"

Marcus shook his head. "Not right away. The Knot is stabilized. They'll regroup, but it'll take them time to recover from the backlash."

Cole sat down with a heavy sigh, his body aching from the battle and the tension of the last few days. The rain drummed against the rocks around them, the sound almost deafening, but it was a relief to be out of the open, even if only for a short time.

"We can't stay here too long," Elara said, her voice quiet but resolute. "The void's presence is getting stronger. We need to keep moving."

Cole nodded, though the thought of facing another battle so soon made his stomach twist. The void was relentless, and every step they took felt like they were walking deeper into its grasp.

For a while, they sat in silence, the storm raging around them. Cole watched the rain pouring down, the wind swirling through the valley, and felt the weight of their mission pressing down on him. They had stabilized the Knot, but it had taken everything they had, and the void's influence was only growing stronger.

"Do you ever wonder..." Selene's voice broke the silence, her tone uncharacteristically soft. "If we'll ever see the end of this?"

Marcus looked at her, his expression serious. "We will. We have to."

Selene shook her head, her eyes distant. "It just feels like... no matter how hard we fight, the void is always one step ahead. It's always there, waiting. And every time we think we've won, it just keeps coming."

Cole didn't say anything, but her words struck a chord in him. He had been feeling the same way—the sense that no matter what they did, the void was always looming, always ready to pull everything apart.

"We can't think like that," Elara said, her voice firm. "The void thrives on despair. That's how it gains its power. If we start to believe we can't win, then we've already lost."

Selene didn't respond, but Cole could see the doubt lingering in her eyes.

"We're making progress," Elara continued, her gaze sweeping over the group. "We've stabilized the Knots. We've pushed the Severed back. And we've learned more about the void's connection to the Veil. That's something."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "We've come this far. We're not giving up now."

Cole let their words wash over him, trying to hold onto the flicker of hope they offered. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were fighting a losing battle. The void was always watching, always waiting for its chance to strike. And every time they fought back, it seemed to grow stronger.

The storm raged on outside their shelter, the wind howling like a distant scream. Cole closed his eyes, trying to block out the noise, but even in the darkness behind his eyelids, he could feel the pull of the void, the way it tugged at the edges of reality, fraying the threads of the Veil.

"We'll make it through this," Elara said quietly, her voice soft but filled with conviction. "We have to."

Cole wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe that they could push back the void, that they could restore the balance and save their world from being consumed. But as the storm raged on, the doubt lingered, heavy and cold.

Eventually, the storm began to die down, the wind easing and the rain slowing to a steady drizzle. Marcus stood, stretching his stiff limbs as he peered out from their shelter.

"It's clearing up," he said, his voice steady. "We should move before it gets dark."

Selene nodded, rising to her feet and adjusting her blade at her side. "Let's get out of here."

Elara stood as well, though she hesitated for a moment, her eyes scanning the horizon. "We're heading into the heart of it now," she said quietly. "The next Knot is deeper within the Deadlands. It's going to get worse from here."

"We're ready," Marcus said, his voice filled with quiet determination.

Cole got to his feet, his body aching but his mind sharper than before. They didn't have time to rest. The void wasn't going to wait for them to recover.

As they left the shelter of the rocks and stepped back into the open, the storm clouds began to clear, revealing a sky streaked with the faint light of the setting sun. The Deadlands stretched out before them, vast and desolate, a barren expanse that seemed to go on forever.

They walked in silence, the weight of their task pressing down on them with every step. The wind was calmer now, but the air still felt heavy, thick with the presence of the void. The land around them was lifeless, the ground cracked and dry, as though the world itself was slowly being consumed by the void's influence.

"Do you feel that?" Cole asked quietly, his voice barely audible over the sound of their footsteps.

Elara nodded, her expression tense. "The void's presence is stronger here. The Knots are fraying faster."

"We're close to another breach," Marcus said grimly. "We need to be ready."

As they continued deeper into the Deadlands, the air grew colder, and the wind picked up again, swirling around them with an eerie, unnatural force. The shadows seemed to stretch longer, the horizon darker, as though the void itself was creeping closer, waiting for the right moment to strike.

And then, in the distance, Cole saw it.

A faint flicker of light, pulsing in the darkness.

The next Knot.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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