Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 6: Chapter 69

Book 6: Chapter 69


“You remember that time when Michael was accused of making his own harem?” Emily says, poking fun at her brother as always with that wide, sneaky smile on her face. And making said brother blush in the process.

Meanwhile everyone around the grill here laughs amidst the fireworks exploding above us. Fireworks made from a Guardian so that they look even more splendid than any other fireworks I’ve ever seen before.

“Oh, yeah? Then what about how clingy you used to be with Scarlet? Do you remember that?” Michael fires back, making Emily instantly blush while avoiding my gaze entirely.

Which, I’ll admit, is both cute and amusing.

Guess I still see her a little bit as a little sister figure.

“Come to think of it,” Denise suddenly says, bringing our attention to her as our group of five – me, Denise, Michael, Emily, and Belle – all continue laughing, “what happened to Anthony? I haven’t heard any news of him for a while now.”

“I sensed him making a home for himself on another world,” I comment before taking a bite of the food we have here. And after chewing it, I finish, “He seems to be enjoying himself now that no one is discriminating against him anymore. So I say all for him.”

“Here here! For the idiot!” Michael says while raising a beer up into the air in a cheer. And the rest of us join him in that.

“For the idiot!”

We all continue chatting amongst each other for around an hour or so as the fireworks go off, then we split off into different groups. With me and Belle going to Mom, Dad, Mother, and Father. Who are all chatting on a cliff’s edge, overlooking the fireworks near the ocean.

“How have you been enjoying the event so far?” Mom asks Belle with a smile, with her having had a hand in planning this particular day of the wedding.

Belle immediately smiles at her and lifts her beer as she says, “It’s been great! I haven’t been able to catch up with everyone from our team all together like that in a while!”

The two then start talking rather quickly as I smile at the two of them.

She’s right. We haven’t all been together like that in a long time. Just chatting between friends.


I glance up at the fireworks above me, still thinking about that little problem.

Nothing I can think of really solves the issue. At least, not morally. There are some rather immoral ways to solve it, but I’m not gonna go with those for obvious reasons.

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Although I am starting to warm up to the idea of just going based on my whims. Not really having a goal.

But I still can’t hunt if I do that.

And hunting is important.

It’s just part of who I am.

Eventually I let out a sigh, only to hear Mother state, “Remember, Scarlet, you’re a goddess now. A Class VI being stronger than both your father and I, and even your grandfather.” I glance at the White Knight of Humanity to find her smiling as she continues, “You don’t have to think in terms of what a regular person can do. Think about what you can do.”

I feel a bit surprised at her sudden words, and a bit confused.

Am I just an open book or something? How is it that everyone keeps walking up to me and giving me advice about this?

“And remember that you don’t have to do anything alone,” Father says while standing next to her with his arm around her and a smile of his own on his face. With the both of them wearing more casual clothes, the same as myself. “If you can’t do something you want to do alone, then ask for help from someone who can.”

I stare at the two, just alternating my gaze between their faces.

Then it clicks in my mind.

Something I can do, albeit with some help.

That only I can do. After getting that help, that is.

But first I’ll have to talk about it with a certain annoying person that I teleported halfway across the world a couple months back.

I give my birth parents a wide smile as I reach forwards and hug the both of them before saying, “Thank you!”

Both of them let out startled noises. Like they were not expecting this at all.

Which makes sense seeing as I almost never hug anyone, much less these two. But I can’t help but feel a little giddy as my mind runs a hundred miles an hour, just going over my new idea.

After a second, I let go of the two and begin walking away while waving my hand at them and saying, “I have someone I need to talk to about this! See you later!”

Belle, Mom, and Dad stand off to the side of Mother and Father, all surprised and confused.

I just teleport away to find a certain fanatic standing nearby, the old man having been invited to the celebration as well. Even if it was only a formality.

No one actually expected him to come though, but I guess his fanaticism is to blame for that.

It doesn’t really matter.

I grab him by the shoulder, startling him when I appear out of nowhere. Then I teleport the both of us up high in the sky amidst the fireworks, ignoring them in the process even as they blow up around my barrier of blood. Doing absolutely no damage to it at all.

“Isaac, I need your help,” I state, and he immediately straightens up while dangling from my hand holding his shoulder with a fanatical look in his eyes. “Can you create life with your magic?”

He looks surprised for a second but nods his head.

“And I mean real life, with a life force and everything,” I expand further while staring directly into his eyes, practically drilling holes into him with my gaze.

The old man nods again without any hesitation this time.

A wide grin spreads across my face.


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