Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 156 Finally Done For Real

Meanwhile, while the couple in the bathroom discovered how well suited they were in bed, Captain Mu continued to stand outside the bathroom. His ears burned at the moans that were audible even through the door.

How long were they planning to stay inside there? Sure, they were young, but there had to be some limits to their youthful stamina, wasn't there?

Captain Mu paused, recalling his youthful indiscretions. Nevermind, they'd be inside for a long long time, if no one interrupted them and reminded them the outside world still existed.

Next to him, his younger team member Wei Yan blushed redder than a cherry while holding onto the folded bath towels and a change of clothes. He was about to knock on the door to deliver it, but Captain Mu stopped him wearily, shaking his head.

"Do you believe they'll be putting on any clothes?" He asked dryly. "Let's just wait till they get it out of their system."

After all, he wasn't new to the aphrodisiac effect of a near-death scenario. There was nothing that brought couples together faster than nearly dying, and the both of them nearly went on a lovely tour in the underworld. If Miss Li didn't know any self-defence skills, the two guards would have overpowered them easily, possibly kidnapping or killing them!

When faced with such an alternative, he'd rather endure the enthusiastic sounds of them having sex.

"Captain Mu," his other team member, Ming Guang saluted him and reported. "We've confiscated their phones. Our doctors have also treated the two of them. Lu Sheng only has a mild concussion, and Ya Ren's wounds are bandaged. However, Ya Ren's hands might not be able to hold anything again, for that stab wound damaged the tendons and nerves in his hands. ."

"I see," Captain Mu said, raising an eyebrow as he took the phones from Ming Guang, turning them over in his hands. They were generic handphones, password protected. He would need the tech team to hack into them, or convince the two of them to unlock it for him.

Ya Ren would be an easier mark. Without proper use of his hands, he would be more protective of his remaining two limbs, which meant that Captain Mu could threaten them with larger effect.

"That's unfortunate for him, but great for us."

He wondered if Miss Li knew where to stab to cause the right amount of permanent damage. If she didn't, she had a natural affinity for torture and interrogation.

"Now Hai Tang, Liang Liang and Xie Bi are watching over them," Ming Guang said. "Will you be interrogating them soon?"

Captain Mu paused. As if it were planned, Sun Jingwei let out a guttural groan that every man knew the meaning of, and Miss Li gave an answering cry.

"... Soon, I hope. For now, keep an eye on them and let me know the moment they regain consciousness. I'll handle them the moment I finish debriefing Young Master Sun and his wife."

Ming Guang saluted again, and left the room.

"Captain, should I knock on the door now?" Wei Yan asked cautiously.

"Be my guest," Captain Mu said. Normally, he should be the one doing it, but it was good training for the younger members of his team. They needed to be confronted more often with the more awkward aspects of being a bodyguard - such as stopping his charge from fucking.

"Okay," Wei Yan said hesitantly, and knocked on the door. "Excuse me, Young Master Sun and Miss Li, I have your towels and clothes!"

Captain Mu sighed. Wei Yan sounded like a hotel staff providing room service. In the bathroom, they could hear the sound of a couple yelping in surprise.

"Right! Thanks!" Jingwei's voice hastily replied, and the door opened just a gap for Jingwei's muscular arm to slide out, along with his satisfied, grinning face. "Just hand over Xue Ning's towel and clothes first, thanks!"

How nice of him to think of his wife first!


After a while, Sun Jingwei and his wife finally finished dressing themselves and they emerged from the bathroom, loose and languid like cats after sunbathing.

Xue Ning noted with surprise that the hospital room was now completely clean, free of blood splatters. The overturned chairs, fallen heart monitor and the damaged bed were also replaced and restored to their original places.

If not for the sharp smell of disinfectant and detergent in the air, she would think she just dreamt up the entire bloody encounter. The clean environment did a good job in calming her down, and the fact that she was also clean and wearing fresh clothes made her feel more in control of herself, especially when she had to face Captain Mu's stern look and the knowing grins of his teammates.

Everyone knew what they were doing inside! Xue Ning flushed. She had completely forgotten that other people existed outside the bathroom. She had moaned so loudly, surely all of them would have overheard.

Meanwhile Jingwei gave them all a smug grin, not the slightest bit embarrassed. He weaved his arm to hold Xue Ning closer by her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder, breathing in the scent of her body. Now that he got a taste, he would never let her go!

"Hi Captain Mu, sorry for the long wait," Jingwei said cheerfully, squeezing Xue Ning in a comforting backhug, while she was so embarrassed and squirmed out of his hold. "Thanks for getting the room cleaned up. What's the progress regarding the situation?"

"Ya Ren and Lu Sheng have gotten treatment for their injuries." Jingwei saw how Xue Ning's face froze for just a brief moment at Ya Ren's name, and he hugged her again, rubbing soothing circles with his fingers.

As long as Jingwei was alive, that man would never bother her!

"After they regain consciousness, they'll be interrogated harshly at our hideout." Captain Mu replied darkly, but he gave a small smile at Xue Ning.

"You'll be glad to know that Ya Ren's hands are effectively rendered useless. He will never be able to hold anything again. Good job on stabbing him," he praised, and Xue Ning blinked.

She accidentally crippled a man? Well, he did deserve it, but still…

"Wow! Xue Ning - that's incredible!" Jingwei echoed his praise, quickly pecking her on the cheek. "Don't worry, if that isn't enough, I'll chop off his legs too if you want. Or his dick."

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