Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 164 Gentle Negotiations

"WHAT."  Zhou Yu's face blackened at her words. How dare this woman cast aspirations on her sexuality in public! She could already see people looking shocked at this false reveal.

Xue Ning, not caring about the bomb she dropped in public, continued, pretending to sound apologetic that she had to reject Zhou Yu's advances. "Even if I liked women, I wouldn't like you. You're too much of a brat for me."

Zhou Yu spluttered. "How dare you! If anything, you're the one that isn't good enough for me. In fact, you aren't good enough for Jingwei either! You must have seduced him with your body!"

"Me? Seduce him?" Xue Ning pointed at herself, laughing. If anything, their interlude in the shower proved that Jingwei was the seducer, not her. But of course, she wasn't going to let Zhou Yu know that.

Instead, she decided to give Zhou Yu a mocking smile and wave. "Are you jealous that he likes me more… or are you jealous that I like him more than you?"

The crowd gasped in surprise and speculations began to fly. Did Zhou Yu prefer women?

​ "Oh my god.. I didn't expect this…"

"Is that why she broke off the engagement with Sun Jingwei?"

"All the scandalous affairs were a cover up!"

"SHUT UP!" Zhou Yu yelled, her face turning an unattractive colour of puce. How had things derailed so quickly? She was supposed to be the one humiliating Li Xue Ning, how is it that she had turned the tables so quickly?

Meanwhile, Wei Yan could only mentally applaud his mistress, looking at her with new eyes. Not only was she good in a fight, she was great with words too!

"Don't try to deny that you seduced him!" Zhou Yu brandished her phone. "There's no way Sun Jingwei would be attracted to you, let alone want you to live with him! Li Xue Ning, you're not an heiress, you are nothing!"

Xue Ning blinked in surprise. Zhou Yu had found out her real name! But what was that last bit? Either a heiress or nothing? That certainly made a human feel valued.

"I've never pretended to be a heiress," Xue Ning replied flatly, not even bothering to tackle her other statements. "Now can you move your car? You're inconveniencing everyone."

Behind her, Lao Wen nodded in agreement. He actually opened the glass panel (only slightly, because he wasn't a moron and he wanted protection) to add his two cents.

"Why wouldn't Miss Li be living here? She's Mr Sun's fiancee! Of course they should be living together!"

Interested murmurs began to spring up in earnest as the crowd casted curious eyes at Xue Ning, scanning her from head to toe.

They had all watched the press conference earlier, and they were greeted with the holy vision of Xue Ning, fully dolled up as she and Jingwei embraced and ran away from the hotel.

They tried to reconcile the sight of that beautiful woman with perfectly coiffed hair, smoky eyes and ruby-red lips, with this version of Xue Ning, whose hair had long reverted back to its normal state, makeup faded with the sweat and shower.

Who was dressed in a simple T-shirt and shorts helpfully bought by the bodyguards.

"This is the fiancee?"

"She looked better in the video…"

"Wow, the makeup and clothes really make a big difference…"

Zhou Yu caught these murmurs and smirked.

"Of course hair and makeup make a big difference. With the right tools, even a toad like you can look like a swan. But then again, it's natural beauty that's the most important. Jingwei must be doing charity, to end up with someone like you."

Some listeners winced. Truly, there was no need for Zhou Yu to say such hurtful words, when she was the one creating trouble to begin with.

Others thought that she had a point, especially when they took a more careful look at Xue Ning. Without the glamour of the outfit, hair and makeup, she did look… ordinary, especially when compared to the Zhou family's heiress with her bouncy blonde hair, large eyes subtly lined with eyeliner and long lashes further enhanced with mascara, her lips a pouty pink.

But their figures… one can't deny that while Zhou Yu's slim figure was attractive, Sun Jingwei's fiancee had a curvier body that was sexier. They had proof from the press conference!

"You pay a lot of attention to my looks, are you sure you're not in love with me?" Xue Ning asked casually, cocking her head to the side. Zhou Yu spluttered at the accusations, and Xue Ning continued to steamroll over her.

"No matter what, I still won't pick an inconsiderate person like you. Forget natural beauty, your personality is as wonderful as the steaming pile of garbage sent to the incinerator."

"You bitch - " Before Zhou Yu could interrupt further, Xue Ning continued.

"And it's funny that you're claiming natural beauty is the most important, when your hair is blonde," Xue Ning said, her lips curving into a smile that showed more teeth than usual. "How about you shave off your hair first, and then we'll see how beautiful you look when bald."

A hushed silence fell over the crowd at her words. No one could believe someone was mouthing off to the Zhou family heiress!

"So let me ask you once again before I lose my patience for good: are you going to move your stupid car or not?"

"You want me to move on behalf of all these people? Sure!" Zhou Yu snarled, hands on her hips as she glared at Xue Ning imperiously. "Get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness for slandering my good name! I'll consider agreeing to your request from the goodness of my heart."

"How can I do that? " Xue Ning replied, blinking theatrically. "I'm not begging for forgiveness over something imaginary, that's like me going for my knees to see a unicorn."

She turned to Wei Yan. "Doesn't that sound strange to you? Would you kneel and beg for forgiveness if you ruined something that doesn't exist?"

"No, Miss Li. That would be insane." Wei Yan said, pretending to be calm and unaffected. To think this assignment was already becoming interesting on the first day! Senior Ming Guang would be sad that he missed it.

"Well I'm definitely not doing that," she replied, turning to Zhou Yu to scold her. "Go and take some probiotics; you're so constipated that shit is coming out your mouth!"

'Oooooooh' A ripple of laughter and exclamations went through the crowd, as though they were watching a particularly exciting schoolyard dispute.

It felt great to see this inconsiderate heiress humiliated and reduced to a spluttering mess. While the residents were wealthy enough, none of them wanted to risk their home and livelihood to protest against Zhou Yu's actions.

But that didn't mean they couldn't support Sun Jingwei's fiancee in getting her to move her car!

Meanwhile, Zhou Yu's face turned red in anger. She wasn't going to let herself be insulted by Xue Ning twice in a day! Even when words failed her, actions wouldn't.

She raised her hand and Xue Ning tensed, teeth bared as though daring her to make her move. Zhou Yu aimed to slap her, only to be surprised to find her hand stuck!

She turned angrily, pausing when she realised her hand was held firmly back by a handsome young man. She gnashed her teeth; why were there hot men defending this bitch of a woman?

"Let go!" She screamed in his face, but he didn't flinch.

"I cannot do that, you're threatening Miss Li." Wei Yan said calmly.

Xue Ning was also surprised. She was fully prepared to dodge Zhou Yu's slap, fling her to the ground and then rip off her hair strand by strand, but this was fine too.

Wei Yan seemed excited that there was conflict happening - as though he was a hunting dog delighted at the prospect of prey. She could see the hastily disguised glee in his eyes.

Far be it for her to ruin his fun.

"I will not be insulted by the likes of you!" Zhou Yu shrieked as she pointed at her and Wei Yan. Her eyes swivelled between the two of them, and a strange light dawned in her eyes.

Xue Ning had a feeling she was going to say something stupid, and her intuition was sadly right.

"You're such a slut that you're moving on to fresh new meat! Bringing your new man to visit Jingwei's home, and then getting him to defend you now! You're the worst!"

Yep. Xue Ning guessed it. Zhou Yu did the simple math equation of 1+1, and had gotten the wrong value of 50000.

"That's ridiculous," Wei Yan said, shooting Zhou Yu with a look of pure disdain.

"Stop defending her! You're being lied to!"

"Should I be honoured that you think so highly of me?" Xue Ning asked. "Not even my family members believe I have the ability to seduce men so easily. Don't project your own abilities onto me, thank you very much."

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